Morrissey Central "I DON’T KNOW WHY MY MOTHER IS DEAD" (August 23, 2020)


“Following a stroke, her recovery was remarkable.
She had three extensive head-to-toe examinations by the NHS who could find nothing amiss.
Four days following the third all-clear examination I was told that my mother had three weeks to live.
Nine days later she had withered and died without any attempt by the NHS to save her life.
Once the NHS waves you off with paracetamol, get ready to meet your maker.
The official cause of my mother’s death was not the trendy and unquestionable “covid” - but, instead, cancer of the gallbladder … which had gone undetected by the NHS during their three thorough investigations.
How I wish to all gods that my mother had expressed no faith in the NHS.
She might still be alive today.”

23 August 2020.


Media item:
He could be a sole trader & not on companies house.

It would be completely unwise and not really possible to operate such a high income company as a sole trader.

Sole trader means there is no limited liability and if things go wrong someone can not only lose the money within the company but also all assets of the company and all personal assets such as all property and then lead to bankruptcy.

Because of the increased risk of dealing with sole traders most industry clients will not do business with sole traders and will only deal with limited liability entities.

The other issue is tax liability. The tax liability for a sole trader is far greater than within a limited company because all income is taxed as income.

So all income above £50k would mean a 40% tax liability. If it goes above £150k then tax goes up to 45%. Also for every £2 above £100k income £1 is taken off the personal tax free allowance. When it reaches £125k there is no personal allowance.

Compare this to a limited company where the tax paid would be corporation tax which is currently 19%.

No one in the right mind with this kind of income would operate as a sole trader and would more than likely not be possible and the risks are personally great.

All my clients will not deal with a sole trader. They will only pay a limited company because of the risks involved. Sole trader is good for lower income businesses.
The problem is you’re wrong again. There are loads of loopholes in PSC rules and if you were as well informed as you try to make out that would be painfully obvious. Oh wait a minute - vince cable cracked down on it did he? ‘The beneficial ownership register’? That doesn’t exist. Are you just googling all this crap? You might be referring to PSC disclosure. Which you can’t search en masse. And which is easy to get round legally. Which you would know if you were a hot shot tax and corporate structuring expert , which you’re not, so log off and piss off. Anonymous prick.

yes it does exist and yes it does cover PSC disclosure. It is public but not en masse but anyone within finance can access it and it is accessible for a fee and subscribers.

I am not googling. As a large business director it is my job to know this.

Tell me rude twat then. Why would Morrissey set up a company where he is not a PSC, therefore not having significant control over the company and his own money?

No one would put their own money into a company they cant control and have less than 25% share. If he has more than 25% share and control then he is a PSC and has to be on the register.

I suspect you are googling.

It makes no sense what you suggest.

You fight so strongly that Morrissey would never have an offshore company and be tax resident in a different company but you do believe Morrissey would close all his solo based companies as listed on his products and then create a company where he is hidden from site and not have any control of the company or any more than 25% of it's money.

Think about what you are saying.

No such thing as the Beneficial Ownership Register:

Lol, now it’s the world of ‘corporate finance’ which is something different altogether. Is this an automated google -bot ffs
why is it something different, It is what I have been talking about for hours.
He's jumped the shark.

What does that mean. I have been talking about nothing but corporate finances. It is all about corporate tax and finance.

The days of artists being left a suitcase of cash in the dressing room have long gone and he isn't employed by a record company. He has to have a company structure.
but you aren't right. His income from sales isnt liable to Royalty Withhold Taxes because of the Dual Tax Treaties.

It is liable. The treaty allows for a relief tax application but it's more for estates.
This is madness.

The same people who moan about the price of a pint increasing gladly pay tax for something their entire lives even if the quality of it is poor. The people who have a good experience always question those who have a bad one as if there only exists one type of experience which only shows the greed in people.
I didn't have to pay for the NHS appointment that was the worst ever so in that sense the system worked this time around and to my shock the head of that particular part of the NHS admitted that they have a lot of work to do to gain back the trust of the public.
Imagine a socialist admitting that there indeed exist problems that need to be taken care of. It is a quality they always seem to be lacking which says a lot about their background and upbringing and how they view other people.
Wow. I have never read so much sh*te in my life.

We don't live in a socialist system and I am not a socialist. I absolutely believe people can make money and actually socialism also is not against that either so you are showing your lack of knowledge on what socialism actually is.

I do live in a mansion but I am not a socialist.

I do believe however that people from whatever percentile they are in have a right to healthcare and that has nothing to do with whether people are allowed to make money or not. Healthcare should not be for sale to the highest bidder.

The poor want no help. Sure. Tell that to those queueing at food banks.
We don't live in a socialist system says the fan of the NHS which is the ultimate symbol of socialism. I'm afraid you lost all credibility with that quote.
You want to pay for a service you rarely use all your life instead of managing your own economy and making sure you can pay for it when needed.
You prefer socialism.
Rubbish. all of that. We don't have a socialist government. Did you miss that so which socialist solution are you talking about?

A fact might make your case look credible. I cant discuss with someone who is just spouting non factual statements without the ability to explain any of it with facts. You are just rattling words out and without facts are meaningless. So if you have no facts that you can produce I am unable and unwilling to discuss with you which is my standard response to any conspiracy theorist.
The NHS is a socialist idea that is still around no matter who is in power and in that lies an answer to a lot of questions when it comes to politics.
You know what? Every so often a Randist/alt-right/fascist berk like you blows through here. Usually you get bored or banned fairly quickly so you generally don't last very long. You all tend to have the same modus operandi - you make ludicrous claims or spout well-worn conspiracy theories that no-one with an ounce of intelligence would take seriously, and when you get challenged on your utter bullshit you start demanding 'facts' and 'evidence,' despite the fact that you yourself have provided not one iota of proof yourself to back up your ludicrous assertions.
But don't let me deter you. Sometimes it's interesting to see how the other half (don't) think.
Look who is talking and god forbid people from having a view, eh?
As long as people agree with you there really is no problem. I am afraif Morrissey's socialist fanbase was always out of tune with the times and the man they used to adore. He must feel awful about having fans like you even if you're now just a former fan which may make him sleep a bit better.
Yes your kind hates facts like all socialists cause it is too hard to study and read and learn something and if you do your entire belief system collapses and the real world fall on top of you.
We on this side are thinking and seeing and feeling but socialists never did cause they hate individual freedom and the right to choose how to live your life. They still believe that people are unemployed and poor when the fact of the matter is that people long ago stopped wanting to contribute as generations of socialists slaves thought everything would be given to them by stealing from the rich and successful and often beautiful people with style and manners.
Robin Hood is old and fat and lazy and Marion left him for a racist.
You know what? Every so often a Randist/alt-right/fascist berk like you blows through here. Usually you get bored or banned fairly quickly so you generally don't last very long. You all tend to have the same modus operandi - you make ludicrous claims or spout well-worn conspiracy theories that no-one with an ounce of intelligence would take seriously, and when you get challenged on your utter bullshit you start demanding 'facts' and 'evidence,' despite the fact that you yourself have provided not one iota of proof yourself to back up your ludicrous assertions.
But don't let me deter you. Sometimes it's interesting to see how the other half (don't) think.
Ayn Rand says Radis Noir and it looks like you are playing around with letters. You are out of your depth but people probably tell you that you are smart but never behind your back.
"Morrissey wouldn't have said what he said without considering the facts."

Hhmm. He is upset. I am not sure fact consideration is foremost on his mind at this time.

He is not upset. He is in pain and looking for answers. Everybody deserves answers.
I hope this is what Morrissey's office is like:

í knew there was an inspiration for the Hollywood Bowl 'outfit'...

Moz Hollywood Gucci (i).jpg

Moz Hollywood Gucci (ii).jpg

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