Morrissey Central "I DON’T KNOW WHY MY MOTHER IS DEAD" (August 23, 2020)


“Following a stroke, her recovery was remarkable.
She had three extensive head-to-toe examinations by the NHS who could find nothing amiss.
Four days following the third all-clear examination I was told that my mother had three weeks to live.
Nine days later she had withered and died without any attempt by the NHS to save her life.
Once the NHS waves you off with paracetamol, get ready to meet your maker.
The official cause of my mother’s death was not the trendy and unquestionable “covid” - but, instead, cancer of the gallbladder … which had gone undetected by the NHS during their three thorough investigations.
How I wish to all gods that my mother had expressed no faith in the NHS.
She might still be alive today.”

23 August 2020.


Media item:
Where on earth do you get this stuff from?

They are not active companies. They were all closed down. There is no requirement to file anything for a closed company.

He works in the UK & gets royalties from sales here. It's all got to be accounted for however it's done.
Morrissey, I'm very sorry for your mother's passing. I also regret that my mother has so much confidence in allopathic medicine, and does not seek to have a healthier life. While I'm living with her, I try to be an example within my means. But believe me that you can still see her again, and that now she is living in a better place, resting from the struggles of this world. Strong hug.
He works in the UK & gets royalties from sales here. It's all got to be accounted for however it's done.

Now you are talking about something completely different.

You think Morrissey gets income directly from shop sales?

That tax goes through the record company and Morrissey then gets paid his fee after sales tax/VAT etc to his publishing company by the record company which is not in the UK. The record company will pay corporation tax in the UK.

It is absolutely all accounted for in the same way every time Apple sells a laptop it is accounted for but there is no income tax or corporation tax liability for Morrissey in the UK related to this.

Those sales are the same as any other product sale for products made by companies that are not UK based.

It is not him personally selling the goods, it is the record company. He has a contract with the record company and they pay him to wherever that may be.

You are talking about very complex corporate tax and you are trying to understand it as you go by saying this must happen and that must happen as you always do but in this subject you can't do that.

Do you think Bezos pays UK income tax? His company Amazon will pay employment taxes for its employees working in the UK and he will pay VAT and a certain amount of corporate tax for the uk arm of the Amazon company but it is a very small amount compared to the approx £11 billion Amazon makes annually out of the UK. Most of the profit goes out of the UK and is not liable to UK tax. The UK company is there to support the workforce and warehouse operations etc.

Morrissey doesn't have a company in the UK. He just gets paid by his record company for sales etc. There is no requirement for him to do anything different. His company gets paid and then he gets paid a salary and shareholder dividends from that company and the tax is paid where he earns that and that is not in the UK.

I think you should just drop it because I dont think you will ever understand it and it is quite dull having to bit by bit explain that what you say is not correct every time you make another statement of alleged fact regarding corporate tax.
children pay for insurance do they? Did you know that the numbers of people in the UK living in poverty are high and these people dont pay for house insurance, they dont own a house or a car and struggle to put food on the table.

The examples where insurance is in place show extreme issues with healthcare and the health of the poor disintegrating. The health of the nation reduces overall, people don't go for vaccines, people dont go for checkups, they dont get screened, cancer cases and heart cases go up, the elderly don't go to their GP. It is a flawed system as proven in the likes of the USA. It will reduce the healthcare of a nation to how we look after our pets.

Healthcare is a human right, not a privilege of those who can afford it.

Pointless discussion because the NHS will never disappear even if you don't like it. It isn't a mindset of defeatism. I am proud we have the NHS and the majority of people in this country feel the same. IN many polls people have clearly indicated they would not support a private insurance based system. Any government that tries to introduce that into the UK will not last long.
What you are really saying then is that the NHS is a dictatorship that cannot be removed. Well, as it happens in a democracy anything can be removed by the power of vote. On top of that new times with new challenges may force drastic changes as Covid is a prime example of.
This idea that people feel entitled to services without any kind of contribution shows the mindset in people these days. I believe there will come a time when this system ends and is replaced and a lot of people have changed their mind on it in the past few years so we are seeing a silent revolution where people turn to private care and are happy that they did.
When it comes to kids it is high time that parents paid for everything they need out of their own pocket instead of forcing others to pay for their kids which is what we have now. But it will be hard for the socialists out there to adapt to this new system that is already here as an alternative and that alternative is slowly taking over day by day.
I have more confidence than you who rely on an old system that you know full well isn't liked by many who in recent years have started to attack the fact that we pay for a service every day of our lives which means it is overpriced.
I'm quite able to do so, bollocks-talker, but seeing as you can't even be bothered to get an account, I'll save my efforts for those who can.
That was a long complicated reply when you could have just admitted that you cannot prove a thing.
His book copyright is Whores In Retirement.

You will find Whores in Retirement all over the place, as sleeve creators on a lot of is solo stuff. Also you will find Bona Relations as the publisher on a lot of his singles etc.

No longer exists in the UK.
actually most people have stated time and time again that they do not want the NHS privatised and I do not see it as something that doesn't work and not many people do so your "Most people" comment is meaningless and unproven
That is because public statistics are lies and it is very easy to see the growing criticism plus the fact that people have actively chosen the alternative and found that it is better. Only today I got a reply from the woman in charge of the eye clinic who to my surprise admitted that they have struggled with issues for years and trying to better themselves as people have left for private care options instead.
I live in the real world and you live in this 60's fantasy socialist world where things did not work better but appeared to be as there was no alternative.
I bet you hate alternatives because as a socialist you hate personal freedom and the success of others. Morrissey wrote a song about that called "we hate it when our friends become successful" which was just one of many hints that he never was and never will be a socialist. A socialist doesn't travel and move to the states but now some do trying to collapse the whole country.
Jealousy is the worst trait of all in people.
you are f***ing insane. Bye Bye.
In other words you have no arguments and cannot present a single fact and quite frankly you lost this debate. Knowledge is power and you should try educating yourself a bit before entering a debate.
In other words you have no arguments and cannot present a single fact and quite frankly you lost this debate. Knowledge is power and you should try educating yourself a bit before entering a debate.

whatever makes you happy . But in terms of facts you provided none.

I understand the NHS and how private models work and your argument is not based on any facts or knowledge. You allure to the fact that the NHS has murdered people and more people that the Nazis and that it was a master plan to reduce pension costs.

You obviously have no facts to back that up because as with all insane conspiracy theories it isnt based on any fact.

Your comments on this with regard to nazis and deliberate plans to kill elderly people just made you lose any credibility with everyone. You make yourself look just a tad ridiculous.
That is because public statistics are lies and it is very easy to see the growing criticism plus the fact that people have actively chosen the alternative and found that it is better. Only today I got a reply from the woman in charge of the eye clinic who to my surprise admitted that they have struggled with issues for years and trying to better themselves as people have left for private care options instead.
I live in the real world and you live in this 60's fantasy socialist world where things did not work better but appeared to be as there was no alternative.
I bet you hate alternatives because as a socialist you hate personal freedom and the success of others. Morrissey wrote a song about that called "we hate it when our friends become successful" which was just one of many hints that he never was and never will be a socialist. A socialist doesn't travel and move to the states but now some do trying to collapse the whole country.
Jealousy is the worst trait of all in people.

I'm not a socialist but I dont believe fro knowledge that an insurance model is workable and is disastrous wherever is has been set up.

I believe in personal freedom, the freedom to have free healthcare for all not just based on wealth.

I think you will find Morrissey's lyrics are nothing to do with people hating the fact they cant afford private health insurance.

You are deranged. Jealous. I have no jealousy with regard to money and I want for nothing but children who are born in poverty and stay in poverty into their adulthood deserve the same healthcare provision of all. You have this fantasy of healthcare being a corporate profit machine but it would return us to a victorian Britain with the poor not getting the healthcare and disease prevention they currently get for free. The country's health would plummet.
What you are really saying then is that the NHS is a dictatorship that cannot be removed. Well, as it happens in a democracy anything can be removed by the power of vote. On top of that new times with new challenges may force drastic changes as Covid is a prime example of.
This idea that people feel entitled to services without any kind of contribution shows the mindset in people these days. I believe there will come a time when this system ends and is replaced and a lot of people have changed their mind on it in the past few years so we are seeing a silent revolution where people turn to private care and are happy that they did.
When it comes to kids it is high time that parents paid for everything they need out of their own pocket instead of forcing others to pay for their kids which is what we have now. But it will be hard for the socialists out there to adapt to this new system that is already here as an alternative and that alternative is slowly taking over day by day.
I have more confidence than you who rely on an old system that you know full well isn't liked by many who in recent years have started to attack the fact that we pay for a service every day of our lives which means it is overpriced.

again you talk crap with no evidence. The people of this country will never support a private healthcare system where they will need to buy insurance to private companies. Will never happen.

If your evidence of he public moving away from the NHS to private health is based on your mate at an eye clinic well I think Ill reserve judgement on that unless you have something a little more concrete to link to?
whatever makes you happy . But in terms of facts you provided none.

I understand the NHS and how private models work and your argument is not based on any facts or knowledge. You allure to the fact that the NHS has murdered people and more people that the Nazis and that it was a master plan to reduce pension costs.

You obviously have no facts to back that up because as with all insane conspiracy theories it isnt based on any fact.

Your comments on this with regard to nazis and deliberate plans to kill elderly people just made you lose any credibility with everyone. You make yourself look just a tad ridiculous.
So your reply to me saying you have no facts is you saying the same thing about me. That is a waste of time on your part. I thought you said goodbye to me and this debate but here you are again unable to admit defeat.
I'm not a socialist but I dont believe fro knowledge that an insurance model is workable and is disastrous wherever is has been set up.

I believe in personal freedom, the freedom to have free healthcare for all not just based on wealth.

I think you will find Morrissey's lyrics are nothing to do with people hating the fact they cant afford private health insurance.

You are deranged. Jealous. I have no jealousy with regard to money and I want for nothing but children who are born in poverty and stay in poverty into their adulthood deserve the same healthcare provision of all. You have this fantasy of healthcare being a corporate profit machine but it would return us to a victorian Britain with the poor not getting the healthcare and disease prevention they currently get for free. The country's health would plummet.
You are not a fan of alternatives and that comes from jealousy towards people who create their own lives outside a socialist system. I doubt you have realised that people are not poor anymore in a way they used to be. Socialists tend to live in mansions and claim they are poor.
You just hate that people make money but that money is also needed for investment and therefor it also goes toward making things better. It funds education and the development of new technique.
The NHS can just deliver the same crap without losing funding and in there lies the whole issue with it. People always needed pressure to be better and when that is removed they cannot care less about the quality they deliver.
When it comes to Morrissey only today do people really get his lyrics. This is because his fanbase tended to be socialist and therefor interpreted the lyrics in a way he never intended.
The so called poor of today are people who refuse to talk to social workers and claim that their personal pride gets in the way of it. Social workers have to check a person background and all kinds of things to be able to provide any long term assistance. Those in the streets turned their backs on a system they want no part of. The so called poor cannot be helped cause they want no help and every study on this clearly shows that.
Again I advice you so study more.
again you talk crap with no evidence. The people of this country will never support a private healthcare system where they will need to buy insurance to private companies. Will never happen.

If your evidence of he public moving away from the NHS to private health is based on your mate at an eye clinic well I think Ill reserve judgement on that unless you have something a little more concrete to link to?
You do not speak for the majority but socialist always tend to do that. People buy insurance to private companies already today. But most of them just turn to them and pay the fees.
A more honest system would give you the option of paying for it yourself and thereby keeping the tax that goes to public healthcare or you can pay that tax and turn to the public healthcare. That way we could all choose what we prefer but as you can see socialism is a system forcing people to pay for both cause if people turn to private care they still pay for the public healthcare.
Imagine if we used a system like that in other fields of society. I think your angry parents forced you to believe in something that you never quite challenged and questioned. You just cannot think of an alternative and that makes you a socialist.
If the NHS worked so well we would not be able to pay extra fees for every appointment as we have already paid huge taxes for it. Adding additional fees is the sign that the system is crumbling and the socialist solution is to put a band aid on a leaking hole. The extra fees for appointments is tax as well.
Only socialists claim that education and healthcare is free when everyone is forced to pay for it no matter what.
Why people pretend to love freedom when they at the same time back a system that is far from free is beyond me. People have this double standard cause they cannot even imagine another way of life.
Why are the people of the NHS abandoning their jobs for better paid jobs in private companies?
Why has the well educated white people of the healthcare been replaced by people from the third world?
Because it is cheaper to hire someone from another country and the private companies never tend to hire them so in the private care sector you find the white people who used to work for the NHS.
We need to be honest about this.
You do not speak for the majority but socialist always tend to do that. People buy insurance to private companies already today. But most of them just turn to them and pay the fees.
A more honest system would give you the option of paying for it yourself and thereby keeping the tax that goes to public healthcare or you can pay that tax and turn to the public healthcare. That way we could all choose what we prefer but as you can see socialism is a system forcing people to pay for both cause if people turn to private care they still pay for the public healthcare.
Imagine if we used a system like that in other fields of society. I think your angry parents forced you to believe in something that you never quite challenged and questioned. You just cannot think of an alternative and that makes you a socialist.
You know what? Every so often a Randist/alt-right/fascist berk like you blows through here. Usually you get bored or banned fairly quickly so you generally don't last very long. You all tend to have the same modus operandi - you make ludicrous claims or spout well-worn conspiracy theories that no-one with an ounce of intelligence would take seriously, and when you get challenged on your utter bullshit you start demanding 'facts' and 'evidence,' despite the fact that you yourself have provided not one iota of proof yourself to back up your ludicrous assertions.
But don't let me deter you. Sometimes it's interesting to see how the other half (don't) think.
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