Morrissey Central "HELLO HELL" (April 19, 2021)


April 19, 2021

"This is my first comment (and hopefully my last) on The Simpsons' episode - which I know has enraged many people. The hatred shown towards me from the creators of The Simpsons is obviously a taunting lawsuit, but one that requires more funding than I could possibly muster in order to make a challenge. Neither do I have a determined business squad of legal practitioners ready to pounce. I think this is generally understood and is the reason why I am so carelessly and noisily attacked. You are especially despised if your music affects people in a strong and beautiful way, since music is no longer required to. In fact, the worst thing you can do in 2021 is to lend a bit of strength to the lives of others. There is no place in modern music for anyone with strong emotions. Limitations have been placed on art, and no label will sign an artist who might answer back. Anyway, forgive me, we all know this because we can see how music - and the world in general, has become a mesmerizing mess, and we must let it go spinning along unbearably because free speech no longer exists. We all know this. In my case, nothing about my life has ever been matter-of-fact; nothing about my songs has ever been matter-of-fact … so why would they now be? Since my very first interview several decades ago I have lived with horrible accusations to such a degree that it is generally understood that 'this is how we write about Morrissey'. In other words, I'm quite used to it. I've had enough horror thrown at me that would kill off a herd of bison. Accusations usually come from someone with a crazed desire for importance; they don't operate at a very high level. Writing for The Simpsons, for example, evidently requires only complete ignorance. But all of these things are too easy for me to say. In a world obsessed with Hate Laws, there are none that protect me. Often, the scandal sheets (do we STILL refer to them as 'news'papers?) attempt to psychologically wound an artist, and then, hopefully stir up enough hatred against that artist so that s/he is physically wounded. False theories of race are now the most common (and boring) aspect of all criticism, and will continue to be so until accusations of racism are in themselves illicit. I have watched 'Smiths fans' being attacked by the UK press on the grounds that 'Smiths fans' are too backward to understand the person that I am; I have watched the modern Morrissey audience be ridiculed by the UK press with the belief that they, too, couldn't possibly know who I am, and I have lost several high-profile friends because they could no longer live with the night and day harassment from British journalists who are suicidally anguished because they cannot urge the people around me to drum up tell-tale incidents of racism. This battle fatigue I face alone, although I am very grateful to the writer Fiona Dodwell for her eloquent appraisals of the victimization that now automatically associates with my name, and on which The Simpsons latest episode feasts.
People continually ask me why I do not retaliate - especially following the Sky Sports open slander. The answer is explained in the first few lines of this comment. Life is difficult and you must face it on your own, and even with the impossible-to-imagine legal artillary, everything can be repaired … except the human heart.

It is easier for me not to go on. You know I couldn't last."

19 April 2021, Los Angeles.


Edit: That picture appears to be by Travis Shinn, from the same session that produced the inner sleeve pictures of Something Is Squeezing My Skull.

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It's not funny though. They took something that was one of his best and most noble qualities (his lifelong vegetarianism) and used it to hurt and slander him. It was incredibly low. If they had played up his worst qualities fine, but on the vegetarian stance he deserves some f***ing credit. In actuality they're not attacking morrissey, they're attacking grotesque eat eaters. I mean I guess grotesque meat eaters are funny in a repulsive sort of way, but they bear absolutely no relation to Mozzer.
This was my biggest issue with the episode but there were a few.. but this was just a hack job.

To portray him as a meat eater and a total hypocrite on a major foundation of his life is a very poor way to criticize someone.

If you have a problem with Morrissey's "Keep England English" state of mind and statements promoting that concept, attack THAT. I was not impressed.
Yep. Lucky Lisa, who can still have fond memories of Quilloughby, when real life old Morrissey, although not ejaculating chipolatas 4 realz, currently does everything he can to be remembered as a frightful old bore.
Trying to get Morrissey to see a Simpsons episode as an entertaining cautionary tale about popstars or even himself (oops, too late for that!) is proving as arduous as trying to make an angry bearded man in Pakistan see the funny side of a caricature...
(Isn't it sad how every human reaction, regardless of where you're from, boils down to how much culture, education and open-mindedness you've got?)

Btw Morrissnuff, you took the Dodwell bait, but the sad truth is, if Dickens used you as inspiration for a Carol you'd still whinge, so stop trying to make us believe you know what a writer is, when you can't even do paragraphs.

As for syphilis, I guess there was just a lot about A.M Waters and Morrissey we didn't know...

:rofl:Slow news day in the UK! Move over Prince Philip: make room for the Catsoup.
...Carefuuul! LIFT! -Hold on, who are we lifting again? Nobody knows, he didn't sign his very neat paragraphs.
Damn, Catsoup, how hard was it to sign Mmgmt? You dyslexic?

(BTW, Philip, excellent choice of music, dude.)(Yeah... I skipped the last two M albums but listened to the whole funeral -Don't show any emotion about that, Morrissey. Shouldn't be too hard as you don't have them.)

No. You're staying here.

That Morrissey... He does go on, doesn't he.
But you know, he couldn't fast.

... refuge cheese? AGAIN?
You certainly do live up to your name...
I can't stand the bloke any more, but I will read such statements to see what he has to say about whatever issue is being discussed. However, along with the lack of paragraphs, I gave up on this statement a third of the way through. How the f*** can anyone read this garbage and think this is the bloke you want to idolise in your spare time? This story is old, but it goes on, etc etc.
This was my biggest issue with the episode but there were a few.. but this was just a hack job.

To portray him as a meat eater and a total hypocrite on a major foundation of his life is a very poor way to criticize someone.

If you have a problem with Morrissey's "Keep England English" state of mind and statements promoting that concept, attack THAT. I was not impressed.
It is called satire.

Dear God
I can't stand the bloke any more, but I will read such statements to see what he has to say about whatever issue is being discussed. However, along with the lack of paragraphs, I gave up on this statement a third of the way through. How the f*** can anyone read this garbage and think this is the bloke you want to idolise in your spare time? This story is old, but it goes on, etc etc.
You lasted a third of the way through?

I lasted a third of the way through a DofE documentary and funeral but probably only the 1st sentence of this statement.

Coincidentally Anne Marie Walters and For Britain both have tribute statements for Morrissey and the DofE.

Maybe he should have taken a page out of the royal PR book and totally ignored it and told that so called manager to ignore it too. It would then have been a blip but now it is all over the place and people will no doubt tune in to the show in their millions.

The Royals PR machine of saying zero seemed to have survived having an alleged pedo in their ranks and alleged racism in their ranks and their popularity is sky high again after recent events.

Standing up and stating outrage can only attract outrage.

Or maybe he should read a bit more Oscar Wilde. "There is only one thing worse than being talked about......."
The funniest thing about this statement is Morrissey thinks his high-profile friends have deserted him because they're being hassled by the press for dirt on him :lbf:

They deserted him because he's a racist f***nugget. Decent people want nothing to do with racist f***nuggets.

I wonder if he thinks the tens of thousands of fans who've also dumped his sorry arse in the last few years are also sick of being hassled by the press? The man is utterly deluded.
You lasted a third of the way through?

I lasted a third of the way through a DofE documentary and funeral but probably only the 1st sentence of this statement.

Coincidentally Anne Marie Walters and For Britain both have tribute statements for Morrissey and the DofE.

Maybe he should have taken a page out of the royal PR book and totally ignored it and told that so called manager to ignore it too. It would then have been a blip but now it is all over the place and people will no doubt tune in to the show in their millions.

The Royals PR machine of saying zero seemed to have survived having an alleged pedo in their ranks and alleged racism in their ranks and their popularity is sky high again after recent events.

Standing up and stating outrage can only attract outrage.

Or maybe he should read a bit more Oscar Wilde. "There is only one thing worse than being talked about......."

I have to be honest, I legit thought you meant Department of Education.

Carry on.
HELLO HELL, with Guillaume Canet. "Bonjour Tristesse"?
Well no, it's just a song. (I dozed off after a couple of seconds so can't tell you what it's about.)

Isn't the way Morrissey randomly mentions French stuff weird though? I mean for most of his life he seems to be unaware there's a land even stranger than Wales almost on his doorstep, then all of a sudden, he's interested in all sorts of mouldy things collecting dust on the shelves of Gallic Celebrity....
Let's take a disbelieving look at Morrissey's French collection so far.

OOoh what 'ave we 'ere?

-Claude Brasseur. The only thing that saves him from anonymity is his German Sheperd mole. (Drunk people often confused him with De Niro. Until he spoke of course.)
-Sami Frey: nice enough, but let's face it, a snoozefest. Probably Swiss, come to think of it.
-Guillaume Canet: the nicest thing people ever say about him is "You've got to be kidding me!".
-Sacha Distel: people might prefer Joe Dassin.
-Christian Dior: Madonna thinks you're stuck in the fifties.
-Charles Aznavour: Edith Piaf with eyebrows.
-Marine Le Pen: a blonde straight pre-Weight Watchers version of A.M.Waters, but with a better elocution, since coming from the same area as Prince Philip when he played at being Robinhood in Frenchland (he did). Simply put, looking like an Alsatian butcher's daughter, but not sounding like one (whereas A.M.W sounds like she works part-time in a Cork fish market, doesn't she. Well maybe not exactly there.)

And Eric Cantona. Who doesn't like Morrissey anyway.

So basically M knows nothing about France. It's a bit as if a French person said " I love England!" And, when asked what they love about it, said "David Lloyd George."

(End of cultural interlude) (is Morrissey's manager really badmouthing Benedict's balls now?? LMAO. Look Catsoup, I think the world already knows you're a huge dick...Quit while you're a dickhead...
- Sorry, ahead.

Hmmm. That bit where he says it's mean to make fun of someone because they're fat. Well, Morrissey himself did that to Julie Burchill and Gail Shea, so a little consistency and background knowledge may have helped there. And I don't think being a 'fractured person' lets you off the hook for your bigotry - absolutely it does not. And he says they got the 'Twittermob' to write the end of it? Come on, that's just plain bollocks. And he says the writers are "Lazy, disenchanted Morrissey fans" - again - come on - just talk to them. And he's just plain wrong about the reason for a non-reunion. There will never be a reunion because Morrissey will never, ever forgive Mike Joyce for dumping him.
"There will never be a reunion because Morrissey will never, ever forgive Mike Joyce for dumping him."

skinny coming out with this old classic
about as reliable as his boz has quit the band nonsense

deluded he is


And the mess continues to spread... so much better have just remained silent. 🤢
Moz ain't lyin' about limitations bein' placed on art.
They want limitations so ya don't find liberation.
Did ya really think ya could tell ya rules to a Wild Turkey?
Did ya really think a Wild Turkey was gonna just go round
and round in ya jerk circle?
No dice, drip.

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