Morrissey Central "HELLO HELL" (April 19, 2021)


April 19, 2021

"This is my first comment (and hopefully my last) on The Simpsons' episode - which I know has enraged many people. The hatred shown towards me from the creators of The Simpsons is obviously a taunting lawsuit, but one that requires more funding than I could possibly muster in order to make a challenge. Neither do I have a determined business squad of legal practitioners ready to pounce. I think this is generally understood and is the reason why I am so carelessly and noisily attacked. You are especially despised if your music affects people in a strong and beautiful way, since music is no longer required to. In fact, the worst thing you can do in 2021 is to lend a bit of strength to the lives of others. There is no place in modern music for anyone with strong emotions. Limitations have been placed on art, and no label will sign an artist who might answer back. Anyway, forgive me, we all know this because we can see how music - and the world in general, has become a mesmerizing mess, and we must let it go spinning along unbearably because free speech no longer exists. We all know this. In my case, nothing about my life has ever been matter-of-fact; nothing about my songs has ever been matter-of-fact … so why would they now be? Since my very first interview several decades ago I have lived with horrible accusations to such a degree that it is generally understood that 'this is how we write about Morrissey'. In other words, I'm quite used to it. I've had enough horror thrown at me that would kill off a herd of bison. Accusations usually come from someone with a crazed desire for importance; they don't operate at a very high level. Writing for The Simpsons, for example, evidently requires only complete ignorance. But all of these things are too easy for me to say. In a world obsessed with Hate Laws, there are none that protect me. Often, the scandal sheets (do we STILL refer to them as 'news'papers?) attempt to psychologically wound an artist, and then, hopefully stir up enough hatred against that artist so that s/he is physically wounded. False theories of race are now the most common (and boring) aspect of all criticism, and will continue to be so until accusations of racism are in themselves illicit. I have watched 'Smiths fans' being attacked by the UK press on the grounds that 'Smiths fans' are too backward to understand the person that I am; I have watched the modern Morrissey audience be ridiculed by the UK press with the belief that they, too, couldn't possibly know who I am, and I have lost several high-profile friends because they could no longer live with the night and day harassment from British journalists who are suicidally anguished because they cannot urge the people around me to drum up tell-tale incidents of racism. This battle fatigue I face alone, although I am very grateful to the writer Fiona Dodwell for her eloquent appraisals of the victimization that now automatically associates with my name, and on which The Simpsons latest episode feasts.
People continually ask me why I do not retaliate - especially following the Sky Sports open slander. The answer is explained in the first few lines of this comment. Life is difficult and you must face it on your own, and even with the impossible-to-imagine legal artillary, everything can be repaired … except the human heart.

It is easier for me not to go on. You know I couldn't last."

19 April 2021, Los Angeles.


Edit: That picture appears to be by Travis Shinn, from the same session that produced the inner sleeve pictures of Something Is Squeezing My Skull.

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I don’t know about you, but this shitstorm only makes me love the old Mozzer more. Not the cool way to respond, but I never was very cool anyway.
I don’t know about you, but this shitstorm only makes me love the old Mozzer more. Not the cool way to respond, but I never was very cool anyway.
im with you on this and iv always been cool,i wouldnt change for anybody especially people on here,they are people i dont know and will never meet.
I can't stand the bloke any more, but I will read such statements to see what he has to say about whatever issue is being discussed. However, along with the lack of paragraphs, I gave up on this statement a third of the way through. How the f*** can anyone read this garbage and think this is the bloke you want to idolise in your spare time? This story is old, but it goes on, etc etc.
i cant stand the bloke anymore but here you are wasting your time on a website dedicated to the bloke you cant stand.make your mind up.
I don’t know about you, but this shitstorm only makes me love the old Mozzer more. Not the cool way to respond, but I never was very cool anyway.

Morrissey Official Instagram quoting a fan project / page:

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(placed here as it partially appears to have appeared as a result of the Central post).
Queridísimo Morrissey:







¡¡¡¡¡si si si!!!!! Estoy de acuerdo 100% !!!! VIVA MOZY CARAJOO
LOVE YOU MORRISSEY! Very excited to see you live later this year. We need you.

If it's Vegas you're referring to, hopefully you booked the first Saturday. Even though they have only released 60% of available seats, that's the one that has sold the most seats and most likely to go ahead.
Morrissey Official Instagram quoting a fan project / page:

View attachment 71326View attachment 71327View attachment 71328View attachment 71329
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(placed here as it partially appears to have appeared as a result of the Central post).

Aww bless ! Group hug huns????
I shall send a picture of my new Quilloughby tattoo as soon as it’s done if that helps.
Poor Steve he must in absolute turmoil. We all know just too well how he hates the way he looks in old age. Just look at all those promo posters he uses of himself from donkeys years ago when he’s on tour.
I always feel sorry for Diesel at times like this. It must be pure hell stuck in a 5star hotel room living out of a suitcase and trying calm the master down with only YouTube footage and lots of G + T.

P S Does anyone know if the Quilloughby Emporium merch store has any t-shirts left with (Dude) his dead cat on them in size L ?

Benny-the-British-Butcher 🇬🇧 :knife:

God Save The Queen
Aww bless ! Group hug huns????
I shall send a picture of my new Quilloughby tattoo as soon as it’s done if that helps.
Poor Steve he must in absolute turmoil. We all know just too well how he hates the way he looks in old age. Just look at all those promo posters he uses of himself from donkeys years ago when he’s on tour.
I always feel sorry for Diesel at times like this. It must be pure hell stuck in a 5star hotel room living out of a suitcase and trying calm the master down with only YouTube footage and lots of G + T.

P S Does anyone know if the Quilloughby Emporium merch store has any t-shirts left with (Dude) his dead cat on them in size L ?

Benny-the-British-Butcher 🇬🇧 :knife:

God Save The Queen
The Lonsdale slip on one reappears - wonder why. Council dwelling peasant.

The word is that a certain Ex True 2 super fan who was ex-communicated from the inner circle has close connections with writers on The Simpsons and has decided to take a leaf out Megan Fark-all’s book and spilled the beans big time on him.
Bloody Yanks ! To hell with them, to hell with them, to hell with them, to hell with them.

Benny-the-British-Butcher 🇬🇧 :knife:
The Lonsdale slip on one reappears - wonder why. Council dwelling peasant.
”The Lonsdale One” you refer to (pictured outside Beechmount tending to the flowers) was non other than the useless Nephew SER you bellend. Go back to the archives and study the tattoos on his arm.
Come back when you know what yer talking about won’t ya :brows:

Mwa x

BtBB 🇬🇧:knife:
Your true fans (I’ve been one for 36 years) support you and know the truth about you. That you are a brilliant, sensitive person who loves animals and feels deeply. The Simpsons tried to depict you in an abhorrent way. It was not funny in any sense of the word. I only watched it to see what it was all about. I was shocked at how disrespectful they were. I can’t believe an actor of Benedict Cumberbatch’s caliber would take part in something so wrong. Shame on them all.
When were you last in the spotlight? What a pathetic and vain little person you are.

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