Fiona Dodwell: "The poet without a home: Morrissey has been let down by the music industry" (May 31, 2021)

The poet without a home: Morrissey has been let down by the music industry

It seems inconceivable to his fans that Morrissey still has yet to find a label to work with on his upcoming record, Bonfire of Teenagers.

Now linked to by Central (June 1, 2021)

He very straightforwardly encouraged his fanbase to vote for her. It was the clearest endorsement I've ever heard him offer a political figure or party.

No he didn't - he didn't mention voting at all.

He'd been getting flack for it so was trying to explain what he liked about her.
No he didn't - he didn't mention voting at all.

He'd been getting flack for it so was trying to explain what he liked about her.
“I have been following a new party called For Britain which is led by Anne Marie Waters,” said Morrissey. “It is the first time in my life that I will vote for a political party. Finally I have hope."

Gee, that's ambiguous.
“I have been following a new party called For Britain which is led by Anne Marie Waters,” said Morrissey. “It is the first time in my life that I will vote for a political party. Finally I have hope."

Gee, that's ambiguous.

Steve needs better advisors. If I had been there, I would have dragged him into the bushes and paddled him.
Do you feel like you might be exaggerating here? Steve hardly urged his fanbase to support hallway Anne Marie. In fact, he clearly stated that he DOES NOT support voting. As for Jez, well, Jez is nice enough but nice isn't enough to do battle with the forces of the ruling class and the elites.

Anyway, @Nerak is coming over to my room in a minute for drinks! bye bye!
“I have been following a new party called For Britain which is led by Anne Marie Waters,” said Morrissey. “It is the first time in my life that I will vote for a political party. Finally I have hope."

Gee, that's ambiguous.
Wow, well spotted. Hadn't seen that before - it couldn't be clearer.
Nerak, you said he didn't mention voting at all, but here he says that he will vote for them.
Are you going to apologise?
Morrissey was handed an open goal with Jeremy Corbyn, wasn't he?
A politician who was an anti-military, anti-monarchy, pro-environment vegetarian, and massively popular with intelligent, idealistic youth. The perfect figure for Morrissey to get behind. A political representation of everything he and The Smiths ever stood for (or as close as we were ever likely to get).
The goal was wide open - he made a couple of positive noises about him, and just had to tap the ball over the line.
But he turned round, urged the fanbase to vote for a nasty, toxic, right-wing party, and scored the biggest own goal of his entire career.

Jr is this you now posting pap speeches as lawnmower spokesperson? :hammer:
Wow, well spotted. Hadn't seen that before - it couldn't be clearer.
Nerak, you said he didn't mention voting at all, but here he says that he will vote for them.
Are you going to apologise?

Urging a vote.

There wasn't an election at the time & when there was - he said nothing.
“I have been following a new party called For Britain which is led by Anne Marie Waters,” said Morrissey. “It is the first time in my life that I will vote for a political party. Finally I have hope."

Gee, that's ambiguous.

As I said to Mike - he didn't urge his fanbase.

There was no election.

And when there was an election - he said nothing.
I'm not trying to wreck your inner life.

He's a public figure, he's going to be talked about, there's f*** all reason why I have to go along with Pitchfork.
Wreck my inner life?

Exactly, you don't have to go along with Pitchfork and that works both bloody ways!
The blokes obviously a nasty piece of work.
Who'd throw money at a racist c***?
Or even want to associate with him, well, only fools.
Throughout this pandemic its just been
me me me , the great I am.
Another album written by a man who knows f*** all about life save for what he gleans from the internet whilst hiding in his hotel room.
Narcissistic fool.
Eh moderator you can't allow them to insult Morrissey in that way by telling him racist shit is a more than obvious reason to remove that message from the solo !! That and any aggressive message addressed to the protagonist of this site Steven P Morrissey
As I said to Mike - he didn't urge his fanbase.

There was no election.

And when there was an election - he said nothing.
Karen, it's shit like this that makes you seem disingenuous. I'm not saying Morrissey is a violent racist or that AMW is the worst person who ever lived, but quit moving the goalposts and admit you're wrong. Morrissey very clearly said "it is the first time in my life I will vote" and later urged his fans to "give them a chance." It's not ambiguous, much as you might like it to be.
Karen, it's shit like this that makes you seem disingenuous. I'm not saying Morrissey is a violent racist or that AMW is the worst person who ever lived, but quit moving the goalposts and admit you're wrong. Morrissey very clearly said "it is the first time in my life I will vote" and later urged his fans to "give them a chance." It's not ambiguous, much as you might like it to be.

Verso - he got flack for mentioning Anne Marie & then put out a statement to mitigate the flack.

It's not disingenuous to point out that there was no election & that the statement was prompted by the flack.

He made another attempt to explain & then Pingate happened & he put out a statement about his political stance that did not include her.

And hasn't mentioned her since.
Karen, it's shit like this that makes you seem disingenuous. I'm not saying Morrissey is a violent racist or that AMW is the worst person who ever lived, but quit moving the goalposts and admit you're wrong. Morrissey very clearly said "it is the first time in my life I will vote" and later urged his fans to "give them a chance." It's not ambiguous, much as you might like it to be.

I don't get why you and Amy bother. Karen and "delusion" are synonyms. She is clearly daydreaming that one day the phone rings and it's Morrissey asking her to be her PR advisor or something. And you know what? Let's all pray this happens! So after one week Morrissey will treat her like dogshit and she will f*** off from here crying :D
Verso - he got flack for mentioning Anne Marie & then put out a statement to mitigate the flack.

It's not disingenuous to point out that there was no election & that the statement was prompted by the flack.

He made another attempt to explain & then Pingate happened & he put out a statement about his political stance that did not include her.

And hasn't mentioned her since.
That's fine, but irrelevant. I'm not trying to attack you and I'm not calling him out as a card-carrying member of For Britain. But you very clearly stated that he never mentioned voting at all, when he clearly did. I don't care about the context or the benefit of the doubt or whatever parlor tricks are involved in explaining it away. It's just a simple fact that he said it, regardless of what his stance may be now.
Karen, it's shit like this that makes you seem disingenuous. I'm not saying Morrissey is a violent racist or that AMW is the worst person who ever lived, but quit moving the goalposts and admit you're wrong. Morrissey very clearly said "it is the first time in my life I will vote" and later urged his fans to "give them a chance." It's not ambiguous, much as you might like it to be.
I think disingenuous is giving too much credit in a way. I don't believe that Karen is trying to deceive anyone. She believes what she is writing to be the truth and it's based on her special ability (some would call it delusional thinking) to somehow know the real behind the scenes story however different that may be from what appears to be happening on the surface.
I try not to be mean to Karen because I believe she means well but like many others who feel a special connection to a celebrity they've never met it can be sad to witness.
That's fine, but irrelevant. I'm not trying to attack you and I'm not calling him out as a card-carrying member of For Britain. But you very clearly stated that he never mentioned voting at all, when he clearly did. I don't care about the context or the benefit of the doubt or whatever parlor tricks are involved in explaining it away. It's just a simple fact that he said it, regardless of what his stance may be now.

We weren't talking about his personal intentions - Mike was saying he urged his fans but he didn't. The point of the statement was to offset the flack.
As I said to Mike - he didn't urge his fanbase.

There was no election.

And when there was an election - he said nothing.

We weren't talking about his personal intentions - Mike was saying he urged his fans but he didn't. The point of the statement was to offset the flack.


Ignore the latest FC psycho babble.(n)

his crony BGV thinks he has connections to all manner of grade D celebrities like Damon Albarn and Joni Mitchell and worse of all,
that tool Elvis Costello:mad:
yet MUM is the word for FC when it come to psycho babble him.:hammer:
Someone should tell her she's part of the problem....while Morrissey presses the "self destruct" button on his own career.
Someone should tell her she's part of the problem....while Morrissey presses the "self destruct" button on his own career.
Fiona is a fan and defends it in some things she is right, what do you expect a fan to say in the face of the real fact = Morrissey has no stamp and is inconceivable
We weren't talking about his personal intentions - Mike was saying he urged his fans but he didn't. The point of the statement was to offset the flack.
Morrissey implores fans to "give them a chance" twice in this official statement. If you want to get into a semantic debate regarding the word "urge" then I'm not interested. But come on.
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