Fiona Dodwell: "The poet without a home: Morrissey has been let down by the music industry" (May 31, 2021)

The poet without a home: Morrissey has been let down by the music industry

It seems inconceivable to his fans that Morrissey still has yet to find a label to work with on his upcoming record, Bonfire of Teenagers.

Now linked to by Central (June 1, 2021)

It's not nasty because it's not true. I couldn't care less.

I go through his interviews & I evidence everything.

Amy & quite a few others sit on here weeping & wailing that he's tragically flawed & sliding to the grave while he keeps on creating new things - & the press isn't the ten commandments, reputations change all the time.
What you don't get is that your crusade to 're-interpret' the Morrissey mythology for the unwashed masses is nothing new. You're not coming up with incredible, unknown insights that need to be preserved in a digital dossier, you're just rehashing Saint Morrissey and every other fan hagiography with a modern twist.

And if some folks here are laughing at the things you say, it's because you come across like a student trying to a teach a "Moz-ology degree" to people who have followed him for decades, probably read all your "evidence" the first time round, attended the tours, read the interviews. Morrissey has been on the scene for nearly 40 years, more than enough time for fans to make up their own mind about him without someone saying 'turn to the 'Danny Kelly' entry on page 52".
I'm on my phone.

I work for a theatre company.

Evidenced just means I post the relevant quotes, dates etc.
I think you’re quite a smart girl. But, you’re investing too much time in something that’s not going to offer you an advantage.

OI you post set lists for shows
that never existed. NO shows
have taken place during your
brief time here
Clown shoes.
I know it’s a difficult time, and your time on earth has been blighted by misery of being jobless, lonely and parentless but; facts escape you.
You’ve never seen Morrissey, save for a picture in Smash Hits but bless your little cotton socks, this trolling isn’t working out well for you.
We can sort this out like adults. But, you’re choosing to run away each time.
What you don't get is that your crusade to 're-interpret' the Morrissey mythology for the unwashed masses is nothing new. You're not coming up with incredible, unknown insights that need to be preserved in a digital dossier, you're just rehashing Saint Morrissey and every other fan hagiography with a modern twist.

And if some folks here are laughing at the things you say, it's because you come across like a student trying to a teach a "Moz-ology degree" to people who have followed him for decades, probably read all your "evidence" the first time round, attended the tours, read the interviews. Morrissey has been on the scene for nearly 40 years, more than enough time for fans to make up their own mind about him without someone saying 'turn to the 'Danny Kelly' entry on page 52".

I'm not trying to wreck your inner life.

He's a public figure, he's going to be talked about, there's f*** all reason why I have to go along with Pitchfork.
I think you’re quite a smart girl. But, you’re investing too much time in something that’s not going to offer you an advantage.

He's interesting!

A couple academics spent the pandemic studying Phil Collins.
Clown shoes.
I know it’s a difficult time, and your time on earth has been blighted by misery of being jobless, lonely and parentless but; facts escape you.
You’ve never seen Morrissey, save for a picture in Smash Hits but bless your little cotton socks, this trolling isn’t working out well for you.
We can sort this out like adults. But, you’re choosing to run away each time.
'by misery of being jobless'?
i assume that means you are saying that
im jobless because you are jobless. Imitating
whatever i say like a teenager🤸‍♂️
MiniMao caught you making stuff up everybody
knows he wears lennonesque glasses
at shows except you who has never been
to one.🥋
all your buddies are banned trolls FFS:hammer:
You're the ones that have to edit out nearly everything he says to maintain your bullsh*t.

For instance - he backed Jeremy Corbyn over Theresa May in the 2017 general election because of fox hunting.

View attachment 72890

He hated Trump & was a fan of vegan & civil rights campaigner Dick Gregory.

View attachment 72891

If immigration was his issue he would have favoured May & Trump - he didn't.

The politicians & activists he backs have animals rights stances in common.
Morrissey was handed an open goal with Jeremy Corbyn, wasn't he?
A politician who was an anti-military, anti-monarchy, pro-environment vegetarian, and massively popular with intelligent, idealistic youth. The perfect figure for Morrissey to get behind. A political representation of everything he and The Smiths ever stood for (or as close as we were ever likely to get).
The goal was wide open - he made a couple of positive noises about him, and just had to tap the ball over the line.
But he turned round, urged the fanbase to vote for a nasty, toxic, right-wing party, and scored the biggest own goal of his entire career.
Morrissey was handed an open goal with Jeremy Corbyn, wasn't he?
A politician who was an anti-military, anti-monarchy, pro-environment vegetarian, and massively popular with intelligent, idealistic youth. The perfect figure for Morrissey to get behind. A political representation of everything he and The Smiths ever stood for (or as close as we were ever likely to get).
The goal was wide open - he made a couple of positive noises about him, and just had to tap the ball over the line.
But he turned round, urged the fanbase to vote for a nasty, toxic, right-wing party, and scored the biggest own goal of his entire career.

Do you feel like you might be exaggerating here? Steve hardly urged his fanbase to support hallway Anne Marie. In fact, he clearly stated that he DOES NOT support voting. As for Jez, well, Jez is nice enough but nice isn't enough to do battle with the forces of the ruling class and the elites.

Anyway, @Nerak is coming over to my room in a minute for drinks! bye bye!
Do you feel like you might be exaggerating here? Steve hardly urged his fanbase to support hallway Anne Marie. In fact, he clearly stated that he DOES NOT support voting. As for Jez, well, Jez is nice enough but nice isn't enough to do battle with the forces of the ruling class and the elites.

Anyway, @Nerak is coming over to my room in a minute for drinks! bye bye!
He very straightforwardly encouraged his fanbase to vote for her. It was the clearest endorsement I've ever heard him offer a political figure or party.
Morrissey was handed an open goal with Jeremy Corbyn, wasn't he?
A politician who was an anti-military, anti-monarchy, pro-environment vegetarian, and massively popular with intelligent, idealistic youth. The perfect figure for Morrissey to get behind. A political representation of everything he and The Smiths ever stood for (or as close as we were ever likely to get).
The goal was wide open - he made a couple of positive noises about him, and just had to tap the ball over the line.
But he turned round, urged the fanbase to vote for a nasty, toxic, right-wing party, and scored the biggest own goal of his entire career.

Mike stop being twattish.

He did put his support behind Jeremy Corbyn, a week before the election, when it was helpful.

The press then immediately forgot about it. 🙄

He did not urge anyone to vote for Anne Marie - he said to give her a chance because she was being smeared.

If she was electable constantly banging on about her to give Morrissey a kicking would beyond reprehensible.

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