Fiona Dodwell: "The poet without a home: Morrissey has been let down by the music industry" (May 31, 2021)

The poet without a home: Morrissey has been let down by the music industry

It seems inconceivable to his fans that Morrissey still has yet to find a label to work with on his upcoming record, Bonfire of Teenagers.

Now linked to by Central (June 1, 2021)

As always, a fierce war of positions, with many wounded and seriously injured. Morrissey solo, the battlefield of fans and ex-fans. I like it here, can I stay?
So what? The Madrid concert of 1985 was attended by hundreds of thousands of people.

2nd mezzanine holds over 1200, capacity for Morrissey gigs is 300o per night, still not bad if he sells out each night, still think he should have done 3 nights with the entire venue available.
So what? The Madrid concert of 1985 was attended by hundreds of thousands of people.
"This was a free concert supported by the Madrid Townhall on the occasion of (the patron saint of Madrid) Saint Isidro's bank holiday."

Probably not a typical concert to compare to and this year has its own atypical circumstances. I'm not sure it is relevant to compare Morrissey attendance to The Smith's attendance anyway. Most people would probably agree that Morrissey's popularity, in the US anyway, peaked in the 90's, and many might say that the past few years have been a low point. But what is the point anyway?
Whilst the Colosseum does indeed have a capacity of 4100, it's worth bearing in mind that the uppermost 'mezzanine overhang' (as they refer to it) has not been opened to sale. If you check the unsold tickets ( and pick a date) things aren't looking great on the ticket sales front at the moment.
I believe the whole Las Vegas venture is a misstep. I just don't feel that the average LV punter is likely to be a Morrissey fan and I don't think these gigs will do half as well as similar ones in LA or NY have in the past.

I think Vegas is exactly the place for Morrissey. It's the land of Cher, Wayne Newton, Liberace, Celine Dion and now...Morrissey. He better be playing a lot of Smiths and his greatest hits though.
2nd mezzanine holds over 1200, capacity for Morrissey gigs is 300o per night, still not bad if he sells out each night, still think he should have done 3 nights with the entire venue available.
This isn't really a point that can be argued. For whatever reason the decision was made. We don't know why or by whom. There are a few potential reasons if you want to speculate, some of which could benefit fans if it has to do with sound quality or line of sight issues.
But maybe a more practical reason is that it allows people to attend repeatedly more times. If there are only three shows you can only go three times.
This isn't really a point that can be argued. For whatever reason the decision was made. We don't know why or by whom. There are a few potential reasons if you want to speculate, some of which could benefit fans if it has to do with sound quality or line of sight issues.
But maybe a more practical reason is that it allows people to attend repeatedly more times. If there are only three shows you can only go three times.

that clarifies the matter
3 shows means you can go 3 shows:rolleyes:

that clarifies the matter
3 shows means you can go 3 shows:rolleyes:
F uck you and your eternal bullshit. I'm sorry that you're too stupid to understand my posts and have to continually announce this fact.
The point is that Morrissey has a very devoted fanbase even if they might not be as large as some others. Many of these people will buy tickets to see four shows if tickets to four shows are available. But if only three shows are available that won't happen.
F uck you and your eternal bullshit. I'm sorry that you're too stupid to understand my posts and have to continually announce this fact.
The point is that Morrissey has a very devoted fanbase even if they might not be as large as some others. Many of these people will buy tickets to see four shows if tickets to four shows are available. But if only three shows are available that won't happen.


WTF? the peeps will buy for 4 shows but since that wont happen they
wont buy 3?:confused:
sounds like 'surfsce' logic fyi:hammer:
This run will be like any other Morrissey concert in that the vast majority of attendees will have travelled to be there for the express purpose of seeing the show. I highly, highly doubt that a significant number of tickets will be sold via Vegas foot traffic or whatever.

No, you bloody dimwit! I was specifically referring to AMW, Tommy Robinson, For Britain, and all of their ilk. Please, Karen, how many sets of pommel horse do you have in your house??

Then you're having to edit out his support of Jeremy Corbyn & Dick Gregory - which makes your point pathetic.
WTF? foot traffic? like in 1973?
nowadays peeps use a new fangled
contraption called the computer
that came into fashion at the
same time as the 'hand held'
Now, that's nasty! (And quite true.)

It's not nasty because it's not true. I couldn't care less.

I go through his interviews & I evidence everything.

Amy & quite a few others sit on here weeping & wailing that he's tragically flawed & sliding to the grave while he keeps on creating new things - & the press isn't the ten commandments, reputations change all the time.
It's not nasty because it's not true. I couldn't care less.

I go through his interviews & I evidence everything.

Amy & quite a few others sit on here weeping & wailing that he's tragically flawed & sliding to the grave while he keeps on creating new things - & the press isn't the ten commandments, reputations change all the time.
Jesus, love.
Have you heard yourself?
You “go through his interviews & EVIDENCE everything”
Like you’re his counsel/attorney.
Remind us again. You do the above for ???

You seem to spend your whole life on here Maybe get out more. Or maybe even a job. You sound utterly ridiculous, and as Amy says: deluded.
It's not nasty because it's not true. I couldn't care less.

I go through his interviews & I evidence everything.

Amy & quite a few others sit on here weeping & wailing that he's tragically flawed & sliding to the grave while he keeps on creating new things - & the press isn't the ten commandments, reputations change all the time.

thats the nature of:handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft: trolls.(n)
weeping wailing gnashing of the :horseface:
tooths and pulling of the :guardsman: synthetic
Jesus, love.
Have you heard yourself?
You “go through his interviews & EVIDENCE everything”
Like you’re his counsel/attorney.
Remind us again. You do the above for ???

You seem to spend your whole life on here Maybe get out more. Or maybe even a job. You sound utterly ridiculous, and as Amy says: deluded.

I'm on my phone.

I work for a theatre company.

Evidenced just means I post the relevant quotes, dates etc.
Jesus, love.
Have you heard yourself?
You “go through his interviews & EVIDENCE everything”
Like you’re his counsel/attorney.
Remind us again. You do the above for ???

You seem to spend your whole life on here Maybe get out more. Or maybe even a job. You sound utterly ridiculous, and as Amy says: deluded.

OI you post set lists for shows
that never existed. NO shows
have taken place during your
brief time here

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