Fiona Dodwell: "Morrissey Was Rejecting Toxic Masculinity 30 Years Before It Was Fashionable" (April 27, 2024)

Diddy Dodders.

Everything she has written is correct. But she is trying to convey that Morrissey has been cancelled because of his views on gender, masculinity etc. He hasn’t. It’s because he called the Chinese a sub-species and supported far-right (fascist!) political parties.

A glance at her other articles shows that she thinks Michael Jackson was innocent and a victim of the industry. Have a word, love.
But Michael Jackson was innocent and a victim of the industry. In my opinion, of course.
Morrissey's echo he running for local election? Be interesting to see who he'd attract in 2024, compared to 2004.
That's one hell of a blunder to make! ...
Been wondering about this. I find myself quite capable of the odd crashing mistake nowadays and I'm thinking it's possible she might have been given the YHKM song title in error and she just repeated it in her write up unknowingly - her mind still crammed full of MJ's oeuvre.
Been wondering about this. I find myself quite capable of the odd crashing mistake nowadays and I'm thinking it's possible she might have been given the YHKM song title in error and she just repeated it in her write up unknowingly - her mind still crammed full of MJ's oeuvre.

She must be hastily cutting & pasting without even reviewing her work, because this is the second time she's mistaken these same two songs. She's boilerplate "journalism" and little wonder she hates AI, which could probably do better.
Been wondering about this. I find myself quite capable of the odd crashing mistake nowadays and I'm thinking it's possible she might have been given the YHKM song title in error and she just repeated it in her write up unknowingly - her mind still crammed full of MJ's oeuvre.
But Fiona publishes opiniated pieces about him, ergo she should at least fact check her stuff and she is a also fan, that went as far as getting a tattoo of him on her body! She acts so super defensive about him in her written "opinions"and regrets that nobody gets him. Well she obviously doesn't get him herself, for "You have killed me" has nothing -absolutely nothing- to do with school, and there is only one song in M's repertoire which is quite explicitly about "a hard time at school". You don't have to be a super-in-depth-know-all-fan to know this, it's common knowledge and absolutely easy to fact check. And this song also isn't "rumoured to be about his early years" - he stated that its about his years at school. It totally baffles me how she persistently, article after article, defends him to the grave and gets this wrong, again, something anybody remotely interested in M/The Smiths just knows. I can not take her seriously and don't get why people applaud her for that ill researched piece of writing.
She must be hastily cutting & pasting without even reviewing her work, because this is the second time she's mistaken these same two songs. She's boilerplate "journalism" and little wonder she hates AI, which could probably do better.
Oh yes, vaguely remembered that too, but didn't know if I was correct. That makes it even worse to be honest, she just copied and pasted an old part, where she also got it all wrong. Nobody seemed to be so kind to correct her and she didn't bother in the first place. :clap:
Oh yes, vaguely remembered that too, but didn't know if I was correct. That makes it even worse to be honest, she just copied and pasted an old part, where she also got it all wrong. Nobody seemed to be so kind to correct her and she didn't bother in the first place. :clap:

It would be tragic if she was writing exquisite paeans to Morrissey, and yet was so lonely and awkward she didn't have any single person to proof-read her. Any typos, misspellings, repetitions, or clunky turns of phrase would be sad. But hers are just outright annoying, because her prose is auto-pilot sycophancy, and besides—she has a husband. He's too busy for a four-minute read? Or, second thought: maybe he feels like the exhausted, put-upon reader in Girl Least Likely To.
with a pen as your weapon, you carve through the unknown,
oh fiona dodwell, in your world alone.

I agree with ya, a talent wasted. She needs to start a band, maybe open for Mozi.
Really? Embracing/fetishising skinhead culture, football hooliganism, boy racers and boxers counts as 'rejecting' toxic masculinity?

twisting toxic masculinity. He also once said skinheads with nail varnish on was his idea fan, or something along those lines.

Complex figure our Moz is.

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