Fiona Dodwell: "Morrissey Was Rejecting Toxic Masculinity 30 Years Before It Was Fashionable" (April 27, 2024)

Will Never Marry...... not 1990....88 wasnt it?
I think you're right. It is on Bona Drag which was 1990, but it's a compilation album so singles/tracks were released at different times. I think Will Never Marry is a B side to Everyday Is Like Sunday, which is 1988, or that's my recollection.
There is no such thing as toxic masculinity. There is toxicity and Morrissey has written about this in both women and men especially himself.
"Morrissey has been far-ahead of the game. Outspoken about his hellish years at school at the hands of certain teachers (he explores this in his book, Autobiography) and comfortable with being honest about how bullying and mistreatment at school effected him,

Shouldn’t that also say “affected”?
I think you're right. It is on Bona Drag which was 1990, but it's a compilation album so singles/tracks were released at different times. I think Will Never Marry is a B side to Everyday Is Like Sunday, which is 1988, or that's my recollection.

Say that again but type it phonetically with a Boston accent.
When FiDo is thrown a bone… etc.
It’s a pity for Morrissey that her writing is so bad. This clunky one-eyed dross does him more harm than good.

Although I doubt anyone in the world is reading it apart from us.
I wonder if she is trying to get back into his good graces after her husband made the comment he did about the band, assuming she fell out
I hope to christ Moz never told her to write this. It's true he did reject certain elements of masculinity, but he was hardly the first
I have to say though the thought that Moz uses the shitty term " toxic masculinity" scars me to death
Diddy Dodders.

Everything she has written is correct. But she is trying to convey that Morrissey has been cancelled because of his views on gender, masculinity etc. He hasn’t. It’s because he called the Chinese a sub-species and supported far-right (fascist!) political parties.

A glance at her other articles shows that she thinks Michael Jackson was innocent and a victim of the industry. Have a word, love.
Agreed ,
Ray Davis and Bowie and punk in general were rejecting masculinity norns way before Moz . So to try to make out Moz invented it , is BS .
I would be very careful putting it about that Moz was the first of the woke to choke , it's true but if a number of his right wing fans walk , he will have even less fans
The fact that Dods is writing this makes think Moz is still without a deal , what a bummer

All he has to do , is make a statement saying he loves Israel but that the killing of over 40,000 is disgusting .
Get a UK based band
And release some corkers and he will get signed again . Repeating talking points from dumb YouTubers , is something he needs to stay away from
Boah, no. I hoped she was out of the game by now. It's actually as nauseating to read as all her other articles about him. Its actually really sad to try to constantly build him as the messiah of everything, who is just so misunderstood. Of course he was influential with certain things, otherwise he wouldn't have had the success, but no one really debates that. What she is saying is, that he is difficult and controversial, which is exactly the way he is perceived by the public. Some like that, some don't, that's normal, if you are controversial. So where is he being perceived wrongly? But she also wrote that 100 times already, so nothing new.

Anyway, I always thought, he is giving her notes, but the how did she get the facts wrong:

"Morrissey has been far-ahead of the game. Outspoken about his hellish years at school at the hands of certain teachers (he explores this in his book, Autobiography) and comfortable with being honest about how bullying and mistreatment at school effected him, he even went on to pen a song rumoured to be about his early years – You Have Killed Me, which is seen as an anthem by many fans who also experienced hard times at school."

Since when is this song about a hard time at school? Didn't she mean "The Headmaster Ritual"? How can she write that as a supposedly super fan and music journalist?
In the book he tries to make out he was abused or almost abused but like a lot of things he says , it's been proven to be bS

She brings up his autobiography, which anyone with a brain who knows him knows is littered with lies .
Just like the Italian Police incident and the SF security check incident .
Moz at school was simply your classic fey wallflower and he hates it . In some ways it's not the school system he hates it's himself at school age ,
... does him more harm than good.
Although I doubt anyone in the world is reading it apart from us.
Yes I do worry about all this but as you say hopefully it only stirs things up on here.
Really hoping things start to go right this year for M. Bless her efforts but hasn't she done all she can do already?
Just heard on the radio this morning yet another "new era of britpop flag waving". I held my breath but still no derogatory Moz link up. At least she hasn't waded into that yet, unless I missed it.

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