Don't Give Me Anymore: Covid's Long Shadow

Why do you think it's "idiotic" to put better odds on a disease coming from a filthy place than a sanitary one?
I'm gonna put my money on the novel coronavirus coming from the novel coronavirus lab that was noted for having poor safety protocols.

But you do you boo.
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DreamyAseem on not-dreamy-but-cool Joey Rogan. Must watch!!!!

I work with a woman who is multiple-jabbed and she hasn't died or had anything else negative occur. She's in good health. In fact, she's dreamy.
is that the cambodian chicken foot eater again?!

edit to say that id prefer if you didnt use the word dreamy again, as that is my word to describe people I deem to be dreamy (like the above good doctor!!), and should not be used on cambodian chicken foot eaters
A member of my wider family recently died due to an extremely aggressive metastatic spread of prostate cancer. He was told, fairly brutally - There is nothing more we can do. You have an aggressive tumour that is not responding to treatment. Go home and say goodbye to your freinds and family. He was dead 3 weeks later. Perhaps fortunately, given how much pain he was in. The tumour had spread to both femurs, his spine, and his liver. He was 58.
I mention this because he was convinced that the tumour had gone super aggressive after he had had 3 covid jabs in 2021 and 2022. Before the jabs he was doing ok. Responded well to treatment and tumour was not spreading. After the jabs, it all went Pete Tong.
One of the major safety concerns of introducing nms-mRNA, such as that contained in the two approved mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, is the possibility that such modifications will ultimately lead to epigenetic and/or genomic modifications in dividing and non-dividing cells.
Just a coincidence? Perhaps.
But excess deaths remain at record highs. And it is virtually not talked about.

My dad passed away from Covid last year. He went into the hospital for a back issue and had to wait for the weekend to have a MRI and caught Covid in hospital. He was also jabbed twice. So who knows? Watching him gasp for literally every breath was very traumatic.
My dad passed away from Covid last year. He went into the hospital for a back issue and had to wait for the weekend to have a MRI and caught Covid in hospital. He was also jabbed twice. So who knows? Watching him gasp for literally every breath was very traumatic.
Condolences, Dorothy. There is nothing more awful than the wasting away of the physical body. A terrible sight to see.
is that the cambodian chicken foot eater again?!

edit to say that id prefer if you didnt use the word dreamy again, as that is my word to describe people I deem to be dreamy (like the above good doctor!!), and should not be used on cambodian chicken foot eaters

"Dreamy" is in the public domain and I'm sorry, but I have to use it when it fits. My friend is sadly an omnivore, but I have never known her to eat chicken feet. Even if she did, I'm not sure why that would be more gross than eating any other part of a chicken, or ice cream made from a cow's lactation.
I work with a woman who is multiple-jabbed and she hasn't died or had anything else negative occur, yet. She's in good health. In fact, she's dreamy. I wouldn't take the vaccine myself, though, because 1. it isn't vegan and 2. it was warp-speed rushed so who the hell knows: the takers are the human trials.
I even can’t begin to imagine why Fauci only took 6 shots! Per CDC guidelines he should have 9 already!

You really think people like Fauci took it at all? I don’t believe it.
You really think people like Fauci took it at all? I don’t believe it.
Completely agree, i was just being sarcastic and pointing out the comical, even in what they’re claiming. Syringes of completely benign physiological serum for him, along with all heads of state - I have never had any doubt of that since day 1
Have you ever been tested for it, though, gordyboy? You may've had it. For a lot of healthy people it just manifests like a cold. My niece tested positive for it and she was asymptomatic. I avoid doctors like the plague, but I'm pretty sure I had COVID-19 because I had flu-like symptoms for a week followed by several weeks with complete loss of smell and taste. The loss of my palate was terrible and I don't want that again, so I still mask if I'm in a densely-packed public space like church or a store.

How come it's only the women at your workplace who are multiple-jabbed? Or are you the lone male there? I work with a woman who is multiple-jabbed and she hasn't died or had anything else negative occur. She's in good health. In fact, she's dreamy. I wouldn't take the vaccine myself, though, because 1. it isn't vegan and 2. it was warp-speed rushed so who the hell knows: the takers are the human trials.
That's because it is a cold. A flu by any other name is still a flu. Achiness, stuffiness, lethargy, cough, sore throat, fever, and almost always recovered from within a week. Can hospitalize or even (in proportion to those who contract it, EXTREMELY rarely) kill someone who is elderly, infirm, obese, or a sublime cocktail of all three. Yep, sounds like a cold to me.

Calling it a plague is patently absurd. Being afraid of it (for almost EVERYONE) is absurd. Getting nonstop injections to prevent against it is absurd. It's the best metric for how dumb people are. If I see you in 2024 with a mask, you're almost certainly a moron. If you've had more than the initial vaccination (when they were telling us it would block the illness or at the very least prohibit communicability) you're definitely a moron.

I live just outside of Chicago. The only people I see still wearing masks other than elderly fat people are blacks, who absolutely love their masks almost as much as they love Facetiming in public places very loudly, using Apple Pay, and riding around grocery stores in motorized carts. Most other folk have either caught wise by now or stopped caring and accepted that everyone has gotten it, has it now, or will get it (again). Life goes on.

Live it.
That's because it is a cold. A flu by any other name is still a flu. Achiness, stuffiness, lethargy, cough, sore throat, fever, and almost always recovered from within a week. Can hospitalize or even (in proportion to those who contract it, EXTREMELY rarely) kill someone who is elderly, infirm, obese, or a sublime cocktail of all three. Yep, sounds like a cold to me.

Calling it a plague is patently absurd. Being afraid of it (for almost EVERYONE) is absurd. Getting nonstop injections to prevent against it is absurd. It's the best metric for how dumb people are. If I see you in 2024 with a mask, you're almost certainly a moron. If you've had more than the initial vaccination (when they were telling us it would block the illness or at the very least prohibit communicability) you're definitely a moron.

I live just outside of Chicago. The only people I see still wearing masks other than elderly fat people are blacks, who absolutely love their masks almost as much as they love Facetiming in public places very loudly, using Apple Pay, and riding around grocery stores in motorized carts. Most other folk have either caught wise by now or stopped caring and accepted that everyone has gotten it, has it now, or will get it (again). Life goes on.

Live it.

Interesting, aggressive response. Not sure what you think I'm denying. It's a coronavirus with cold- and flu-like symptoms for many people. But for me, the protracted loss of taste for weeks on end was different from any flu I've had; Carlislebaz said he lost his palate for months. I'm not in fear for my life if I get COVID-19, but the loss of taste is something I don't want to have again. I've given my reasons for not wanting the vaccine, so a mask is my only prophylactic against it. I don't know how wearing one makes me a moron. I'm fully aware that a mask isn't a total preventative. I wear it to reduce the risk of exposure and the amount of viral load if I do get exposed. We live in a country where people are so uncivilized, they don't even cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough.

Personally I'm libertarian when it comes to masks and vaccines. If you want the vaccine, get it. If you don't want to wear a mask, don't. I understand any resentment towards the totalitarian and punitive measures that were put down in the first place (I was against them myself), but largely those have been lifted. At this point I don't know why anyone would have to go on a tirade about it.

Live and let live.
Interesting, aggressive response. Not sure what you think I'm denying. It's a coronavirus with cold- and flu-like symptoms for many people. But for me, the protracted loss of taste for weeks on end was different from any flu I've had; Carlislebaz said he lost his palate for months. I'm not in fear for my life if I get COVID-19, but the loss of taste is something I don't want to have again. I've given my reasons for not wanting the vaccine, so a mask is my only prophylactic against it. I don't know how wearing one makes me a moron. I'm fully aware that a mask isn't a total preventative. I wear it to reduce the risk of exposure and the amount of viral load if I do get exposed. We live in a country where people are so uncivilized, they don't even cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough.

Personally I'm libertarian when it comes to masks and vaccines. If you want the vaccine, get it. If you don't want to wear a mask, don't. I understand any resentment towards the totalitarian and punitive measures that were put down in the first place (I was against them myself), but largely those have been lifted. At this point I don't know why anyone would have to go on a tirade about it.

Live and let live.
Fair enough stance.
I'd have more respect for Jeffrey Sachs on this if you could link to him engaging with epidemiologists instead of Tucker Carlson. If there's been "a deliberate cover up which tried to push the natural origin hypothesis," then that cover-up has surely failed. Even Dr. Fauci himself now shrugs and says, "who knows?"

If anything is suspicious here, it's been the increasing shift away from the animal origins and in favor of a bio lab, with the only evidence being speculative and conspiratorial. If I indulge my own conspiracy thinking, I wonder if this shift is orchestrated to get the popular imagination away from zoonotic transmissions in unsanitary places like wet markets and factory farms (an uncomfortable subject for the meat-loving masses to dwell on) and onto a less troublesome bogeyman: Asians in lab coats. Never minding that the SARS virus originated in a wet market, or that the COVID-19 virus has features that would not be bio-engineered. Forty minutes of yr time: Covid origins: The science.

What do transhumanists have to do with the biowarfare hypothesis? And what is wrong with eugenics in principle? Don't you go through your day thinking at least half the people you encounter are unpleasant wastes of space who should never have been born? Personally I'm not even sure transhumanists are in the wrong. The human race is a serious problem. I agree with Nietzsche's observation, that "man is something to be overcome."

Obviously because the pharmaceutical companies make more money that way. But it's too pat to blame Big Pharma for everything. Most people are not interested in changing their habits and lifestyles. They'd rather take a jab or take a pill. RFK Jr, since you brought him up, is a joke. This is someone who's supposed to be an environmentalist, but he loves meat. That's about as convincing as the emissaries to climate change conferences flying in on private jets.

Jeffrey Sachs wrote elsewhere earlier this year - "A U.S.-funded laboratory origin of Covid-19 would certainly constitute the most significant case of governmental gross negligence in history" -

The New York Times is taking the lab leak seriously -

We're only at the start of the craziness -

You're strong on debating and playing devil's advocate, Lucifer Sam (!), but selecting that 2021 BBC documentary to make your point by supposedly discussing origins is too lazy. It only serves to sabotage your claim since Angela Russmussen who speaks for about a quarter of the time, vociferously defending the zoonotic argument, has worked with Fauci in the NIH. It was not hard to discover that. Another time-consuming speaker is Peter Daszak. You know, Ecohealth Alliance? I'll let someone else bring us up to date on why his conflicts of interest are even greater. And the so-called World Health Organisation. Who had such power to twist their arm so radically? I don't think any of us here are full-time researchers or experts in this area, so imperious demands for evidence reflect badly. Often a remark or witticism is of more value.

No eugenics without you. Meaning whoever's for eugenics must go first. There's the rub. Are you happy with that approach? Wouldn't mutually-agreed global economic degrowth be better? Dreamy, you say? Dreamy?!

I agree. That's why I don't think anyone can know the origins based on circumstantial evidence or speculation.
So convenient, always, about so many things. Inquiries and no conclusions. Insufficient data, in this AI day and age. We may hear it again soon if nuclear weapons beyond depleted uranium are put to use in war, when rates of mysterious excess deaths climb even more.

My friend is sadly an omnivore, but I have never known her to eat chicken feet. Even if she did, I'm not sure why that would be more gross than eating any other part of a chicken, or ice cream made from a cow's lactation.
How can you have omnivore friends and condemn JFK Jr for his diet? Although if Punch Magazine was still in print, what a gift to its satirical caricature makers he would be! There's too much there for people to get past now, but I still think he would be a great public asset in government.

And we’re back to whether it’s more likely that an outbreak would come from a lab with security and safety protections, or a crowded wet market with poor sanitation and live animal slaughter. Not sure why you’re putting the better odds on the lab.
So safe, despite the fact that the reason Obama shut them down in America was because of leaks of anthrax and other germs. Trump reversed that wise decision.

My dad passed away from Covid last year. He went into the hospital for a back issue and had to wait for the weekend to have a MRI and caught Covid in hospital. He was also jabbed twice. So who knows? Watching him gasp for literally every breath was very traumatic.
So sorry; very hard :cry: 🫂
"Dreamy" is in the public domain and I'm sorry, but I have to use it when it fits. My friend is sadly an omnivore, but I have never known her to eat chicken feet. Even if she did, I'm not sure why that would be more gross than eating any other part of a chicken, or ice cream made from a cow's lactation.
I'm not saying that's it's gross, just that it's curious: I imagine chickens feet to be a little maigre. Does your Cambodian also indulge in products of cows lactation? Do you call it that around her? If so, you must be the office stud.
You're strong on debating and playing devil's advocate, Lucifer Sam (!), but selecting that 2021 BBC documentary to make your point by supposedly discussing origins is too lazy. It only serves to sabotage your claim since Angela Russmussen who speaks for about a quarter of the time, vociferously defending the zoonotic argument, has worked with Fauci in the NIH. It was not hard to discover that. Another time-consuming speaker is Peter Daszak. You know, Ecohealth Alliance? I'll let someone else bring us up to date on why his conflicts of interest are even greater. And the so-called World Health Organisation. Who had such power to twist their arm so radically? I don't think any of us here are full-time researchers or experts in this area, so imperious demands for evidence reflect badly. Often a remark or witticism is of more value.

It doesn't "sabotage my claim" that Angela Russmussen worked with Fauci or that Peter Dasak was with Ecohealth Alliance, because my claim was merely that the virus itself shows has traits unlikely to have been bio-engineered. It shouldn't matter what the CV of people validating the claim is, only whether their research and conclusions are compelling. I'm fine with factoring in for bias. It's been a while since I followed this subject, but as far as I know there's only been one prominent refutation, where a scientist found a unique marker suggesting a possible lab concoction, but it didn't hold the field for long. He had to walk it back when it was shown that the same marker was present in several other natural coronaviruses.

No eugenics without you. Meaning whoever's for eugenics must go first. There's the rub. Are you happy with that approach? Wouldn't mutually-agreed global economic degrowth be better?

I'd be perfectly okay with it. Turn out the lights, the world doesn't need me. The world doesn't even need humanity at all. The amount of suffering we collectively cause cries out to the Creator for our annihilation. But if we must have a human race, and some semblance of civilization and decency, then we should vastly reduce our numbers and select for people who are intelligent, well-behaved, inclined to moral goodness, and aesthetically pleasing. We are a species that has conquered nature, so the harsh selective pressures nature used to put on us to refine us for the better are gone. Those painters at Lascaux and Altamira were the cream of the crop.

How can you have omnivore friends and condemn JFK Jr for his diet?

Because my omnivore friend doesn't go around flaunting herself as a big-time environmentalist like RFK Jr. does.

So safe, despite the fact that the reason Obama shut them down in America was because of leaks of anthrax and other germs.

Nothing is infallibly safe. My point was that a lab has greater safety protocols than a live-slaughter wet market. Is that in dispute?
A member of my wider family recently died due to an extremely aggressive metastatic spread of prostate cancer. He was told, fairly brutally - There is nothing more we can do. You have an aggressive tumour that is not responding to treatment. Go home and say goodbye to your freinds and family. He was dead 3 weeks later. Perhaps fortunately, given how much pain he was in. The tumour had spread to both femurs, his spine, and his liver. He was 58.
I mention this because he was convinced that the tumour had gone super aggressive after he had had 3 covid jabs in 2021 and 2022. Before the jabs he was doing ok. Responded well to treatment and tumour was not spreading. After the jabs, it all went Pete Tong.
One of the major safety concerns of introducing nms-mRNA, such as that contained in the two approved mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, is the possibility that such modifications will ultimately lead to epigenetic and/or genomic modifications in dividing and non-dividing cells.
Just a coincidence? Perhaps.
But excess deaths remain at record highs. And it is virtually not talked about.

It would be nice if we could have a fair and open debate. Maybe there is something there, maybe not, but the hysteria and emotion from both sides of the debate makes that practically impossible.
I'm not saying that's it's gross, just that it's curious: I imagine chickens feet to be a little maigre. Does your Cambodian also indulge in products of cows lactation? Do you call it that around her? If so, you must be the office stud.

I don't think I've used the phrase "cow's lactation" with her, but she knows my views and hasn't changed her ways. Another one of my countless failures.
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