Don't Give Me Anymore: Covid's Long Shadow

I can only quote Jon Stewart: "There’s been an outbreak of chocolatey goodness near Hershey, Pennsylvania. What do you think happened?"

"Oh I don't know... maybe a steam shovel made it with a cocoa bean? OR IT'S THE f***ING CHOCOLATE FACTORY!!!"

I’ve never liked Jon Stewart, but I don’t think I’m biased in calling this a false analogy. He’s assuming that “chocolatey goodness” doesn’t naturally occur, whereas coronaviruses have always had natural origins. His logic refutes itself: if he’s going to rely on the usual manufacturer, he should rule out the lab leak hypothesis.
I’ve never liked Jon Stewart, but I don’t think I’m biased in calling this a false analogy. He’s assuming that “chocolatey goodness” doesn’t naturally occur, whereas coronaviruses have always had natural origins. His logic refutes itself: if he’s going to rely on the usual manufacturer, he should rule out the lab leak hypothesis.

But laboratories are now the "usual manufacturer" of coronaviruses. Nature was the original manufacturer, but the amount of different human coronaviruses and mutations that are being manufactured in labs all over the world far outweighs that occurring in nature.

But I guess it’s not entirely impossible that SARS-CoV-2 jumped from a bat to the cloaca of a turkey to (a toothless) man either. I wouldn’t reject the idea outright.
Have you ever been tested for it, though, gordyboy? You may've had it. For a lot of healthy people it just manifests like a cold. My niece tested positive for it and she was asymptomatic. I avoid doctors like the plague, but I'm pretty sure I had COVID-19 because I had flu-like symptoms for a week followed by several weeks with complete loss of smell and taste. The loss of my palate was terrible and I don't want that again, so I still mask if I'm in a densely-packed public space like church or a store.

How come it's only the women at your workplace who are multiple-jabbed? Or are you the lone male there? I work with a woman who is multiple-jabbed and she hasn't died or had anything else negative occur. She's in good health. In fact, she's dreamy. I wouldn't take the vaccine myself, though, because 1. it isn't vegan and 2. it was warp-speed rushed so who the hell knows: the takers are the human trials.
sammy i probably have had it just never seen the red line.
... so I still mask if I'm in a densely-packed public space like church or a store.

May I enquire as to which church you attend if it's densely packed? In my church, there's the priest (obviously), his husband/helper, two Syrian fellas, and yours truly. ;)
I can only quote Jon Stewart: "There’s been an outbreak of chocolatey goodness near Hershey, Pennsylvania. What do you think happened?"

"Oh I don't know... maybe a steam shovel made it with a cocoa bean? OR IT'S THE f***ING CHOCOLATE FACTORY!!!"

That's not speculation., that all really happened.

But you were responding to my question about what was the conclusive evidence that COVID-19 originated at Fort Detrick. Even granting everything you replied with, it's still speculation. China saying something doesn't make it true.
But you were responding to my question about what was the conclusive evidence that COVID-19 originated at Fort Detrick. Even granting everything you replied with, it's still speculation. China saying something doesn't make it true.
Nor does America saying it came from China make it try either.
Baby Animal Love GIF by julia farkas
We don't really know what happened, but we've been manipulated and lied to on such a grand scale by governments, authorities, main stream media, businesses etc that I've come to a point where I think that everything is possible and the truth is much, much darker.

For a while I thought - or hoped - that things that are going on around us were the result of incompetent people in positions of power, but I'm starting to believe that it's all a result of evil people in positions of power.
Occams Razor.

Occam's Razor would be the wet market. Earliest human cases of a coronavirus transmissible from animals sold at the market. Nothing more to hypothesize or put a conspiratorial gloss on.
Occam's Razor would be the wet market. Earliest human cases of a coronavirus transmissible from animals sold at the market. Nothing more to hypothesize or put a conspiratorial gloss on.
The consensus seems to be that neither hypothesis is currently fully supported by the facts - more evidence is needed. The fact that China has refused to give all countries full access to the data is certainly concerning - but perhaps circumstantial evidence rather than a smoking gun. As is the fact that China happens to be the world's no.1 manufacturer of PPE. Again, circumstantial rather than a smoking gun, Which hypothesis is the 'simpler' option - people will need to decide for themselves.

We don't really know what happened, but we've been manipulated and lied to on such a grand scale by governments, authorities, main stream media, businesses etc that I've come to a point where I think that everything is possible and the truth is much, much darker.

For a while I thought - or hoped - that things that are going on around us were the result of incompetent people in positions of power, but I'm starting to believe that it's all a result of evil people in positions of power.
I have no doubt in my feeble little mind that this is the case.
The evolution and use of the phrase 'conspiracy theory' is an interesting one. It used to be quite a 'neutral' term - used to describe an explanation for an event or series of events that relies on the existence of unseen and powerful actors. Could be true or could be false. Could be held by people on the left, or people on the right, or people on the centre. Now it seems to be used to mean - a deeply paranoid and prejudiced explanation for an event or series of events that relies on racist or far right assumptions and misrepresentation of the facts. How times have changed.
Occam's Razor would be the wet market. Earliest human cases of a coronavirus transmissible from animals sold at the market. Nothing more to hypothesize or put a conspiratorial gloss on.
Sure, the novel coronavirus that saw an outbreak right next to the Wuhan coronavirus lab, yeah OK buddy :laughing:
Sure, the novel coronavirus that saw an outbreak right next to the Wuhan coronavirus lab, yeah OK buddy :laughing:

And we’re back to whether it’s more likely that an outbreak would come from a lab with security and safety protections, or a crowded wet market with poor sanitation and live animal slaughter. Not sure why you’re putting the better odds on the lab.
And we’re back to whether it’s more likely that an outbreak would come from a lab with security and safety protections, or a crowded wet market with poor sanitation and live animal slaughter. Not sure why you’re putting the better odds on the lab.
Because I'm not an idiot.
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