Does anyone think List of the Lost would make a great film?

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Lol what do you think?

I know he’s just trolling as usual, just curious if he would admit to actually reading it before judging it.
That book is the worst, most toe-curling embarrassment of M's career and should be buried 10,000 leagues under the sea & never spoken of again, not made into a film. Christ, I'd rather watch England is Mine on loop for a month.
That book is the worst, most toe-curling embarrassment of M's career and should be buried 10,000 leagues under the sea & never spoken of again, not made into a film. Christ, I'd rather watch England is Mine on loop for a month.

Not to mention the movie would totally suck and it would be another thing to tarnish the memory of the Smiths.
The book is absolutely unreadable, so the very idea of it being translated to film is horrifying.

peeps when the book maker read he instantly made it a PENGUIN CLASSIC
due to it being major literature.(y)
you dont see that dumb 'set the boy free' by 60 old free boy LePew given
that type of status.:hammer:
oi 'set the 6o yr old boy free':hammer:
Despite what the global village idiot above claims, List of the Lost was not published as a Penguin Classic. Just check your copy. If you own one, that is.

OI dont you see the little :penguin:
on the cover FFS?? the mook probably thinks its an otter:lbf:

Despite what the global village idiot above claims, List of the Lost was not published as a Penguin Classic. Just check your copy. If you own one, that is.

Should have been published as a Penguin Iconoclastic.

Would make an interesting film, if only for the fact that it would, like the book has, ruffle feathers too.

OI dont you see the little :penguin:
on the cover FFS?? the mook probably thinks its an otter:lbf:

Yes, I see the penguin, and under it reads "Penguin Fiction". Not "Penguin Classics". Got it?

Here's the entire Penguin Classics list:

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Yes, I see the penguin, and under it reads "Penguin Fiction". Not "Penguin Classics". Got it?

Here's the entire Penguil Classics list:

I can't wait for the goon's retort on this

from the internet:

"just read the new Moz PENGUIN CLASSIC. List of the Lost" (Camden UK)
"thank you Moz for this wonderful PENGUIN CLASSIC, List of The Lost" (Surrey UK)
" List of the Lost is a true PENGUIN CLASSIC" (Mazatlan MX)
"just finished reading the new Moz PENGUIN CLASSIC, List of the Lost" (Sofia Bulgaria)



from the internet:

"just read the new Moz PENGUIN CLASSIC. List of the Lost" (Camden UK)
"thank you Moz for this wonderful PENGUIN CLASSIC, List of The Lost" (Surrey UK)
" List of the Lost is a true PENGUIN CLASSIC" (Mazatlan MX)
"just finished reading the new Moz PENGUIN CLASSIC, List of the Lost" (Sofia Bulgaria)


You utter f***ing idiot

You have just demonstrated that you don't know the difference between someone calling something a 'classic', and the actual imprint which you had originally claimed.

By your logic, his last album was literally a 'steaming pile of dogshit', because someone on the internet said so. f*** me.

I would say that you should probably stop embarrassing yourself, but to be honest, it's great sport. Keep going.
You utter f***ing idiot

You have just demonstrated that you don't know the difference between someone calling something a 'classic', and the actual imprint which you had originally claimed.

By your logic, his last album was literally a 'steaming pile of dogshit', because someone on the internet said so. f*** me.

I would say that you should probably stop embarrassing yourself, but to be honest, it's great sport. Keep going.
Are you familiar with the concept of trolling?

from the internet:

"Moz latest album is a masterpiece" (Las Vegas NV USA):tiphat:
"Dog is a Masterpiece Masterpiece" (Ghent, East Flanders):tiphat:
"Moz latest album IANADOAC is an all time classic" (Quito Peru):tiphat:
"IANADOAC is 100% Masterpiece, a classic, one of the best albums ever" (Hum. Croatia)

I dont see where the surfboards get their fake news from

List of The Lost is fiction FFSdoh:
Only if you never had/read would you not know this
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