Morrissey Central "CANCEL VULTURES" (February 7, 2022)



Same YT channel as previous post.
Description says:
"Supporters of the truckers convoy joining the protest on horseback in Ottawa. The city is electric right now."

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Eldritch absolutely schooling some numbskulls on Solo. A fantastic start to my day. Lovely stuff.
A question of understanding. No one has to answer it if they don't want to. Is Rifke = Marianne?
No. Marianne is well and truly warped.
I first come across her in 2016, she had done one gig at that point, and the red flags were there then, Frank. Red flags. Controlling and :crazy:
No. Marianne is well and truly warped.
I first come across her in 2016, she had done one gig at that point, and the red flags were there then, Frank. Red flags. Controlling and :crazy:
I don't know anyone who posts the same selfie of themselves almost every day. Same pose, same face. She's based in Canada like Rifke, that's why I came up with it. Well, she's in love with Morrissey. We all were at one time (metaphorically speaking) but she's still a young fan and eventually a nice vegan boy comes along and takes her, so Morrissey doesn't stand a chance.
Well, boo hoo. I only press the dislike button, when you're saying something stupid. Which is quite often, actually.
that was the answer i was expecting,you child.
Eldritch absolutely schooling some numbskulls on Solo. A fantastic start to my day. Lovely stuff.
absolutely schooling,aye if you say so.if 11.33 is the start to your day then that makes you a right lazy c... .
absolutely schooling,aye if you say so.if 11.33 is the start to your day then that makes you a right lazy c... .
say it again without crying this time :ROFLMAO:
I don't know anyone who posts the same selfie of themselves almost every day. Same pose, same face. She's based in Canada like Rifke, that's why I came up with it. Well, she's in love with Morrissey. We all were at one time (metaphorically speaking) but she's still a young fan and eventually a nice vegan boy comes along and takes her, so Morrissey doesn't stand a chance.
There was one gig, we had to listen to her telling us it was her “time of the month”

The we had the tears from her deranged B/F and her sobbing over not getting to the front one night. It goes on. Sadly.
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Late night vodka bunker results in this f***ing nonsense. He's literally stewing in his own right-wing nutjob juices, and there's no one to tell him to stop, because he pays everyone to agree with him

He's an absolute disgrace, and dragging MLK into this is the stinking crust on top of the shit pie
Sounds like you know him almost as much as Johnny Marr does
Late night vodka bunker results in this f***ing nonsense. He's literally stewing in his own right-wing nutjob juices, and there's no one to tell him to stop, because he pays everyone to agree with him
this is just your fantasy. you have no idea about his drinking habits.
Please help. Can someone explain, in simple words, what is being protested? I work so much that I don't often get to see or read the news. Thanks in advance.
That's what you think
some evidence would be needed to back up your claim. it is pretty obvious that you were not with him when you think he was drinking before posting the above video
so, put up or stop making allegations
some evidence would be needed to back up your claim. it is pretty obvious that you were not with him when you think he was drinking before posting the above video
so, put up or stop making allegations
You have no idea what I know, so you'd better shut your mouth. I know what I've been told and by whom, and you coming on to some message board asking for that information ain't gonna cut it. So tough shit. No doubt you'll reply to this with cries of 'no evidence' and so on, and you can believe what you like, but I am not going to tell you what has been told to me and by whom. So tough.
All this ceaseless to-ing & fro-ing, yet ‘Bonfire Of The Teenagers’ remains unreleased still. Life just isn’t fair….eh, Moz? ;) What’s the cause of this, it needs asking.
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