"Because This Is How I Am" - SER / Morrissey Central (24 May, 2019)

Because This Is How I Am. - Morrissey Central
May 24, 2019



"in early old age could I please express very sincere thanks to BBC Radio 2 for their broad-shouldered support given to "California Son", "Wedding Bell Blues" and "It's Over". Whatever the future brings, I will always remember Radio 2's steady support during these rocky weeks - especially from Jo Whiley.

I am sorry the UK print media's contorted interpretation of who and what I am has gone all wrong. In these days when most people are afraid to even whisper, the print media write as if someone is coming to get them. This aching nervousness brings on the vengeful and paranoid. Inventing Britain's doomsday is the preoccupation of the tabloids, and they can hate you for having lived.

I straighten up, and my position is one of hope. The march backwards is over, and life has begun again. With voice extended to breaking point, I call for the prosperity of free speech; the eradication of totalitarian control; I call for diversity of opinion; I call for the total abolition of the abattoir; I call for peace, above all; I call for civil society; I call for a so-far unknowable end to brutalities; "No" to Soviet Britain; prayers not to gods but to forces; an end to disingenuous media cluelessness; the people have the power; hatred and beheadings belong in the furnace of history; music might still be your only friend; for every shade and persuasion ... we shall always be alongside each other - everyone's culture of value; no more fashionable outrage; cows are friends to humans - don't kill them; beware of those who write in headlines; moral fiber means holding on ... to your friends; give up on inferior arguments; God gave you your life to enjoy - you will cry for your life in years to come ... death always answers back; do not be a nobody; you have survived this far in order to make the remainder peaceful and funny; your very survival proves that you have a right; ignore the cold eyes of fascism; your life is Art." #morrissey

24 May 2019

Thanks to Sam for sharing!

UPDATE May 25:

Also posted on Morrissey Official Facebook:

Media coverage:
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The USA wouldn't let Charlie Chaplan back into the USa to sell his house, even after he gave them dozens of films they enjoyed because they thought he was a communist. Even after he won the oscar for life time achievement, they only gave him a Visa for 10 days. We all know he wasn't a communist and think of all the lost pictures. Here is his emotional speech to a standing crowd
Chaplin certainly experienced the ridiculous hysteria in similar times like we are living through now. Morrissey is more Dalton Trumbo than Elia Kazan ie brave and honest and doesn’t get silenced by the bullies.
after reading this, how could I possibly find myself loving him even more? Yet, I most certainly do! Marching Forward!
I see the haters have already started to rip in to his statement, still did anyone expect anything else, keep plodding on Moz you are having a fantastic year, so f*** the haters.. best regards, Manc Lad

The reality is that Morrissey creates these messes for himself either by the statements he makes in interviews (think 2017) or the imagery he embraces (For Britain pin worn constantly). He likes to wind people up but then recoils from the backlash. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a damn shame that this is what's being discussed after the amazing tour he just completed; an overall well-received California Son and turning 60.
We HAVE free speech; there is no 'totalitarian control'. Diversity of opinion is par for course, what is the entirety of the interwebzzz if not one big (steaming pile of) speakers corner, for good or for worse. Nobody's stopping you from spewing your hatred. We simply do not agree with you. Lack of free speech in western society is a straw horse used by dullards and bigots. I LOVE The Smiths but the man is a reactionary and an imbecile. He's lost the plot. Sad but true.
I see a lot of words, but hear nothing.

Reading comprehension is the ability to process text, understand its meaning, and to integrate with what the reader already knows.[1][2] Fundamental skills required in efficient reading comprehension are knowing meaning of words, ability to understand meaning of a word from discourse context, ability to follow organization of passage and to identify antecedents and references in it, ability to draw inferences from a passage about its contents, ability to identify the main thought of a passage, ability to answer questions answered in a passage, ability to recognize the literary devices or propositional structures used in a passage and determine its tone, to understand the situational mood (agents, objects, temporal and spatial reference points, casual and intentional inflections, etc.) conveyed for assertions, questioning, commanding, refraining etc. and finally ability to determine writer's purpose, intent and point of view, and draw inferences about the writer (discourse-semantics).[3][4]
Because This Is How I Am. - Morrissey Central
May 24, 2019



"in early old age could I please express very sincere thanks to BBC Radio 2 for their broad-shouldered support given to "California Son", "Wedding Bell Blues" and "It's Over". Whatever the future brings, I will always remember Radio 2's steady support during these rocky weeks - especially from Jo Whiley.

I am sorry the UK print media's contorted interpretation of who and what I am has gone all wrong. In these days when most people are afraid to even whisper, the print media write as if someone is coming to get them. This aching nervousness brings on the vengeful and paranoid. Inventing Britain's doomsday is the preoccupation of the tabloids, and they can hate you for having lived.

I straighten up, and my position is one of hope. The march backwards is over, and life has begun again. With voice extended to breaking point, I call for the prosperity of free speech; the eradication of totalitarian control; I call for diversity of opinion; I call for the total abolition of the abattoir; I call for peace, above all; I call for civil society; I call for a so-far unknowable end to brutalities; "No" to Soviet Britain; prayers not to gods but to forces; an end to disingenuous media cluelessness; the people have the power; hatred and beheadings belong in the furnace of history; music might still be your only friend; for every shade and persuasion ... we shall always be alongside each other - everyone's culture of value; no more fashionable outrage; cows are friends to humans - don't kill them; beware of those who write in headlines; moral fiber means holding on ... to your friends; give up on inferior arguments; God gave you your life to enjoy - you will cry for your life in years to come ... death always answers back; do not be a nobody; you have survived this far in order to make the remainder peaceful and funny; your very survival proves that you have a right; ignore the cold eyes of fascism; your life is Art." #morrissey

24 May 2019

Thanks to Sam for sharing!
He clearly sees himself, not as a nobody but a somebody. All of the cunning plots and deliberately calculated controversial stunts he has pulled to get his name into the press have made him, he thinks a somebody, with his little badge proudly on display Now karma repays him. Not a nice somebody. Rather a rat fink clueless daft old c***.
Someone has made a pictorial version of the Central post:

There’s nothing confusing or incoherent about Morrissey’s politics. He wishes for the continuity of diverse (not replacement) culture within a framework of peace and acceptance.

Something the Islamic doctrine has repeatedly shown itself incompatible with.
Just think instead of giving the rest of the world money we could have a decent NHS.....proper care for the elderly.....more police.......more money for councils......schools...........wouldn't that be wonderful?

You don't feel that a prosperous nation like the UK should help those in need if they are from other countries?
You don't feel that our prosperity is based on the shameful exploitation of those countries in our colonial past?
You don't feel perhaps we owe them something?

"I call for the prosperity of free speech; the eradication of totalitarian control; I call for diversity of opinion..."

Here here.

Total anathema to the lobotomized Left.
You don't feel that a prosperous nation like the UK should help those in need if they are from other countries?
You don't feel that our prosperity is based on the shameful exploitation of those countries in our colonial past?
You don't feel perhaps we owe them something?


No. I really, really don't. People are suffering in this country too. They're our priority.
There’s nothing confusing or incoherent about Morrissey’s politics. He wishes for the continuity of diverse (not replacement) culture within a framework of peace and acceptance.

Something the Islamic doctrine has repeatedly shown itself incompatible with.

This seems a bit contradictory. But that aside, Islam means peace. Yes there are extremist loony muslims who blow things up and want to impose extreme Sharia law. This minority is not representative of the whole. Just as the extremist Christians of the Westboro Baptist Church are not reoresentative of the whole of Christianity. I jolly well hope that applies to those horrid anti-abortionists in Alabama too.
"God gave you your life to enjoy..." - I have zero interest in religion but bloody hell it would be interesting if Morrissey went through a religious phase, a la Dylan.

Apparently he made a statement that he was a Christian at one of the recent shows, which surprised me, as I don't think I've ever heard him say that before. Personally I think all religions are nuts, but maybe he will go down the Elvis route and give us an album of gospel songs next? :confused:
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