"Because This Is How I Am" - SER / Morrissey Central (24 May, 2019)

Because This Is How I Am. - Morrissey Central
May 24, 2019



"in early old age could I please express very sincere thanks to BBC Radio 2 for their broad-shouldered support given to "California Son", "Wedding Bell Blues" and "It's Over". Whatever the future brings, I will always remember Radio 2's steady support during these rocky weeks - especially from Jo Whiley.

I am sorry the UK print media's contorted interpretation of who and what I am has gone all wrong. In these days when most people are afraid to even whisper, the print media write as if someone is coming to get them. This aching nervousness brings on the vengeful and paranoid. Inventing Britain's doomsday is the preoccupation of the tabloids, and they can hate you for having lived.

I straighten up, and my position is one of hope. The march backwards is over, and life has begun again. With voice extended to breaking point, I call for the prosperity of free speech; the eradication of totalitarian control; I call for diversity of opinion; I call for the total abolition of the abattoir; I call for peace, above all; I call for civil society; I call for a so-far unknowable end to brutalities; "No" to Soviet Britain; prayers not to gods but to forces; an end to disingenuous media cluelessness; the people have the power; hatred and beheadings belong in the furnace of history; music might still be your only friend; for every shade and persuasion ... we shall always be alongside each other - everyone's culture of value; no more fashionable outrage; cows are friends to humans - don't kill them; beware of those who write in headlines; moral fiber means holding on ... to your friends; give up on inferior arguments; God gave you your life to enjoy - you will cry for your life in years to come ... death always answers back; do not be a nobody; you have survived this far in order to make the remainder peaceful and funny; your very survival proves that you have a right; ignore the cold eyes of fascism; your life is Art." #morrissey

24 May 2019

Thanks to Sam for sharing!

UPDATE May 25:

Also posted on Morrissey Official Facebook:

Media coverage:
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I see the haters have already started to rip in to his statement, still did anyone expect anything else, keep plodding on Moz you are having a fantastic year, so f*** the haters.. best regards, Manc Lad
Read it. Then read it again.

Words as wallpaper. Pure flannel. He is saying absolutely nothing. This is not the Morrissey I know. He used to be direct and straight to the point. However, in defence of himself right now, he is mealy mouthed and makes absolutely no points at all. This is a cloak of cliches.
Really? I always found him enigmatic and poetic.
This is as close to an apology Morrissey will ever come.

I like California Son. It’s a much better effort than “Worldpeace in High School.”

I hope he will follow in the footsteps of Johnny Cash and make many more.
Is that morrissey thanking Sam, if so it's as I thought Sam is no more than another Julia, like a fan that happens to be related.
There is obviously no connection beyond that
That is the OP thanking Sam as it appeared as a post on his social media prior to the Morrissey Central post.
The USA wouldn't let Charlie Chaplan back into the USa to sell his house, even after he gave them dozens of films they enjoyed because they thought he was a communist. Even after he won the oscar for life time achievement, they only gave him a Visa for 10 days. We all know he wasn't a communist and think of all the lost pictures. Here is his emotional speech to a standing crowd
He calls for peace, yet he says give your vote to For Bigots. A party who want to stop all spending on overseas aid and increase spending on the warfare. 'Spend more on nuclear war'. Please someone, anyone, give this man a copy of the For Bigots manifesto. He really hasn't got a clue what they actually stand for, hence the ludicrous muddle that he finds himself in.
He calls for peace, yet he says give your vote to For Bigots. A party who want to stop all spending on overseas aid and increase spending on the warfare. 'Spend more on nuclear war'. Please someone, anyone, give this man a copy of the For Bigots manifesto. He really hasn't got a clue what they actually stand for, hence the ludicrous muddle that he finds himself in.

Just think instead of giving the rest of the world money we could have a decent NHS.....proper care for the elderly.....more police.......more money for councils......schools...........wouldn't that be wonderful?

and ... interesting.

Set these words spoken to music, he’d have a hit ! A hit in the hearts of those that are open to love and peace and understanding.



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Great comment, made me feel happy buying California Son this morning.
I will never agree with For Britain, Morrissey has aligned himself with bullies and bigots, but with this new great album and this thoughtful and respectful quote, he still seems to have some sense, somewhere.
He doesn't seem to be un-aligning himself with "For Britain". I find that disappointing.
This is as close to an apology Morrissey will ever come.

I like California Son. It’s a much better effort than “Worldpeace in High School.”

I hope he will follow in the footsteps of Johnny Cash and make many more.

If you think that's an apology you must have read a different piece, if anything it's a statement of individual thought.
How about:
"Big apologies folks - I've been an absolute idiot. I've visibly and unequivocally supported a political party without even reading their manifesto. What a f***wit!
I now realise that, despite making encouraging noises about animal rights, sexuality and national identity, For Bigots are a proper right-wing party who couldn't give a shit about the natural environment, want to divert aid intended to help the world's most impoverished countries into spending more on military conflicts, and to reduce the taxes of the wealthiest people in society. This totally goes against everything I've ever stood for. I promise to either avoid all political commenting in the future, or I will educate myself about the complex and nuanced world of politics and international relations. I will never wear that pin, or voice my support again for that party, as long as I live."

"Increase spending by £5bn on schools17, the NHS18 and adult social care" Who said that - Labour or For Britain?
Because This Is How I Am. - Morrissey Central
May 24, 2019



"in early old age could I please express very sincere thanks to BBC Radio 2 for their broad-shouldered support given to "California Son", "Wedding Bell Blues" and "It's Over". Whatever the future brings, I will always remember Radio 2's steady support during these rocky weeks - especially from Jo Whiley.

I am sorry the UK print media's contorted interpretation of who and what I am has gone all wrong. In these days when most people are afraid to even whisper, the print media write as if someone is coming to get them. This aching nervousness brings on the vengeful and paranoid. Inventing Britain's doomsday is the preoccupation of the tabloids, and they can hate you for having lived.

I straighten up, and my position is one of hope. The march backwards is over, and life has begun again. With voice extended to breaking point, I call for the prosperity of free speech; the eradication of totalitarian control; I call for diversity of opinion; I call for the total abolition of the abattoir; I call for peace, above all; I call for civil society; I call for a so-far unknowable end to brutalities; "No" to Soviet Britain; prayers not to gods but to forces; an end to disingenuous media cluelessness; the people have the power; hatred and beheadings belong in the furnace of history; music might still be your only friend; for every shade and persuasion ... we shall always be alongside each other - everyone's culture of value; no more fashionable outrage; cows are friends to humans - don't kill them; beware of those who write in headlines; moral fiber means holding on ... to your friends; give up on inferior arguments; God gave you your life to enjoy - you will cry for your life in years to come ... death always answers back; do not be a nobody; you have survived this far in order to make the remainder peaceful and funny; your very survival proves that you have a right; ignore the cold eyes of fascism; your life is Art." #morrissey

24 May 2019

Thanks to Sam for sharing!
Oh f*** off. Most people work nine to five if they're lucky, bet he has never cleaned an oven, changed the duvet, just f***, f*** off you absolute smarmy prick. Stuff your pontificating up your arse.
There is no point trying to convince people like Uncle Skinny of anything. They are not the Tesla,Einstein. Or Curie's of the world. No Descartes in the bunch. If you dont believe me. Just think of the Brexit negotiations. stalled and belittled by the small minds of Britian. The end is ni.
Because This Is How I Am. - Morrissey Central
May 24, 2019



"in early old age could I please express very sincere thanks to BBC Radio 2 for their broad-shouldered support given to "California Son", "Wedding Bell Blues" and "It's Over". Whatever the future brings, I will always remember Radio 2's steady support during these rocky weeks - especially from Jo Whiley.

I am sorry the UK print media's contorted interpretation of who and what I am has gone all wrong. In these days when most people are afraid to even whisper, the print media write as if someone is coming to get them. This aching nervousness brings on the vengeful and paranoid. Inventing Britain's doomsday is the preoccupation of the tabloids, and they can hate you for having lived.

I straighten up, and my position is one of hope. The march backwards is over, and life has begun again. With voice extended to breaking point, I call for the prosperity of free speech; the eradication of totalitarian control; I call for diversity of opinion; I call for the total abolition of the abattoir; I call for peace, above all; I call for civil society; I call for a so-far unknowable end to brutalities; "No" to Soviet Britain; prayers not to gods but to forces; an end to disingenuous media cluelessness; the people have the power; hatred and beheadings belong in the furnace of history; music might still be your only friend; for every shade and persuasion ... we shall always be alongside each other - everyone's culture of value; no more fashionable outrage; cows are friends to humans - don't kill them; beware of those who write in headlines; moral fiber means holding on ... to your friends; give up on inferior arguments; God gave you your life to enjoy - you will cry for your life in years to come ... death always answers back; do not be a nobody; you have survived this far in order to make the remainder peaceful and funny; your very survival proves that you have a right; ignore the cold eyes of fascism; your life is Art." #morrissey

24 May 2019

Thanks to Sam for sharing!


the cross has been ever present?

"God gave you your life to enjoy..." - I have zero interest in religion but bloody hell it would be interesting if Morrissey went through a religious phase, a la Dylan.

Also: he's kind of nuts, isn't he?

It’s complicated. He also says...

‘prayers not to gods but to forces’

or is he calling Britain a godless country when he says...

‘NO’ to Soviet Britain; prayers not to gods but to forces’



Beside his upbringing, something that’s difficult to escape and a burden to deal with, I feel most of the time that his use of the word god/jesus is metaphorical/poetic like the wearing of a cross, something symbolic that means something entirely unique to him and opposite to it’s general religious meaning and use.

I’m sure Morrissey’s god is closer to some genderless mighty spirit from on high and inside of all, or a force of nature, something beyond thingness, and therefore limitless.

I mean, I don’t think we’ll be seeing Morrissey kneeling at church anytime soon, though a gospel record would be very welcome!

If you think that's an apology you must have read a different piece, if anything it's a statement of individual thought.

very individual.

Between cake and champagne, we now know what he was busy doing on his birthday.

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