All UK/European gigs postponed due to "logistical circumstances beyond our control" - management

As I mentioned earlier today, this has now come to pass.

'Logistical issues'.

From @gigsandtours / Twitter:

NEWS// Morrissey tour statement.

Due to logistical circumstances beyond our control, the UK/European Morrissey concerts scheduled for July will be postponed.

We deeply regret any inconvenience to the fans and promise to reschedule UK and European dates as soon as possible.

All original purchasers from official ticket outlets will have the full ticket fee refunded, including booking fee, to their credit/debit cards. Refunds from ticket agents will be actioned from midday on Monday 2nd July.

The LIHS World Tour will continue, starting back up in Mexico City on November 23rd.

Watch for more dates to be added soon!

The LIHS World Tour has been Morrissey’s most successful tour to date, having achieved record business for the artist in both the U.S. and the UK.

We thank all the fans for their support. -

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There is one person responsible for 'derailing a great tour', and that's the man who spouted right-wing bollocks, prompting thousands of fans to turn away. Any other explanation is simply wrong.

And let's talk about this free speech thing. It seems that some persons' version of free speech is to demean and abuse people for something they cannot change about themselves, be it skin colour, sexuality, disability. My version of free speech is to call out bigots.
Hold on, you sound as if you are sympathetic to people who are unable to change? Read back. “They cannot change” Sounds as if you have sympathy lol. What do they need to change? Trouble with you extreme leftists you ride on the backs of minority’s to virtual signal. Typical closet racist . I hate you, not because you are a fat northern peasant and an extremist leftist but because you appear weak. I’m a weakest. #FreeWeakSkinny.
Logistical my ARSE ! Ha ha ha ha ha ha :laughing:

Poor Diesel ! :rofl:Bless his cotton socks, the poor 4kr, must be going through sheer 4kin hell at the minute.
We're all here for yer lad, just get in touch if yer need us :laughing:

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
skinnys been pishng in a bucket and eating crisps for the last 27 hours.hes going for the record for the most time on a website without sleep.i wonder if he acts like this in company,does he challenge workmates when one of them says anyone fancy a chinky,does he call them out as racists.
FFS Skinny/Surface, quit wanting to be me. Now you are posting as me all the time LOL

The fascist Commie Pollos are very dangerous they dont respect the law and are capable of anything therefore Moz needs to take precautions against them:straightface:

Ayatollah Salaam AL-LOSER Halaam was busing in vagrants and pick pocket from throughout the country to run
havok and intimidate the decent folks at the Moz gig. Now he can go back to begging for food.
Thats what they do, and Moz needs to protect himself.:tiphat:
As has been shown on countless occasions, there really is no point in offering a logical counter-argument to Peter. He is too far gone. His arrogance and stupidity render him unable to understand anything beyond his own utterly ridiculous agenda.

He has become a pointless embarrassment - just put him on ignore.

I get your point but, then would that not be acting like him?
Best to debate the point.
Perhaps,one day,he will pause his kids' talk and actually engage in argument.
(I like to think of him as our own Trump but so much more eager he KNOWS best)
My opinion on the tour is that it was slightly misjudged. Who proposes a second UK tour right after already doing one? It was also announced at very short notice, and a lot of people would've already bought tickets for festivals or would be going on holiday at some point in the summer so money is tight. Not a good time to sell tickets for a short-notice tour. I reckon if Moz had opted for one big night in Manchester instead of two, it would have sold out and the whole tour would still be on.

The tabloids are saying: Moz Cancels Tour in Racism Row! What row? The single facebook post from Moz and his manager humourously slagging off Haslam? That was definitely bad timing because when the tour cancellation was announced the next day it gave the press ammo for a 'story'.

Haslam's night would've been mildly irritating to Moz but no way would he have cancelled an entire European tour over a night in a tiny club til 12 on a Sunday night.

Also, I don't think Moz's recent comments are a factor either as he's always been outspoken since the Smiths began.

His outspokenness is one of his attractions - illustrated by the many supposedly 'ex-Moz fans' on this very site who like to call him names yet are still evidently in love with all things Morrissey.
My opinion on the tour is that it was slightly misjudged. Who proposes a second UK tour right after already doing one?

Morrissey in 1991.

And pretty much any other band, when there's a demand for it. But there was no demand for it this time around, hence the cancellation.
Is it a Morrissey fan site though or a Morrissey discussion site? Don't forget Morrissey has banned the site owner from any of his gigs so you could argue David would have good reason to shut it down.
This is not a Morrissey fan site, it’s a Morrissey troll central.
I can't wait for the lawsuit........what's the betting it's not coming? Dave's calling him a "right-wing singer" now.
People who call Moz right wing don't actually know what the right wing is.

A right-wing singer was Ian Donaldson from Skrewdriver.

Praise for Hitler, denial of the holocaust, Nazi flags everywhere, Sieg heils, calls for a pure Aryan ethnostate.

That's right wing.

Morrissey is the very same person who sung 'I Know it's Over'. He loves Britain, the country he was born in. He's not blinded by incessant propaganda and can see with his own eyes that the changes in the UK are unprecedented in history and will ultimately turn out to be ugly - for everyone.

'Diversity' only works in small doses. Yes, it can make areas more interesting. But it is when the demographic balance tips that you realise 'Diversity' is actually a code word for 'anti-white'. Areas diversify, then they diversify a little more, then the third-world-type crime (intimidation, gang rapes, muggings, knifings, shootings etc) becomes too much, too alien, for those that lived there already and they flee. All of them. Hence no white people in the newly 'diversified' area.

White flight happened in every city in the US decades ago and is well documented. But to see it in real-time action as I have in London for years is very sobering.

Mention facts such as these, however, and you are instantly silenced as racist, right wing, a bigot, all the usual boring twaddle filtered down from the ruling elite to those delicates on social media who actively help the elite's cause.
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People who call Moz right wing don't actually know what the right wing is.

A ring wing singer was Ian Donaldson from Skrewdriver.

Praise for Hitler and the holocaust, Nazi flags everywhere, Sieg heils, calls for a pure Aryan ethnostate.

That's right wing.

Morrissey is the very same person who sung 'I Know it's Over'. He loves Britain, the country he was born in. He's not blinded by incessant propaganda and can see with his own eyes that the changes in the UK are unprecedented in history and will ultimately turn out to be ugly - for everyone.

'Diversity' only works in small doses. Yes, it can make areas more interesting. But it is when the demographic balance tips that you realise 'Diversity' is actually a code word for 'anti-white'. Areas diversify, then they diversify a little more, then the third-world-type crime (intimidation, gang rapes, muggings, knifings, shootings etc) becomes too much, too alien, for those that lived there already and they flee. All of them. Hence no white people in the newly 'diversified' area.

White flight happened in every city in the US decades ago and is well documented. But to see it in real-time action as I have in London for years is very sobering.

Mention facts such as these, however, and you are instantly silenced as racist, right wing, a bigot, all the usual boring twaddle filtered down from the ruling elite to those delicates on social media who actively help the elite's cause.

I know know that.........other's not so much.
The tabloids are saying: Moz Cancels Tour in Racism Row! What row? The single facebook post from Moz and his manager humourously slagging off Haslam? That was definitely bad timing because when the tour cancellation was announced the next day it gave the press ammo for a 'story'.

Bad timing!! Are you really that detached?? That "single Facebook post" was clearly designed to deflect from the upcoming cancellation announcement. And in your case it obviously worked.

Ok, this is how PR works...

PR man 1: "Well the ticket sales are so poor we are gonna have to cancel all gigs."
PR man 2: "That's not gonna go down well. How shall we spin it?"
PR1: "Well there's that LMHR thing they were planning as a protest. We can blame that?"
PR2: "What, we can blame the whole tour being shelved on that one thing?"
PR1: "Yeah. Bang out a press release a few hours before in which we have a go at that Haslam bloke and his disco. That'll muddy the waters enough."
PR2: "Will the fans buy it though?"
PR1 "Yeah, the fans will believe anything if it's what they want to hear...."
That's almost certainly true. However...

that bit is totally deluded. The tour has been cancelled because the ticket sales were a disaster. His decent fans have turned their backs on him and rightly so.
Where did you read that? Social media? It's bull.
Morrissey in 1991.

And pretty much any other band, when there's a demand for it. But there was no demand for it this time around, hence the cancellation.
Moz in 91 was on his first solo tour ever. Fans had been waiting five years (since '86) to see him live - that's different.
Bad timing!! Are you really that detached?? That "single Facebook post" was clearly designed to deflect from the upcoming cancellation announcement. And in your case it obviously worked.

Ok, this is how PR works...

PR man 1: "Well the ticket sales are so poor we are gonna have to cancel all gigs."
PR man 2: "That's not gonna go down well. How shall we spin it?"
PR1: "Well there's that LMHR thing they were planning as a protest. We can blame that?"
PR2: "What, we can blame the whole tour being shelved on that one thing?"
PR1: "Yeah. Bang out a press release a few hours before in which we have a go at that Haslam bloke and his disco. That'll muddy the waters enough."
PR2: "Will the fans buy it though?"
PR1 "Yeah, the fans will believe anything if it's what they want to hear...."
You're wrong. Why would Moz hand Haslam the points? It was bad-timing, it gave the press ammo for a story - and publicised Haslam's book, name and night in the process!

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