This was the first album that was released after I started listening to Morrissey, so I was very excited, but the title track completely disappointed me, as did a number of the tracks. I loved Istanbul though, Staircase at the University, and The Bullfighter Dies. Never really listened to the whole album until very recently (thanks YouTube music), and the whole thing has grown on me. Of his post-2010s albums I still think it's the weakest, but I appreciate the songs way more. The title track is still annoying, Neal Cassady is bizarre lyrically but I like the music. I'm Not a Man is a song where I wish the stellar vocal performance and music could have been paired with less irritating lyrics (sorry, but it's just a load of trite stereotypes about masculinity that have only become even more irritating since the song was released).
The best part of the album for me starts with Istanbul and runs right to the end, with the only annoying blip being Loneliest Planet. Seems a lot of people don't like Kiss me a Lot, but I think it's a fantastic throwback to the 60s girl group style, with it's upbeat, romantic and light lyrics. When so many "romantic" songs now are so seedy, it's nice to have something so more innocent (even with a little bit of cheek). Istanbul is probably still my favourite song from the album though. The glam rock and the inspired lyrics that are quite different for a Morrissey song makes it still stand out today.