Morrissey Central "YOUR HEALTH IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" (June 15, 2021)

I absolutely love the fact that Skinny is sticking his thumb up his arse over Gb news 😹😹😹😹😹
Wow! Did Paul Joseph Watson really say that about Morrissey? I wonder if Sam and Morrissey know about that?

Multiple times, actually.
I'm not sure Morrissey is receptive to this kind of rhetoric. But at least his nephew doesn't seem to be bothered by it. 🙄



Well, he's literally always been obsessed with people from subcultures who would have kicked the shit out of him on the street or in the wrong pub, for decades now. His idea of masculinity has always been heavily based on a homoerotic pretence. He was obsessed with skinheads (pretty much one of the gayest of fetishes) even after a gang of them chased him down and tried to kill him - sounds a bit masochistic to me.

It's not all running from sexy thugs - he'd be back in a culture that thinks he's sick or evil & doesn't want his lifestyle 'shoved down their throats'.
Multiple times, actually.
I'm not sure Morrissey is receptive to this kind of rhetoric. But at least his nephew doesn't seem to be bothered by it. 🙄

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& there's also:

there’s a “war on men and masculinity” and that popular culture glorifies “being a pussy” and having depression, which Watson falsely alleges is not a real medical condition.

“Ooh Moz posted a conservative youtuber! That’s literally Nazism!” *clutches pearls*

Here's Paul arguing that Turkish & Middle-eastern people are aggressive & have lower IQs - despite the fact he's so stupid he doesn't know what the Northern hemisphere is.

Hates migrants:

Hates black lives matter:

Name checks a white supremacist:

Pushes 'the Great Replacement' theory:

It is literally - & if Central keeps posting this stuff no one will pearl clutch, they'll 🙄

He's at it again. 🙄
Here's Paul arguing that Turkish & Middle-eastern people are aggressive & have lower IQs - despite the fact he's so stupid he doesn't know what the Northern hemisphere is.

Hates migrants:
View attachment 73343

Hates black lives matter:
View attachment 73344

Name checks a white supremacist:
View attachment 73345

Pushes 'the Great Replacement' theory:
View attachment 73346

It is literally - & if Central keeps posting this stuff no one will pearl clutch, they'll 🙄

He's at it again. 🙄
Well he's right to hate Black Lives Matter. They're a bunch of Neo Marxist whining cvnts.
I will so long as you keep the ignorant replies coming.
Everything Noel Gallagher just said he is 100% right on. Paul Joseph Watson agreeing with him is wrong, how? That was a rhetorical question. I don't need to hear your reply. Save your poetry for someone else.
Everything Noel Gallagher just said he is 100% right on. Paul Joseph Watson agreeing with him is wrong, how? That was a rhetorical question. I don't need to hear your reply. Save your poetry for someone else.

I wouldn't know as I stopped watching the video as soon as Paul Joseph Watson's needy, rat-like features appeared. Suffice it to say that if Gallagher said anything that you agree with, then it was either ignorant, stupid, or just plain wrong. Oh, and go and look up the meaning of 'rhetorical question' because your question was anything but.
Imagine being the kind of person who saw 'woke' being used in the news, and decided it is now the absolute pinnacle of sneering insult? Just imagine being that person.

I'm afraid I can't imagine such a thing. I also can't imagine being the sort of person who might think that I'd be offended or hurt by such a lame taunt. Or who uses 'Neo Marxist' with a straight face.
Well he's right to hate Black Lives Matter. They're a bunch of Neo Marxist whining cvnts.

Paul's a white supremacist who carefully words it so he doesn't get thrown off lucrative platforms.

I can't tell you how f***ed Morrissey's career is if Central continues to post white supremacist videos.

He's going to get a lot of 'love you darling, but no' or 'Bitch, retire'.
Paul Joseph Watson seems to be what in Brazil is called a Bolsominion: a person who supports Bolsonaro, denies the pandemic, is anti-vaxx, anti-masks, anti-enviroment and animal protection policies, anti-LGBTQIA+, in favour of weapons for everybody, heavy meat eater, fake christian, fake family, fake moral beliefs... A true devil spawn.
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