Morrissey Central "WE HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD" (February 6, 2022)


YT video titled:
"Protesters Attempted Red Pilling Of RCMP Officers."

Video description:
"Protesters in Alberta were confronted by RCMP officers that were obviously sent out to discourage and lower their morale. One of the officers remained silent while the other demeaned the protesters by shouting: "how long can you stay?" Replies were numerous but the consensus was basically forever. "

Dennis Hendrickson's YT channel describes itself as:
"Covering important breaking news. We are an alternative source of media. Our goal is to pull out the truth as best we can and point out hypocrisy when we see it. We want you as a media consumer to put your thoughtful opinions into our content as well. We feel it's only fair to let you, the American people have a say in what's being broadcast and have a say in what's real and what is not. "


On February 7, the video was made private and removed from view.
The Press? Well that is exactly what this is about. The Press just screws you. This is not about a record deal or airplay you idiot. This is about our future. This senseless mandates need to be stopped now! After all the evidence you still believe you need to be vaxxed for a virus with an IFR of 0,15??? You need to be woken up and mentally unravelled.
yeah, like, life is bigger than a record deal. there are more transcendant values at stake here.

she really is an idiot.
Things have taken a turn for the bizarre when your political comrades are Eric Clapton and Right Said Fred.
watching bbc breakfast right now and that dumpling fergus walsh is on talking about the booster vaccines,of the 37 million boosters given out only 48000 were astra zenica,wonder why,is that because of all the people who died with blood clots,especially the 17 pregnant woman,shocking.
M was right when he sang bbc scum,a news channel which is so biased its hard to believe what you are watching sometimes.
I wonder if he will pull our of the Cruel World Festival if he really is anti vax.

Proof of full vaccination or a negative covid test taken within 72 hours of the event will be required to enter the venue. Our Health & Safety policy & FAQ's are available HERE and are updated based on the evolving circumstances. Plans and mandates may change. We will continue to update this page with developments and more details closer to the festival.
sure he will be fine with it,for a start we dont know who put the video up and we dont know if M is anti vaxx.if anybody on here says they do then they must have a crystal ball.
does nobody on here remember the documentary the importance of being morrissey where a portion of it was about people not knowing a thing about him,hes a mystery,keeps himself to himself,the trouble is,it bothers people that they know nothing about him so they make up any old shit and hope it sticks.
well thats what people want you to believe. that there are "elements". there arent. the thing is, people who have no knowledge of canada and who just think of it as "america junior" are seeing this through the filter of america and recent american protests. canadians are not like americans. we arent. this protest has nothing to do with racism.
I can't even tell you how many fake hate crimes get set up here, the media covers it over and over and then sort of fails to report it when it's been uncovered.
pretty sure the video spoke for itself.

Unless there's more to it(as in his identity being revealed) then it doesn't really alter anything you or i have said to each other, i haven't said there aren't decent people on the protests whose only concern is government overreach.
Unless there's more to it(as in his identity being revealed) then it doesn't really alter anything you or i have said to each other, i haven't said there aren't decent people on the protests whose only concern is government overreach.
stop talking then. i live here, you dont.
The Press? Well that is exactly what this is about. The Press just screws you. This is not about a record deal or airplay you idiot. This is about our future. This senseless mandates need to be stopped now! After all the evidence you still believe you need to be vaxxed for a virus with an IFR of 0,15??? You need to be woken up and mentally unravelled.
Signs of intelligent life, I feel hopeful :clap:
lol, freedom indeed.
there's something to be said for firsthand experience. like i said, if you think anyone would legitimately show up at any canadian protest with a confederate flag, you dont know anything about canada. you're confusing it with the states. the confederate flag wouldnt make an appearance here anymore than it would in the UK.
there's something to be said for firsthand experience. like i said, if you think anyone would legitimately show up at any canadian protest with a confederate flag, you dont know anything about canada. you're confusing it with the states. the confederate flag wouldnt make an appearance here anymore than it would in the UK.

From what I understand this is a protest against mandating vaccines rather than general anti vax protest . If that's the case and for what it's worth, I don't agree with mandating vaccines either.
From what I understand this is a protest against mandating vaccines rather than general anti vax protest . If that's the case and for what it's worth, I don't agree with mandating vaccines either.
and hopefully, unlike trudeau, you dont agree with saying that the unvaccinated are "often racists and misogynists", as well. yes, he ACTUALLY said that. that is NOT taken out of context! his rhetoric surrounding this has been incredibly harmful, divisive, and irresponsible, and intentionally so. not just the mandates but trudeau himself needs to GO.
From what I understand this is a protest against mandating vaccines rather than general anti vax protest . If that's the case and for what it's worth, I don't agree with mandating vaccines either.
I think it will only be a short moment before that long-haired, self-important nerd with the alternative facts comes into play again. What's his name again? Anti VAXXER 666?
The vax mandates are ridiculous here. My husband works from home, he has for over 10 years, he works for this really progressive worldwide company. They shut the office space down ages ago and figured it was a win/win for them because they did not have to pay for it anymore, and for the employees to get to work at home. There is literally no office to go to here, he does not come in contact with anyone he works with, ever.
Because part of his company deals with a government contractor, they were mandated by Biden to be vaccinated.
TO WORK FROM HOME (I work from home too)
The company felt really bad and seemed to not want to enforce it, so they told everyone to go out to an expensive dinner with their spouse or whatever and it was on them, submit the receipt for reimbursement. This is a progressive company based in a progressive country, and even they think it's wrong.
there's something to be said for firsthand experience. like i said, if you think anyone would legitimately show up at any canadian protest with a confederate flag, you dont know anything about canada. you're confusing it with the states. the confederate flag wouldnt make an appearance here anymore than it would in the UK.

It does in the UK, because arseholes are drawn to it.
20 years ago it was a cutesy Dukes of Hazzard rebel thing, now because of the attention it gets from US news media and protests over there(left and right) it has a different meaning.
It's not a slur on Canada, we just don't live in separate nation based bubbles anymore, looking at the cesspit that is twitter and the internet, it's politics that people unite around with their flags, symbols and mini manifestos

I'm gonna drop it now because i understand your position and i hope i finally explained mine , toodles 🙂🙂
It does in the UK, because arseholes are drawn to it.
20 years ago it was a cutesy Dukes of Hazzard rebel thing, now because of the attention it gets from US news media and protests over there(left and right) it has a different meaning.
It's not a slur on Canada, we just don't live in separate nation based bubbles anymore, looking at the cesspit that is twitter and the internet, it's politics that people unite around with their flags, symbols and mini manifestos

I'm gonna drop it now because i understand your position and i hope i finally explained mine , toodles 🙂🙂
but about the room...?!
Amy. you're half right here. He is obsessed with chart positions but it's almost as if he feels the signs of pop success are owed to him. He doesn't really work for it and seems to sabotage each new release with some controversial interview that almost never has anything to do with the new music.
His actions make a lot more sense if you look at it another way. What he really seems to want is notoriety for his statements, to be a public figure, and to get people talking about him.
I don't know if he thinks it's beneath him to play the game or if he has some self-destructive impulse but you really can look at it like he is two people with two very different sets of goals.

This doesn't help him any more than the Spacey comments or the subspecies comment or "worse things happen at McDonald's every day." But it gets him a lot of attention and if you look at that as the goal then a lot of the things he does don't seem so random and actually start to make sense in a twisted way.
It’s not getting him a new contract nor radio play, though….is it?
this is what the coutts blockade looks like @Moz!!

look at all these white supremacists, @Moz!!!! (oops, is it okay if they're on horseback @mozzer, or do you consider that horse abuse?? :unsure:)

now what do we do about fuel for the truckers in ottawa, @Moz?!?!!

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