Morrissey Central "WE HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD" (February 6, 2022)


YT video titled:
"Protesters Attempted Red Pilling Of RCMP Officers."

Video description:
"Protesters in Alberta were confronted by RCMP officers that were obviously sent out to discourage and lower their morale. One of the officers remained silent while the other demeaned the protesters by shouting: "how long can you stay?" Replies were numerous but the consensus was basically forever. "

Dennis Hendrickson's YT channel describes itself as:
"Covering important breaking news. We are an alternative source of media. Our goal is to pull out the truth as best we can and point out hypocrisy when we see it. We want you as a media consumer to put your thoughtful opinions into our content as well. We feel it's only fair to let you, the American people have a say in what's being broadcast and have a say in what's real and what is not. "


On February 7, the video was made private and removed from view.
Please. Stop it. He knows full well.

Morrissey has always been anti-authority, so I don’t know why people should be surprised.

In the last Johnny Marr interview with the Guardian all people wanted to do was bring up Morrissey and politics, so here’s MORE for people to talk about.

I’m not an anti-vaxxer nor do I support making America (or Canada!) great again. I think it’s time for something fresh and new.

“Watch the world argue…argue with itself…”
‘What is Morgellons?

Morgellons is a controversial condition referred to by the American Centers for Disease Control as unexplained dermopathy. Most sufferers - in the US there are around 60,000 - believe their condition is caused by chemtrails. They complain of sensations of itching, stinging or biting, finding blue, red, black and clear fibres on or under the skin; and persistent skin lesions with black specks falling off their bodies.

Reports have been made of different bugs and worms coming out of the body through the lesions. Most doctors, including dermatologists and psychiatrists, regard Morgellons as a manifestation of known medical conditions, including delusional parasitosis, where patients hold an imaginary belief that they are infested with parasites. However this does not explain the actually existence of the fibres, for which there is substantial evidence. A researcher at the Oklahoma State University Hospital found that dermatologists who either didn't look at all, or didn't use a dermatoscope, might not see the fibres under the skin.

In an article published in The Los Angeles Times last year singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell said she suffered from Morgellons.

"I have this weird, incurable disease that seems like it's from outer space. Fibres in a variety of colours protrude out of my skin like mushrooms after a rainstorm: they cannot be forensically identified as animal, vegetable or mineral. Morgellons is a slow, unpredictable killer - a terrorist disease," she said. "In America, Morgellons is always diagnosed as 'delusion of parasites', and they send you to a psychiatrist. I'm actually trying to get out of the music business to battle for Morgellons sufferers to receive the credibility that's owed to them."

‘But, this chemtrails conspiracy theory is definitely not new, and its origins are even weirder than you think. The basic idea is that those white trails are actually chemical formulas used by the government for a variety of reasons, possibly for controlling the weather, building a massive weapon, or simply to make us all sick.’

Joni Mitchell joins Neil Young’s Spotify protest over anti-vax content
Mitchell calls for her music to be removed from platform too, citing ‘irresponsible people spreading lies’

So by Joni connecting her disease to the chemtrail conspiracy, is that not the spreading of misinformation? And so, she too can be considered one of those 'irresponsible people spreading lies’?
Well, I suppose at least a new Con-vid post makes a change from yet another obituary. :unsure:
No one should be forced to get this vaccine, it does not make one anti vax, it is about personal freedom. The vax allegedly only protects the person who gets it, who can still get covid and can still transmit it. This has been made so political and Trudeau is just a clown, as usual.
Not that Biden is any better, when he was running, he said he would not mandate vaccines, but then he did, and he is just suck a fking disaster in every way possible.
People are tired of having their freedom taken away and they are fighting back.
That is something we should all support.
Don't get me stsrted on the Confederate flag, so many people misuderstand it and the Civil War in general.
Being anti establishment should not hurt a musician's career but the left have become such mindless lemmings, no one should care what they think.
I say this as someone formerly on the left until Obama, who I voted for twice, turned it all to shit.
No one should be forced to get this vaccine, it does not make one anti vax, it is about personal freedom. The vax allegedly only protects the person who gets it, who can still get covid and can still transmit it. This has been made so political and Trudeau is just a clown, as usual.
Not that Biden is any better, when he was running, he said he would not mandate vaccines, but then he did, and he is just suck a fking disaster in every way possible.
People are tired of having their freedom taken away and they are fighting back.
That is something we should all support.
Don't get me stsrted on the Confederate flag, so many people misuderstand it and the Civil War in general.
Being anti establishment should not hurt a musician's career but the left have become such mindless lemmings, no one should care what they think.
I say this as someone formerly on the left until Obama, who I voted for twice, turned it all to shit.
No, please continue about the Confederate flag….
The media's eyes are on him at the moment and this is what he chooses to post. He's siding with anti-science, anti-vaxxers and racists flying the confederate flag. Unbelievable.
The science that says wear a mask when you’re standing but not when you’re sitting down? Really?
No one should be forced to get this vaccine, it does not make one anti vax, it is about personal freedom. The vax allegedly only protects the person who gets it, who can still get covid and can still transmit it. This has been made so political and Trudeau is just a clown, as usual.
Not that Biden is any better, when he was running, he said he would not mandate vaccines, but then he did, and he is just suck a fking disaster in every way possible.
People are tired of having their freedom taken away and they are fighting back.
That is something we should all support.
Don't get me stsrted on the Confederate flag, so many people misuderstand it and the Civil War in general.
Being anti establishment should not hurt a musician's career but the left have become such mindless lemmings, no one should care what they think.
I say this as someone formerly on the left until Obama, who I voted for twice, turned it all to shit.

Biden or George W. Bush...I don't know who will end up being the worse president.
No, please continue about the Confederate flag….
If I thought any of you leftists who see omgRACISTS in every corner of your empty minds, I might. But the truth is I am just sick to fking death of you all. None of you are capable of rational thought or conversation, Go learn some history.
If I thought any of you leftists who see omgRACISTS in every corner of your empty minds, I might. But the truth is I am just sick to fking death of you all. None of you are capable of rational thought or conversation, Go learn some history.

So it wasn't the flag of slaver states?
If I thought any of you leftists who see omgRACISTS in every corner of your empty minds, I might. But the truth is I am just sick to fking death of you all. None of you are capable of rational thought or conversation, Go learn some history.

The Confederate flag - the flag of the states that fought for the enslavement and oppression of human beings. It's unambiguously racist.
Great - now the press will call him an anti-vaxxer along with everything else.

Why does he do this?
How is this going to help him get a record deal, or radio play, or anything at all that he wants in his music career?

Why are his friends/colleagues/relatives just watching him mentally unravel?
I think you're confusing Morrissey with someone who gives a shit. Record deals and radio play are fluff compared to standing up against the Canadian government's bullshit. You see him as mentally unravelling but some of us see it differently. I stand with the trucker convoy. The anti-vaxxer insult is pap. You're going to have to do better than that.

The branch Covidians will lose in the end.
I think you're confusing Morrissey with someone who gives a shit. Record deals and radio play are fluff compared to standing up against the Canadian government's bullshit. You see him as mentally unravelling but some of us see it differently. I stand with the trucker convoy. The anti-vaxxer insult is pap. You're going to have to do better than that.

Well said, he can't lose what he hasn't got and isn't likely to get, Canada will regret trying to oppress the free men of Alderly Edge.
Supporting Republican funded terrorists seems on brand for the Mozzer these days. Pretty sad.
If you are a Canadian waving a confederate flag that would be because you are racist. This stuff isn’t exactly rocket science folks.

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