Morrissey Central "WE HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD" (February 6, 2022)


YT video titled:
"Protesters Attempted Red Pilling Of RCMP Officers."

Video description:
"Protesters in Alberta were confronted by RCMP officers that were obviously sent out to discourage and lower their morale. One of the officers remained silent while the other demeaned the protesters by shouting: "how long can you stay?" Replies were numerous but the consensus was basically forever. "

Dennis Hendrickson's YT channel describes itself as:
"Covering important breaking news. We are an alternative source of media. Our goal is to pull out the truth as best we can and point out hypocrisy when we see it. We want you as a media consumer to put your thoughtful opinions into our content as well. We feel it's only fair to let you, the American people have a say in what's being broadcast and have a say in what's real and what is not. "


On February 7, the video was made private and removed from view.
I'm not really getting your point unless you make it plain, I understood that it was their flag that their army followed in to battle. I get that they had other ones, but this is the one that bigots and racists clung to when the northern states botched the post war settlement.
I am so tired of all these conspiracy theorists and their knowledge of the world and it makes me sick, that my former idol, instead of making memorable records, presents himself as their silent spokesman. And how are you Morrissey? You're tired of sitting at home in LA with your servant and would like to play big concerts in front of your uncritical home audience on the US coast, without mask and distance? Why don't you just say it loud and clear, loud and clear?
Of course he gives a shit. Morrissey has spent his entire career obsessing about chart positions, album reviews & what he sees as the industry's failure to properly recognise him as a star. He has a full album ready to go and no label will touch him.

So how does this help him? Outside this forum, who honestly cares what an 80s pop star who boycotted Canada for years has to say about standing up to the Canadian government? Nobody.

I wonder if he will pull our of the Cruel World Festival if he really is anti vax.

Proof of full vaccination or a negative covid test taken within 72 hours of the event will be required to enter the venue. Our Health & Safety policy & FAQ's are available HERE and are updated based on the evolving circumstances. Plans and mandates may change. We will continue to update this page with developments and more details closer to the festival.
Great - now the press will call him an anti-vaxxer along with everything else.

Why does he do this?
How is this going to help him get a record deal, or radio play, or anything at all that he wants in his music career?

Why are his friends/colleagues/relatives just watching him mentally unravel?
what is wrong with being anti-vaxx,the government tells you to line up and and have a chemical put into your system which has no long term data and everybody jumps,not me.
im not anti-vaxx because i believe people should make up their own minds,but i dont think any worse of people who are.
When "George the protester" says that the policemen can say "F.U." to their superiors, he is of course wrong. Probably, he wanted to remind them of their right (or even duty) to remonstrate (that's the word) against orders from their superiors if they think these orders violate, for example, human rights.
They can actually be held responsible for such violations, not their superiors, if they decide not to remonstrate.
Seems that nobody here, including the officers, is in possession of more than just rudimentary superficial knowledge.

Btw, the officer wasn't "shouting" at the protesters, as the description underneath the video falsely claims.
No one should be forced to get this vaccine, it does not make one anti vax, it is about personal freedom. The vax allegedly only protects the person who gets it, who can still get covid and can still transmit it. This has been made so political and Trudeau is just a clown, as usual.
Not that Biden is any better, when he was running, he said he would not mandate vaccines, but then he did, and he is just suck a fking disaster in every way possible.
People are tired of having their freedom taken away and they are fighting back.
That is something we should all support.
Don't get me stsrted on the Confederate flag, so many people misuderstand it and the Civil War in general.
Being anti establishment should not hurt a musician's career but the left have become such mindless lemmings, no one should care what they think.
I say this as someone formerly on the left until Obama, who I voted for twice, turned it all to shit.
this protest in canada has really brought out the incredible cruelty and insanity of trudeau. for me it's not about the mandates anymore (although they do absolutely need to be done away with), it's about the veil having been lifted and seeing the narcissistic manipulative tyrant we have for a leader(how like a castro!).

the protests in canada have been uplifting and beautiful events. instead of being proud of the beautiful canadian spirit on display, he hides from it, and then twists it around to turn it into something ugly, to make people believe that these protesters are all racist and hateful, violent and disrespectful, which couldnt be further from the truth.

Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. This is a fault. --Oscar Wilde

living almost 40 years in canada ive never known anyone who was virulently racist. oh sure you get people complaining about chinese or native americans, but you NEVER hear racist slurs here--ever. ive never heard the 'n' word being uttered at anyone in real life. it simply doesnt happen. the introduction of the confederate flag was obviously a plant, as the confederate flag has as much meaning to canadians as it does to say, australians, or italians. it's not our history. we simply dont care.

there have been many lies said about these protestors. like the lie that they "vandalized" a terry fox statue. how did they vandalize it? they put a sign in his arms saying "mandate freedom" and a canadian flag. when the proestors realized what they had done was taken for vandalism, they put flowers around the statue and a sign saying "we love you terry." (we do).

as someone pointed out, why is THIS okay?


but not this?

it's been said that the protestors were stealing food from homeless shelters. WRONG!! the homeless shelter in question had already had a serious crime problem, and rather than stealing food from the homeless the protestors have been feeding the homeless.

AND cleaning up the streets. AND the police have stated that crime has been down in ottawa since the protest began.

now the canadian government, after trying to cut off the convoy's funding by shutting down their gofundme (with the police chief of ottawa having basically congratulated gofundme publicly for colluding with the police (and proving why we do not want to live in a cashless society)), are trying to cut off material supplies (food and fuel) from the truckers--in the hopes of what? that they'll starve or freeze to death?? (ironically the amount they cut off from the truckers (10+million), was the same amount of money trudeau paid out to ACTUAL terrorist omar khadr a few years back for some bullshit reason)

meanwhile, no doubt fueled by trudeaus hate speech when he compared unvaccinated people to racists and misogynists, a member of antifa drove a SUV through a crowd of freedom protestors (where is the news coverage of THAT?). dont tell me trudeau didnt know this would happen when he compared the unvaccinated to racists and misogynists. he knew very well what he was doing: he wanted them, at the very least, to feel under threat of persecution and even violence. and if someone took that as him giving them the go-ahead to commit violence against the unvaccinated, he needs to be held accountable. but where is he? oh yeah, hiding somewhere. from these people:

just look at those disgusting bigots!!
watching bbc breakfast right now and that dumpling fergus walsh is on talking about the booster vaccines,of the 37 million boosters given out only 48000 were astra zenica,wonder why,is that because of all the people who died with blood clots,especially the 17 pregnant woman,shocking.
M was right when he sang bbc scum,a news channel which is so biased its hard to believe what you are watching sometimes.
watching bbc breakfast right now and that dumpling fergus walsh is on talking about the booster vaccines,of the 37 million boosters given out only 48000 were astra zenica,wonder why,is that because of all the people who died with blood clots,especially the 17 pregnant woman,shocking.
M was right when he sang bbc scum,a news channel which is so biased its hard to believe what you are watching sometimes.

Stop watching it then, it's a personal choice just like the vaccine is.
this protest in canada has really brought out the incredible cruelty and insanity of trudeau. for me it's not about the mandates anymore (although they do absolutely need to be done away with), it's about the veil having been lifted and seeing the narcissistic manipulative tyrant we have for a leader(how like a castro!).

the protests in canada have been uplifting and beautiful events. instead of being proud of the beautiful canadian spirit on display, he hides from it, and then twists it around to turn it into something ugly, to make people believe that these protesters are all racist and hateful, violent and disrespectful, which couldnt be further from the truth.

Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. This is a fault. --Oscar Wilde

living almost 40 years in canada ive never known anyone who was virulently racist. oh sure you get people complaining about chinese or native americans, but you NEVER hear racist slurs here--ever. ive never heard the 'n' word being uttered at anyone in real life. it simply doesnt happen. the introduction of the confederate flag was obviously a plant, as the confederate flag has as much meaning to canadians as it does to say, australians, or italians. it's not our history. we simply dont care.

there have been many lies said about these protestors. like the lie that they "vandalized" a terry fox statue. how did they vandalize it? they put a sign in his arms saying "mandate freedom" and a canadian flag. when the proestors realized what they had done was taken for vandalism, they put flowers around the statue and a sign saying "we love you terry." (we do).

as someone pointed out, why is THIS okay?

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but not this?
View attachment 79164

it's been said that the protestors were stealing food from homeless shelters. WRONG!! the homeless shelter in question had already had a serious crime problem, and rather than stealing food from the homeless the protestors have been feeding the homeless.

AND cleaning up the streets. AND the police have stated that crime has been down in ottawa since the protest began.

now the canadian government, after trying to cut off the convoy's funding by shutting down their gofundme (with the police chief of ottawa having basically congratulated gofundme publicly for colluding with the police (and proving why we do not want to live in a cashless society)), are trying to cut off material supplies (food and fuel) from the truckers--in the hopes of what? that they'll starve or freeze to death?? (ironically the amount they cut off from the truckers (10+million), was the same amount of money trudeau paid out to ACTUAL terrorist omar khadr a few years back for some bullshit reason)

meanwhile, no doubt fueled by trudeaus hate speech when he compared unvaccinated people to racists and misogynists, a member of antifa drove a SUV through a crowd of freedom protestors (where is the news coverage of THAT?). dont tell me trudeau didnt know this would happen when he compared the unvaccinated to racists and misogynists. he knew very well what he was doing: he wanted them, at the very least, to feel under threat of persecution and even violence. and if someone took that as him giving them the go-ahead to commit violence against the unvaccinated, he needs to be held accountable. but where is he? oh yeah, hiding somewhere. from these people:

just look at those disgusting bigots!!

Thank you for this informative explanation, it was really enlightening, I appreciate it. We basically have the same problems here in the US with the politicians on the left lying, antifa, etc. The media distorts everything. The confiscation of the gofundme was outrageous, I hope that is being righted.
I just really can't stand Trudeau and people like him for so many reasons, I am glad to see people fighting back. It's reaching the boiling point here in the US as well.
this protest in canada has really brought out the incredible cruelty and insanity of trudeau. for me it's not about the mandates anymore (although they do absolutely need to be done away with), it's about the veil having been lifted and seeing the narcissistic manipulative tyrant we have for a leader(how like a castro!).

the protests in canada have been uplifting and beautiful events. instead of being proud of the beautiful canadian spirit on display, he hides from it, and then twists it around to turn it into something ugly, to make people believe that these protesters are all racist and hateful, violent and disrespectful, which couldnt be further from the truth.

Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. This is a fault. --Oscar Wilde

living almost 40 years in canada ive never known anyone who was virulently racist. oh sure you get people complaining about chinese or native americans, but you NEVER hear racist slurs here--ever. ive never heard the 'n' word being uttered at anyone in real life. it simply doesnt happen. the introduction of the confederate flag was obviously a plant, as the confederate flag has as much meaning to canadians as it does to say, australians, or italians. it's not our history. we simply dont care.

there have been many lies said about these protestors. like the lie that they "vandalized" a terry fox statue. how did they vandalize it? they put a sign in his arms saying "mandate freedom" and a canadian flag. when the proestors realized what they had done was taken for vandalism, they put flowers around the statue and a sign saying "we love you terry." (we do).

as someone pointed out, why is THIS okay?

View attachment 79163

but not this?
View attachment 79164

it's been said that the protestors were stealing food from homeless shelters. WRONG!! the homeless shelter in question had already had a serious crime problem, and rather than stealing food from the homeless the protestors have been feeding the homeless.

AND cleaning up the streets. AND the police have stated that crime has been down in ottawa since the protest began.

now the canadian government, after trying to cut off the convoy's funding by shutting down their gofundme (with the police chief of ottawa having basically congratulated gofundme publicly for colluding with the police (and proving why we do not want to live in a cashless society)), are trying to cut off material supplies (food and fuel) from the truckers--in the hopes of what? that they'll starve or freeze to death?? (ironically the amount they cut off from the truckers (10+million), was the same amount of money trudeau paid out to ACTUAL terrorist omar khadr a few years back for some bullshit reason)

meanwhile, no doubt fueled by trudeaus hate speech when he compared unvaccinated people to racists and misogynists, a member of antifa drove a SUV through a crowd of freedom protestors (where is the news coverage of THAT?). dont tell me trudeau didnt know this would happen when he compared the unvaccinated to racists and misogynists. he knew very well what he was doing: he wanted them, at the very least, to feel under threat of persecution and even violence. and if someone took that as him giving them the go-ahead to commit violence against the unvaccinated, he needs to be held accountable. but where is he? oh yeah, hiding somewhere. from these people:

just look at those disgusting bigots!!

From what i understand the accusation isn't that they're all racists, it's that there are elements within the protest that are(and they are getting funding from the US). Doesn't seem that unreasonable given how important this protest seems to be to a load of empty, souless people who post absolutely nothing but conservative talking points.
The media's eyes are on him at the moment and this is what he chooses to post. He's siding with anti-science, anti-vaxxers and racists flying the confederate flag. Unbelievable.
It’s his career to self-destruct his own way? Oh well. For a multi-millionaire supposedly, why doesn’t he put his money where his mouth is and release this new album? No-one’s stopping him from doing so….are they?
He’ll no doubt find something or someone to pin the blame upon and scapegoat. Not to worry, the world will still spin gaily upon its axis, oblivious to it all.
The reality is we have no idea who it is waving those flags
FLAG. there was ONE confederate flag. the guy unethusiastically walking around with it was completely covered--while everyone else was unmasked. and as i said, a confederate flag showing up ANYWHERE in canada should arouse suspicion. anyone who thinks anyone here cares about it, knows nothing about canada. i wouldnt even know what a confederate flag was if it wasnt for american news stations. the history of the united states is not on canadians mind at any point ever.

here he is. he really looks to be a valued member of the protest. dude really fits in.
From what i understand the accusation isn't that they're all racists, it's that there are elements within the protest that are(and they are getting funding from the US). Doesn't seem that unreasonable given how important this protest seems to be to a load of empty, souless people who post absolutely nothing but conservative talking points.
well thats what people want you to believe. that there are "elements". there arent. the thing is, people who have no knowledge of canada and who just think of it as "america junior" are seeing this through the filter of america and recent american protests. canadians are not like americans. we arent. this protest has nothing to do with racism.
well thats what people want you to believe. that there are "elements". there arent. the thing is, people who have no knowledge of canada and who just think of it as "america junior" are seeing this through the filter of america and recent american protests. canadians are not like americans. we arent. this protest has nothing to do with racism.

I think that's a fairly rosy interpretation of humanity and the protest given what i have seen , i'm not going to argue about the principle of the protest in itself, but you're posting sources that say stuff like this

And i simply refuse to see the world in this myopic black and white way, i'm on the left of the political spectrum and there's plenty of arseholes on it. i could go on a protest about the tories next week and there are going to be elements that are bigots because that's how some people including Canadian people are, arseholes are universal.

You are like Americans, so are we in the UK and so are people in Nigeria.
I think that's a fairly rosy interpretation of humanity and the protest given what i have seen , i'm not going to argue about the principle of the protest in itself, but you're posting sources that say stuff like this

And i simply refuse to see the world in this myopic black and white way, i'm on the left of the political spectrum and there's plenty of arseholes on it. i could go on a protest about the tories next week and there are going to be elements that are bigots because that's how some people including Canadian people are, arseholes are universal.

You are like Americans, so are we in the UK and so are people in Nigeria.

pretty sure the video spoke for itself.
Of course he gives a shit. Morrissey has spent his entire career obsessing about chart positions, album reviews & what he sees as the industry's failure to properly recognise him as a star. He has a full album ready to go and no label will touch him.

So how does this help him? Outside this forum, who honestly cares what an 80s pop star who boycotted Canada for years has to say about standing up to the Canadian government? Nobody.
Amy. you're half right here. He is obsessed with chart positions but it's almost as if he feels the signs of pop success are owed to him. He doesn't really work for it and seems to sabotage each new release with some controversial interview that almost never has anything to do with the new music.
His actions make a lot more sense if you look at it another way. What he really seems to want is notoriety for his statements, to be a public figure, and to get people talking about him.
I don't know if he thinks it's beneath him to play the game or if he has some self-destructive impulse but you really can look at it like he is two people with two very different sets of goals.

This doesn't help him any more than the Spacey comments or the subspecies comment or "worse things happen at McDonald's every day." But it gets him a lot of attention and if you look at that as the goal then a lot of the things he does don't seem so random and actually start to make sense in a twisted way.
Great - now the press will call him an anti-vaxxer along with everything else.

Why does he do this?
How is this going to help him get a record deal, or radio play, or anything at all that he wants in his music career?

Why are his friends/colleagues/relatives just watching him mentally unravel?
The Press? Well that is exactly what this is about. The Press just screws you. This is not about a record deal or airplay you idiot. This is about our future. This senseless mandates need to be stopped now! After all the evidence you still believe you need to be vaxxed for a virus with an IFR of 0,15??? You need to be woken up and mentally unravelled.

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