TTY: Morrissey to be interviewed by Larry King (Aug. 17. 2015)

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Re: TTY: Larry King

Morrissey will be interviewed by famed American television host Larry King on August 17th. Larry King has conducted over 30,000 television interviews. Mr King hosted Larry King Live at CNN for 25 years, and also wrote a column for USA Today for 20 years. He has received ten Cable ACE Awards and two Peabody Awards, and he has been inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame, the Broadcasters Hall of Fame, and is a recipient of the Golden Mike Award for Lifetime Achievement.

wow so i didnt expect that. should be great
Yeah he is SO annoying. he is always leaning forward with his braces on shirt sleeves rolled up talking with his hands.
hope he asks some good questions (wishful thinking) and can't wait to see it!

I've watched a couple of Larry's recent interviews.

They blow.

If he doesn't know who you are, he is not interested and asks very trite surface level questions, which will be perfect for Moz.
probably 15 people will watch this, all over the age of 75; i guess this is where artists with no contract go, moz must be desperate.
if you wanted to do solo a slight favor you could have him ask how he feels about the sites popularity just sayin. might be fun as hes probably gonna be asked about the recent court case and it has a connection.

Nooo please. This place is a toilet full of disease. Please don't remind him. It'll just piss him off. Why would he feel any differently about it when, despite such great resources, it also happens to be the #1 place to shit on him in the entire internet? "Oh, you mean that home to obsessed, addled, virulent assassins who pursue a vendetta of withering hatred against me all day every day, with assists from bitter old worn-out fans who can't remember why they even still go there? Yeah it's a great place for fans to come together. You know, good with the bad, check it out."
I've watched a couple of Larry's recent interviews.

They blow.

If he doesn't know who you are, he is not interested and asks very trite surface level questions, which will be perfect for Moz.

Totally agree... What's more, Larry King was NEVER a good interviewer. He doesn't research. He learns everything about his subjects from the review notes his staff type up for him, and he isn't culturally sophisticated in a way that provides some depth to his interviews.

I promise you Larry King has never heard the term "1980's Alternative Music," let alone know anything about it.

This will be a very surface-area interview that will reveal nothing new. "Any chance The Smiths will reform?" "So you don't eat meat...when did that all start for you?" "Now, in the past you've been accused of being a racist...what do you say to your detractors?" "It says here you lost a lawsuit to a former bandmate of yours...what's that all about?" "So you release a new record on Harvest and then two months later they drop you. Why did they do that, do you think?"

Here are the questions that Larry should be told to ask him: "Where do you live, these days...specifically...where is all your stuff housed, because most people would consider THAT to be your main residence or home base." "How many new songs have you and the band written/worked on lately?" "Do you love your song Bengali In Platforms? Because that's an incredible song." "You say 'I play the songs that I want to play' at your concerts...but, for the most part, you don't vary from the same setlist. So why not just say 'We pick the pool of songs we'll play each tour before the tour begins, and then we really can't vary that much because there are technical aspects to pulling off live shows that is a bit limiting, such as lighting coordination, instrument preparation, etc.'" "You seem to pipe in on US politics quite a bit...where do you get your news from so you can develop an informed opinion?" "Have you ever actually watched FOX News or listened to Rush Limbaugh before?" "J.K. Rowling has publicly stated for years her love for you and The Smiths, and, in no small part, the effect you had on her as she wrote the first Harry Potter book...Have you two ever met? What do you think about the Harry Potter phenomenon?" "Okay, Morrissey...rapid fire're going to answer 'yes or no' to the first question and then 'yes or no' to the follow up question if there is one. Here we go... Have you ever heard of the Trashcan Sinatras? Do you like them? Have you ever heard of The Ocean Blue? Do you like them? Have you ever heard of The Church? Do you like them? Have you heard of Real Estate, Beach House, Wild Nothing, or Seapony? Do you like them?"

God, that would be a great interview...
Nooo please. This place is a toilet full of disease. Please don't remind him. It'll just piss him off. Why would he feel any differently about it when, despite such great resources, it also happens to be the #1 place to shit on him in the entire internet? "Oh, you mean that home to obsessed, addled, virulent assassins who pursue a vendetta of withering hatred against me all day every day, with assists from bitter old worn-out fans who can't remember why they even still go there? Yeah it's a great place for fans to come together. You know, good with the bad, check it out."

from all of my interactions with david himself, he always came off (most of the time and im still a relatively recent poster) as straightforwardly polite and reasonable. itd really be to just do a boon for him i guess and to to be somewhat childishly humorous by the suggestion although it could lead to a decent discussion of his relationship with his fanbase and the public at large which would be interesting. the popularity of the site and the contrasting spectrum of fans and obsessives all still focused on morrissey might make an interesting conversation. all you need is morrissey after all
Mike and Andy, Manchester, UK, you're on the air with Morrissey!
Jake in Battersea, you're on with Morrissey!
David in California, you're on with Morrissey!
This is going to be such an awkward trainwreck!
I believe Morrissey's 'prickly minefield' is being discussed in another thread :)
I know Larry was quite revered at one point, but I'm wondering what the motivation for this q&a is and why it is inviting questions - as we have seen the prepared interviews via email recently (obviously, the questions will be vetted). However, it is an interesting move.
Great time to announce another album...
Wishful thinking.
Have you heard of Real Estate, Beach House, Wild Nothing, or Seapony? Do you like them?".

Correct answers:
1. Yes
2. No, Yes, Kind of, No

I sincerely doubt he has an ear to the ground as far as modern (talented) independent music acts are concerned.... Hence, his opening acts. I think he would like Beach House a lot if he gave them a listen, though. If I know Moz's musical taste, I think he would absolutely fall in love with Victoria LeGrand's voice.
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from all of my interactions with david himself, he always came off (most of the time and im still a relatively recent poster) as straightforwardly polite and reasonable. itd really be to just do a boon for him i guess and to to be somewhat childishly humorous by the suggestion although it could lead to a decent discussion of his relationship with his fanbase and the public at large which would be interesting. the popularity of the site and the contrasting spectrum of fans and obsessives all still focused on morrissey might make an interesting conversation. all you need is morrissey after all

Myself as well. I tried to upload a news story and he responded to my email with a polite message that suggested I post it to the forums. I have not had much interaction with him, but the main push against him is that he allows "so-called" poisonous posters. These are those that some believe are strictly out to get Moz, assassinate his character, and/or besmirch his good name in one way or another. While others, like myself, have no problem reading all the posts from CrankFraud to Angel from Heaven and determining for myself what to accept and what to dismiss.

There are tools in place to screen out (for the most part) those posters that you find to be disturbing, and I find the anonymous posting to be frustrating only because I enjoy getting a well rounded idea of a poster by being able to identify posts with a specific entity. Where to draw the line? Or better yet, should a line even/ever be drawn? The only one drawn here is the moderators will lower themselves from above if posts get too far off-topic (guilty of that myself) and if they become overly abusive with the key word being overly.

I believe the poster you responded to referred to this site as a "toilet of poison" whereas I see it as a "melting pot of differing ideas" as they relate to Morrissey's music, character, and persona. Nothing wrong with that if you take it for what it is worth. Glad to have you get yourself a name and an avatar and you are all set!
probably 15 people will watch this, all over the age of 75; i guess this is where artists with no contract go, moz must be desperate.

Said by someone who will probably never be interviewed or create a single song, let alone 30+ years worth of classics.
Larry King is a "famous" interviewer in the USA is the world. He has an annoying smoker's raspy New York accent , wears suspenders, and looks like an owl. I guarantee he knows nothing about Morrissey or the Smiths and will need to do his homework. This is perplexing, did The Morrissey Marketing Group Ltd-Malibu go looking for this interview or does Larry King have a Morrissey fetish? Anonymous-
Myself as well. I tried to upload a news story and he responded to my email with a polite message that suggested I post it to the forums. I have not had much interaction with him, but the main push against him is that he allows "so-called" poisonous posters. These are those that some believe are strictly out to get Moz, assassinate his character, and/or besmirch his good name in one way or another. While others, like myself, have no problem reading all the posts from CrankFraud to Angel from Heaven and determining for myself what to accept and what to dismiss.

There are tools in place to screen out (for the most part) those posters that you find to be disturbing, and I find the anonymous posting to be frustrating only because I enjoy getting a well rounded idea of a poster by being able to identify posts with a specific entity. Where to draw the line? Or better yet, should a line even/ever be drawn? The only one drawn here is the moderators will lower themselves from above if posts get too far off-topic (guilty of that myself) and if they become overly abusive with the key word being overly.

I believe the poster you responded to referred to this site as a "toilet of poison" whereas I see it as a "melting pot of differing ideas" as they relate to Morrissey's music, character, and persona. Nothing wrong with that if you take it for what it is worth. Glad to have you get yourself a name and an avatar and you are all set!

well I wouldn't say we agree about moderation but the fact that w can disagree like adults to s to be respected and to his credit. its just true.

yeah Larry is a character and mos likes characters
Can't wait ! Will now forward emails to Larry to fill him in on Lord CrankFraud regarding thirty three years of cheese and dairy whilst singing the gimmick song ! Just like I did with Alan Carr.

Tik tok tik tok !

from all of my interactions with david himself, he always came off (most of the time and im still a relatively recent poster) as straightforwardly polite and reasonable. itd really be to just do a boon for him i guess and to to be somewhat childishly humorous by the suggestion although it could lead to a decent discussion of his relationship with his fanbase and the public at large which would be interesting. the popularity of the site and the contrasting spectrum of fans and obsessives all still focused on morrissey might make an interesting conversation. all you need is morrissey after all

I wasn't talking about David. My experience with him has been the same as yours despite having some differing opinions. What I was talking about was the festering hatred, disdain, scorn, and/or bitterness that is the eventual stain on the conversation here in just about every comment thread. Whether it's the permatrolls, the unnumbered anonymous poop flingers, or the embittered longtime registered users who seem to have stopped being fans but keep coming here to vent for some reason, somebody will get the ball rolling to derail each thread into the usual effigy target practice, bitterness olympics, or taxing flame war. Morrissey invites more criticism than a lot of people, and it's to be expected that even a lot of fans will call a spade a spade, but people here take it so far beyond that and have turned generic, opportunistic trashing into a job.

The weird thing about this place is that it's simultaneously the best and the worst place for Morrissey fans online. No other place has more than faint activity aside from TTY's occasionally relayed messages, quickly republished here, and only passionsjustlikemine rivals it for static content. It's a treasure trove of things old and new for the Morrissey fan, but it's also a poison pill. You can come here and get all the good stuff regularly, you just have to recognize that you will come away soiled every time you wade into the conversation. There's no avoiding it, only getting accustomed to it and deciding whether the good is worth the bad. For the new visitor or long lost member, the whole atmosphere pretty quickly becomes a turnoff and you just wonder what happened here.

If you were famous and a place like this were dedicated to you, there's no way in hell you'd engage with it or give it any of your time or attention. Not like it is now. Imagine coming here on purpose to receive your guaranteed diarrhea facial from an entrenched pack of inflamed anonymous kooks. No, the only healthy thing would be to flush it for good and move on, leaving that nest of vipers to stew in their own strange venom.
I wasn't talking about David. My experience with him has been the same as yours despite having some differing opinions. What I was talking about was the festering hatred, disdain, scorn, and/or bitterness that is the eventual stain on the conversation here in just about every comment thread. Whether it's the permatrolls, the unnumbered anonymous poop flingers, or the embittered longtime registered users who seem to have stopped being fans but keep coming here to vent for some reason, somebody will get the ball rolling to derail each thread into the usual effigy target practice, bitterness olympics, or taxing flame war. Morrissey invites more criticism than a lot of people, and it's to be expected that even a lot of fans will call a spade a spade, but people here take it so far beyond that and have turned generic, opportunistic trashing into a job.

The weird thing about this place is that it's simultaneously the best and the worst place for Morrissey fans online. No other place has more than faint activity aside from TTY's occasionally relayed messages, quickly republished here, and only passionsjustlikemine rivals it for static content. It's a treasure trove of things old and new for the Morrissey fan, but it's also a poison pill. You can come here and get all the good stuff regularly, you just have to recognize that you will come away soiled every time you wade into the conversation. There's no avoiding it, only getting accustomed to it and deciding whether the good is worth the bad. For the new visitor or long lost member, the whole atmosphere pretty quickly becomes a turnoff and you just wonder what happened here.

If you were famous and a place like this were dedicated to you, there's no way in hell you'd engage with it or give it any of your time or attention. Not like it is now. Imagine coming here on purpose to receive your guaranteed diarrhea facial from an entrenched pack of inflamed anonymous kooks. No, the only healthy thing would be to flush it for good and move on, leaving that nest of vipers to stew in their own strange venom.

says someone that will never create a blog anyone will read, much less one that is the top site of its kind on the internet.
i thought you were going to ban yourself for being completely annoying.
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