TTY: Israel, Turkey Morrissey concerts in August 2016; new photomontages by SER

As announced on TTY:

Morrissey Israel -
27 May 2016

Morrissey will play two concerts in Israel in August.

Morrissey in Turkey -
27 May 2016

Morrissey will play one major arena date in Istanbul, Turkey in August.


'Nobody for President: Nico' photomontage by
Sam Esty Rayner


'Nobody for President: Oscar Wilde's grave' photomontage by
Sam Esty Rayner

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Exactly. Why is he punishing Canadian fans for seal clubbing? I had take a week off from work (lost wages) to fly to LA, pay pretty hefty accommodation, meals, air transportation and of course the tickets ($250 in advnace so I can see him up close from the floor). All and all totaling to approx. $4,000. Thank you Morrissey.

You didn't HAVE to. You chose to.
He was on my bucket list, so yes, I chose to go through with it, but it wouldn't cost me that much if he played in Canada. So, in a sense, he is punishing Canadian fans.
You have no idea what it is to live in Canada. Sure, we have most things, but living in a huge country, very scarcely populated makes it hard to experience things you in US or Europe take for granted. There is another level of logistics involved to see or hear what you want.
Boycott apartheid Israel.
Maybe if someone told him Israelis refer to the Palestinians as animals he'd not be totally deaf to their suffering.

Did you play South Africa back in the day Moz? No you didn't.

Has he ever played south africa at all?
f*** all the pointless arguing. Be happy for people in Turkey and Israel who get to see Moz. This is probably many of those people's first chance to see him. Imagine how happy YOU would be if you were them. And why punish the thousands of Morrissey fans in these countries just because of egregious acts by their governments? Not all, but MOST of the terrible things are beyond the people's control. And like you all have said, Morrissey performs for the PEOPLE. /rant
f*** all the pointless arguing. Be happy for people in Turkey and Israel who get to see Moz. This is probably many of those people's first chance to see him. Imagine how happy YOU would be if you were them. And why punish the thousands of Morrissey fans in these countries just because of egregious acts by their governments? Not all, but MOST of the terrible things are beyond the people's control. And like you all have said, Morrissey performs for the PEOPLE. /rant

nah and also why does nobody answe my question. If he plays for the people, not rhe governments, why he banned Canada then? that's a hypocrite thing to do
this is such a naive thing to say. I'm sure most morrissey fans are using this dumb excuse. If you research and educate yourself on the Israel / Palestine conflict you will found out that most of the people of israel are in favour in one way or the other of the genocide of palestinian people. This is one of the few cases where the people are almost as responsible as the government. The few people from israel who are against the genocide are the ones who are not living in Israel now.

So please, before you make such an ignorant comment, educate about the subject. Thank you!
What a load of crap. I think maybe your "research" is skewed to back up your bullshit. Naive doesn't even begin to label where you're coming from. Is it as blissful as they say it is?
View media item 5582
Another desperate attempt to get media attention or simply a flirtation with career suicide. The disappointments keep on coming.
A tacky through the keyhole type ornament in a gift box from the Tel Aviv council and Morrissey turns a blind eye to years of atrocity and ethnic cleansing in Palestine.
I realise not every Israeli citizen supports the government and its difficult when deciding what and where to boycott but the facts for speak for themselves. Israel should be boycotted.
Will Morrissey bring up the continued slaughter and land grabbing with his chums in the town hall? I doubt it.
nah and also why does nobody answe my question. If he plays for the people, not rhe governments, why he banned Canada then? that's a hypocrite thing to do

Maybe it is simply their ties to England. Guilt by implication, by association and all that jazz. Moz has always been an odd bird. For some reason I believe he dislikes Pittsburgh, pa. I know why I Eagles fan, but maybe he has a problem with steel. Oh Canada :(
View media item 5582
Another desperate attempt to get media attention or simply a flirtation with career suicide. The disappointments keep on coming.
A tacky through the keyhole type ornament in a gift box from the Tel Aviv council and Morrissey turns a blind eye to years of atrocity and ethnic cleansing in Palestine.
I realise not every Israeli citizen supports the government and its difficult when deciding what and where to boycott but the facts for speak for themselves. Israel should be boycotted.
Will Morrissey bring up the continued slaughter and land grabbing with his chums in the town hall? I doubt it.

thanks for this comment and for not being a fan delusional fan (marred i'm looking at you) :thumb:
Backtracking some years, does anyone know how the key to the city thing even came about?
How did the Israeli gov't even know who Morrissey was?
Was it connected to his prior fandom of actor Lior Ashkenazi?
Maybe it is simply their ties to England. Guilt by implication, by association and all that jazz. Moz has always been an odd bird. For some reason I believe he dislikes Pittsburgh, pa. I know why I Eagles fan, but maybe he has a problem with steel. Oh Canada :(
If that is the case then why did he not boycott England when he did Canada?
And wait - there's more ! This time from UN Security Council resolution 242( the UNSC being hardly a hotbed of radicalism ) :

"It was from occupied territories that the Resolution called for withdrawal. The test was which territories were occupied. That was a test not possibly subject to any doubt. As a matter of plain fact East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, the Golan and Sinai were occupied in the 1967 conflict. It was on withdrawal from occupied territories that the Resolution insisted.[24] "

I.e. These were/are the territories illegally occupied by Israel after their "pre-emptive" ( sound familiar ?) war of '67 ...

God knows I'm as much of a casual bigot as anyone but this simply isn't the way to treat human beings. I can only guess that the Jewish population of Israel , after the Holocaust , is suffering similar to the Stockholm syndrome ...
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All those words, - atrocity, ethnic cleansing are nothing but a hypocrite and untruthful reality distortion,

And they are coming from an organization that gave (israeli) citizen boycotting the highest priority, bestowing a fateful trend.

I really pity the souls that support the BDS.

The 600,000 palestinians inside the country are pleased with life from the highest standards, unlike their families in terrible lands like Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, that unfortunately can be called a “state” only in the Monopoly board. (it’s bombed to the bone).

Don’t distort the truth. poor souls.
And of course , let's not forget everyone's favourite - UN GA Resolution 194 :

Everyone was supposed to be allowed to go home after the war - except Israel felt otherwise ....

It's funny - people identifying with Judaism are allowed to settle in Israel ( and the occupied territories of Palestine) with no questions asked ... yet the original landholders ( complete with property documents dating from the British authority in the '40s and still with original house keys ) can go and get f***ed ... because , after all , they're just dumb Arabs , aren't they ?
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All those words, - atrocity, ethnic cleansing are nothing but a hypocrite and untruthful reality distortion,

And they are coming from an organization that gave (israeli) citizen boycotting his highest priority, bestowing a fateful trend.

They’re soon to be illegal, BTW.

I really pity the souls that support the BDS.

The 600,000 palestinians inside the country are pleased with life from the highest standards, unlike their families in terrible lands like Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, that unfortunately can be called a “state” only in the Monopoly board. (it’s bombed to the bone).

Boycotting a state means boycotting it’s citizens, along being fed up with those lies they feed you.

Don’t distort the truth. poor souls.

Cut & paste much ?

Edit : Nice work deleting your previous reply ; amusing to see my post was responded to ...
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double-post, deleted the 2nd one.
what cut & paste? did you read what i wrote?
double-post, deleted the 2nd one.
what cut & paste? did you read what i wrote?

My apologies for being so cynical ... I thought it was a something like a bot ...

I realise you weren't quoting me but where did words like "atrocity" come from ?

Oh hang on ... are you "RoosterR" or " rooster09" or "bocken" ? Gee , I'm all confused ... ?

By all means , keep plugging away ... don't let the (God forbid) truth get out ...

Edit : Oh wow , I can't believe it - you've all actually got the same IP address ... oh dear , and thanks DavidT for including such things !
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