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  • When you bought the ticket you had to choose a Print Yourself-ID. Obvoiusly I don't know what ID you choose, the credit card you paid with or your passport or some other ID. But it says on the ticket which ID you choose. This is what you need to bring along as identification.
    Hey sista,
    hoffe, Du hast England gut überstanden. Ich war ziemlich miserable am nächsten Tag, und dann noch die ganze Rückreise nach Wien... Ich zähle die Sekunden bis zum Wien& Warschau-Gig...
    Viel Spaß in Dänemark und Berlin.
    Bis mal wieder! lg!
    If you want and there's no other possibility I could print the ticket for you. Just let me know.
    So do you have the train ticket to Århus sorted? Or can you still not choose "Afhemtning"?
    Schade, das klingt nicht gut. Aber die Konzerten müssen jedenfalls supertoll gewesen sein. Welches Setlist! Ich freue mich sehr auf das bevorstehende Konzert in York.
    geld verloren, habe ja 2 tixs fuer gawick fuer 160 pfund gekauft vor ein paar monaten
    wollte eins verkaufenbei ebay dodch die gnaedige dame tauchte nicht auf so habe ich 80 pfund verloren die mir in der kasse fehlen der typ vom strangeways bus hat mir geld geliehen damit ich meine naechsten ausgaben bezahlen -muss michjkurz fassen weil die buecherei zeit begrenzt ist hoffe es geht gut
    Hiya, I'm good. :) Been lurking, but I don't often feel the need to post on the forums ..

    As for the concerts, yup! Going to both Lokeren & Eindhoven!

    Very excited because I missed the 2009 tour due to exams.

    How are you? Which concerts will you be attending?
    are you still after a hawick ticket? or have you got sorted with one?
    just that i have 1/2 standing ticks going, let us know either way.
    Don't worry. You're not going to Norway. It is even more expensive there than in Denmark. I would be very surprised if they don't add a barrier, if they don't it's gonna be complete mayhem. But it should nevertheless be good possiblities for storming the stage. And I would think that the room more or less ends at the mixer table. Why would anyone want to stand behind it anyway? And I'm thinking about Copenhagen. Surely that gig must be without barrier? And it should be quite easy to just go to the stage and stand there 3 feet away from Moz and if one wants storm the stage?
    As for the price for the ticket to Århus. The ticket cost 450 danish crowns. There was also a ticket fee of 20 danish crowns and a credit card fee of 35 danish crowns.. Divided in two let's say 25 danish crowns. That makes 475 danish crown. One danish crown is worth 1,2 swedish crowns. So the ticket cost 570 swedish crowns. One euro is worth about 9 swedish crowns which means that the ticket cost about 63 euros (63 * 9 = 567).

    Take a look at this photo: It's so small and intimate. I am soooo looking forward to this gig.
    The queue is a holy institution in Sweden too... and I would think also in Denmark. :p But I suppose if you explain the situation to the quys at the doors and the people in the queue I'm sure it will work. So when are you planning to arrive in Århus then?
    How early one has to start queuing is different from city to city so it is difficult to say anything general about it. In Stockholm two years ago I came between 12-13 and did manage to get front row but very far to the side. In Gothenburg I started queuing maybe at eleven and did get a good place front row. In Oslo I started queueing at about 13 and got front row but I could have arrived just two hours before the doors opened and gotten a good place front row. My guess is that Århus rather will be like Oslo but considering that the stage is quite small (considering it's only a 700 capacity) I don't want to risk too much. I must be front row! 10 may be a bit too early but I will defintely start queuing at about 12/13 o' clock.
    well of course queue as early as you want.its your ticket. dont consider me and my arrival... i just wanted you to know from my experience what i see people do arrive the earliest around midday or afternoon
    i think the people behind us just have to understand-i think its perfect reasonable isnt it?.. otherwise i go to the venue guys..explaining my situation..what do you think...i always had the experiecne of danes being very polite but a morrissey fan is sth different in terms of queuing..
    have to go now.see you around...
    First row! Now I'm jealous. I'm not sure where Orkester is. I just hope it's on Parket and not on the balcony.
    Maybe I start queuing a bit later. At 13.00 at latest. But I really want to be sure to get to front row at this gig. No, the ticket can't be split. Unfortunately. The ticket has a code that gets scanned at the doors and the code only works one time. It can't be scanned two times.
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