well maybe you expect to much from tty. maybe you should look at it as nothing but a silly fan site. I mean, other fan sites have people submitting fan fiction showing their idols doing silly things that have nothing to do with reality, and no one complains that these submissions are marring anyones image.
you're right though, you dont seem offended. i just had gotten a general feeling of offence being taken-- not just from here but someone also mentioned instagram and there were a few nasty messages there--and i ascribed that general feeling to you and now i see that your post didnt have that tone at all. i should've known better as you always seem quite even-keeled, and this is what i mean when i say im a lazy poster, so sorry about that. and yes, I am a relatively new fan compared to you, so I guess it would be impossible for me to feel the same way you do. still, I cant imagine being upset or disillusioned in anyway if anyone had done this kind of thing with someone I had been a fan of for a long time. i mean, i would hope that who a person is and what they stand for is something that cant be touched or affected by things seperate and detached from them, like altered photos.
and also maybe because of my newness I don't understand why you say these images are the exact opposite of everything he espoused? how so? because they're not very sophisticated or professional, or...? I mean, the picture of the queen giving the middle finger is not exactly the paragon of sophistication and he seems fond enough of that. I would think that a person of integrity would only care about his image so far as he feels satisfied that he has represented himself well, and after that wouldn't care what other people make of his image, because after all, unless you are a control freak, you would have to concede sooner or later that what people ultimately are going to think is out of your hands. so maybe he's just loosened his control a bit, but I don't think that should be seen as a loss of integrity or anything like that.
as for what I think of the pictures, they're neither here nor there, in my opinion. occasionally momentarily amusing, but not really.