TTY: Berlin sold out; photomontage of David Mozhansen by SER

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Morrissey in Berlin -
14 July 2016

Morrissey's show in Berlin (16 August) has sold out.


photomontage of David Mozhansen by SER / Sam Esty Rayner.

Bloody hell, TTY has been hijacked. That photo is hilarious. There is no doubt though SER posted this, gramps doesn't stay up that late.
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yeah, thanks for that, but like maybe the problem is you think tty is something that it's not? is there any place on tty which states what you can expect will be posted there and did it lead you astray in those expectations? why be offended? is it your space he's taking up with his pictures? is it your picture he altered? I imagine morrisssey does indirectly give his blessing to whatever sam does, because he knows sam wouldn't do anything disrespectful or derogatory, which he hasn't. it's beyond me why you think he's made a mockery of his image. he hasn't superimposed moz's head on stalins, or Charles mansons, or the queens body, but on the body of someone moz likes. so while the pictures may be redundant or not technically great (although I dont know that they aren't, not knowing anything about photoshopping myself. they look fine to my eyes), they're not out of alignment with the image moz has achieved for himself. and maybe sam has been given "carte blanche" while other people may have been sued for the same thing, as you say, because the pictures are done in a spirit of affection or fondness and moz can tell the difference? for me the fondness moz's dreamboat nephew obviously has for him is where the real value of the pictures lies. personally, I think it's a nice thing to witness in relation to Morrissey.

I don't believe I ever used the word offended. If I did, that was not my intention. I believe you said you are a relatively new Moz fan. I have been there from almost the beginning and the one thing that drew me to him was his earnestness and effortless style. In his words "I am mine".

These images are the exact opposite of everything he espoused. Maybe he has changed. Elvis changed. Michael Jackson changed. All I am putting forth is that it is disturbing to me how loosely he appears to hold what he spent his entire life to achieve. He was largely misunderstood and widely ignored by the mainstream music industry, but he meant the world to me. Now I cherish my memories of him and these cheap one off photo shops are chipping away at that. Just my opinion, but TTY is being used as a toilet instead of a library.
I don't believe I ever used the word offended. If I did, that was not my intention. I believe you said you are a relatively new Moz fan. I have been there from almost the beginning and the one thing that drew me to him was his earnestness and effortless style. In his words "I am mine".

These images are the exact opposite of everything he espoused. Maybe he has changed. Elvis changed. Michael Jackson changed. All I am putting forth is that it is disturbing to me how loosely he appears to hold what he spent his entire life to achieve. He was largely misunderstood and widely ignored by the mainstream music industry, but he meant the world to me. Now I cherish my memories of him and these cheap one off photo shops are chipping away at that. Just my opinion, but TTY is being used as a toilet instead of a library.

In a way I can see him doing exactly that. I somewhat feel that he has always been about control. It would Imo be very like him to make something he cerishes and then throw it away just to prove things have no power over him. Even his success. His early style didn't always seem to be just an accurate representation of his true self for lack of better words but rather a refutation of common male stereotypes of the time. he always seemed to be going against which think is a more accurate idea of what he's about. Firsts he's. Sensitive bookish flower carrying guy about feminism and when that gets played out he loves boxing and weight lifting. Benjng in control and somewhaT contrary is his nature and very consistaNtly like him. Just when you think he cares about something he resigned himself as the inverse
I don't believe I ever used the word offended. If I did, that was not my intention. I believe you said you are a relatively new Moz fan. I have been there from almost the beginning and the one thing that drew me to him was his earnestness and effortless style. In his words "I am mine".

These images are the exact opposite of everything he espoused. Maybe he has changed. Elvis changed. Michael Jackson changed. All I am putting forth is that it is disturbing to me how loosely he appears to hold what he spent his entire life to achieve. He was largely misunderstood and widely ignored by the mainstream music industry, but he meant the world to me. Now I cherish my memories of him and these cheap one off photo shops are chipping away at that. Just my opinion, but TTY is being used as a toilet instead of a library.
well maybe you expect to much from tty. maybe you should look at it as nothing but a silly fan site. I mean, other fan sites have people submitting fan fiction showing their idols doing silly things that have nothing to do with reality, and no one complains that these submissions are marring anyones image.

you're right though, you dont seem offended. i just had gotten a general feeling of offence being taken-- not just from here but someone also mentioned instagram and there were a few nasty messages there--and i ascribed that general feeling to you and now i see that your post didnt have that tone at all. i should've known better as you always seem quite even-keeled, and this is what i mean when i say im a lazy poster, so sorry about that. and yes, I am a relatively new fan compared to you, so I guess it would be impossible for me to feel the same way you do. still, I cant imagine being upset or disillusioned in anyway if anyone had done this kind of thing with someone I had been a fan of for a long time. i mean, i would hope that who a person is and what they stand for is something that cant be touched or affected by things seperate and detached from them, like altered photos.

and also maybe because of my newness I don't understand why you say these images are the exact opposite of everything he espoused? how so? because they're not very sophisticated or professional, or...? I mean, the picture of the queen giving the middle finger is not exactly the paragon of sophistication and he seems fond enough of that. I would think that a person of integrity would only care about his image so far as he feels satisfied that he has represented himself well, and after that wouldn't care what other people make of his image, because after all, unless you are a control freak, you would have to concede sooner or later that what people ultimately are going to think is out of your hands. so maybe he's just loosened his control a bit, but I don't think that should be seen as a loss of integrity or anything like that.

as for what I think of the pictures, they're neither here nor there, in my opinion. occasionally momentarily amusing, but not really.
well maybe you expect to much from tty. maybe you should look at it as nothing but a silly fan site. I mean, other fan sites have people submitting fan fiction showing their idols doing silly things that have nothing to do with reality, and no one complains that these submissions are marring anyones image.

you're right though, you dont seem offended. i just had gotten a general feeling of offence being taken-- not just from here but someone also mentioned instagram and there were a few nasty messages there--and i ascribed that general feeling to you and now i see that your post didnt have that tone at all. i should've known better as you always seem quite even-keeled, and this is what i mean when i say im a lazy poster, so sorry about that. and yes, I am a relatively new fan compared to you, so I guess it would be impossible for me to feel the same way you do. still, I cant imagine being upset or disillusioned in anyway if anyone had done this kind of thing with someone I had been a fan of for a long time. i mean, i would hope that who a person is and what they stand for is something that cant be touched or affected by things seperate and detached from them, like altered photos.

and also maybe because of my newness I don't understand why you say these images are the exact opposite of everything he espoused? how so? because they're not very sophisticated or professional, or...? I mean, the picture of the queen giving the middle finger is not exactly the paragon of sophistication and he seems fond enough of that. I would think that a person of integrity would only care about his image so far as he feels satisfied that he has represented himself well, and after that wouldn't care what other people make of his image, because after all, unless you are a control freak, you would have to concede sooner or later that what people ultimately are going to think is out of your hands. so maybe he's just loosened his control a bit, but I don't think that should be seen as a loss of integrity or anything like that.

as for what I think of the pictures, they're neither here nor there, in my opinion. occasionally momentarily amusing, but not really.

For me, I just have to flip through my peepholism to know what love and thought went into the art. This is so far from that.
In a way I can see him doing exactly that. I somewhat feel that he has always been about control. It would Imo be very like him to make something he cerishes and then throw it away just to prove things have no power over him. Even his success. His early style didn't always seem to be just an accurate representation of his true self for lack of better words but rather a refutation of common male stereotypes of the time. he always seemed to be going against which think is a more accurate idea of what he's about. Firsts he's. Sensitive bookish flower carrying guy about feminism and when that gets played out he loves boxing and weight lifting. Benjng in control and somewhaT contrary is his nature and very consistaNtly like him. Just when you think he cares about something he resigned himself as the inverse

Interesting this idea of "throwing things away". Of course we have no way of knowing why he does what he does, but like an archeologist there are clues to be found in the remnants of his actions. Discarded band mates, chewed through record deals, opportunities laying unused, etc.

I think a parallel can also be drawn between his mostly half arsed video collection and the sloppy mess that is TTY. It appears that all of his effort and energy is reserved for his music and in the end that is what is most important and the underlying reason why we are all here after all.
Morrissey in Berlin -
14 July 2016

Morrissey's show in Berlin (16 August) has sold out.


photomontage of David Mozhansen by SER / Sam Esty Rayner.

Bloody hell, TTY has been hijacked. That photo is hilarious. There is no doubt though SER posted this, gramps doesn't stay up that late.
My nephew would be cut out of will for this.
Interesting this idea of "throwing things away". Of course we have no way of knowing why he does what he does, but like an archeologist there are clues to be found in the remnants of his actions. Discarded band mates, chewed through record deals, opportunities laying unused, etc.

I think a parallel can also be drawn between his mostly half arsed video collection and the sloppy mess that is TTY. It appears that all of his effort and energy is reserved for his music and in the end that is what is most important and the underlying reason why we are all here after all.

Just speculation because of course we don't know him but it's a thought. He can always seem to be changing or seeming on the surface as to going in the opposite direction he was running previously but it's also hard to really tell how committed to these things ideas people he truly is. He's an extreme earnest guy so maybe people just took his extreme interest in things to be die hard commitments. I don't know but it's like the lyrics to honey you know where to find me. We can consistently find him kicking away from things. Mundane things like absolute definition and being cornered by outside public perception
Totally agree. He is just a man, a great man but just human. It's exhausting to witness the way people here seem to know what he must do, say, sing, share, hire and write. If he talks about what he considers serious matters, if he shares a joke, if he writes a book, if he publishes the joy of a sold out, etc. Everything is twisted and used to destroy him.
None of that changes the fact that photoshop botch job has the artistic merit of acid dripping from an Alien queen's arse as she falls out of the airlock.
Ok, I'm sorry. I was embarrassed of my Moz photoshops enough to stop making them. So I can't understand that this kid keeps going. I can't. There's a saying in Spanish that's pertinent, but I don't have an English equivalent :rolleyes:

What is the Spanish phrase?
None of that changes the fact that photoshop botch job has the artistic merit of acid dripping from an Alien queen's arse as she falls out of the airlock.

I think an elephant painting with its trunk is higher art than this photo-slop. The elephant has an excuse because it has no idea what it is doing. What's SER's excuse?

PS. I think I might be interested in a piece of art as you described above. Only if it were a limited edition of course. ;)
So is this the whole tour? Scandanavia, Berlin, Manchester, Israel, and Chicago? I really don't want to go to Chicago, surely there must be more dates?
You should of thought about this first lil' Sammy, but of course the thorn in your side Jack thought about it first. You and Uncle Steve would of been so much better than Jack and his comatose dad. You have always let him beat you in everything since he did that awesome back flip off the Redondo Beach pier and stole Becca from you. Looks like there's gonna be some trouble at The Viper Room Saturday night. You better wear your Your Arsenal Local Crew shirt, because you know Jack will be wearing his Black Sabbath 1975 World Tour vest.

Hey solowers... we have company. Apparently there are a few lurkers milling about these parts, who shall remain nameless... starts with the letter M and S. So keeep in down to a low roar.

Lurkers: we knowdoh:
He worked so hard to create an image that matched his extreme talent and SER is taking a big piss all over it. No one is minding the store and the till is being emptied by the fistful. I consider this to be nothing more than graffiti of the worst kind, not art. In the greater scheme of things who cares...well I do a little. It just seems sad in some way.

Pretty sure Morrissey already took a big piss all over his career in 2006...and then decided to shit on it in 2014.

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