In the song I posted a few minutes ago there are these lines and the word ‘victim’ made me wince.
"Got a bug from you girl
But I don't need no cure
I just stay a victim
If I can for sure"

I will transcribe my morning pages later when I feel like it, if I feel like it and can. Guess I’ll watch a movie and munch and sip away for now.
Happy National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Debbie Anne Deboring is your life...speak up or go to your grave never have been known as what you really are and loved by me, who you say you love. Prove you do, beyond words Deb, I beg you. I plead. I beckon. I invite. I lure you not into a quagmire of feeling used to provide me with the pleasure of feeling included but to show you I'd take a bullet to protect you, which you ignore. You are so stupid not to recognize it's not only safe to open up and confide in a civilized way to me, but that I will comfort you, make you find life funny, not to give you a tease and then go off into the sunset with the prince leaving you in my dust, but invite to ride off into the sunset with us, laughing and trusting, and munching, sipping, tripping, stumbling, looking at clothes and purchasing them if we want them, walking together, howling together, sobbing, screaming, heaving, fighting off insulting injustices. Come on Deb Deb Annie Debbie Anne Debbie Deboring is your life. Get on board before you're dead. This is no ship of fools. We won't let you get away with being false. We will persist in demanding you be real by revealing the dirty truth because any threat that is only in the past is absolutely and down to the last dust particle forgiven though hopefully never forgotten, and it's safe to be honest about your herstory. Please understand, I am truly your sister and can help you tremendously if you will just show up for me. Come out from behind your robotic programming, I beg and plead. I coax, I make fun of you. I tease you about your prejudices.
I'm just a rollerball pen star. I'll knock you off your pedestal when I click my pen back into its casing to get back to work.

If you don't find this concert addictive, you're a square to me, but I still love you.

Dreamt vividly as I slept in the recliner. Books accumulated I had collected and I was going to have to transport them without my personal buggy or even a knapsack and cross through enemy territory where people considered themselves superior to me and despised me. They were all races other than my genetic one, and maybe there were white people too, who thought I was worse than trash because I hadn’t done the right thing in their eyes, though they never looked into my eyes. I was just a thing to them, without feelings. All they cared about was to judge and sort through people as if they were working in a post office shelving mail and never giving it any more consideration. Condemnation to be objectified forevermore if it were up to them, not to be loved, never to be sympathized with, just to be flushed into the sewer. Stomped into the ground. Always to dispose of, never to really love, never mind cherish. Yeah there were white women who thought themselves superior to me because I didn’t make the same choices as them and so I was considered to not be cool to not be in touch with the cool vibe not with it, too pale and gutless. Too blue eyed and untrustworthy. Not enough pigment to stand up for anything that matters. Not wearing the real warrior hairdo - dreads. Not being wrapped in super dark chocolate skin, not male enough too. Not committed to being all out war and hostile. If you’re not hostile there’s something wrong with you and you’re not to be sympathized with. You have to kill them to earn their trust, or make them believe you will definitely kill them without hesitation if they don’t look you in the eye and feel you, the real you not a projection on you from their prejudicial beliefs as if you were a movie screen and they a film projector. No. No. No. Look at me, listen and give me a trial, not an instantaneous knee jerk reflex out of habit to dispose of me before I can get a foothold and start nauseating you by thinking I have anything worthwhile to offer you. Just don’t let me get even a whimper to reach your ear. Shut me out, forever and eternity, because every creature and the universe is better off without such an abomination that only displeases, misleads, ends up turning out to have been a wasted effort to do anything with but get sent to the dump or into the sewer as fast as you can get me out of your airspace. Because you’re cool and I’m pale skinned, redheaded, not enough pigment, especially in my misleading eyes, that you think want to take from you, for my own use to use your mind selfishly, and you never even get around to rejecting me for being not male enough, because you so quickly write me off before you even think that me being female might matter to you in how you judge me. You don’t judge me for my gender because you’ll never get around to even bother to throw me into the garbage truck for my sex, because I’m already in it due to the mark of death, my lack of dreads, my lack of guns, knives, cross bows, hammers, acid in cups or bottles, weapons that use electromagnetic radiation, my fists, I didn’t offer you my fist crushing your nose or teeth or skull or throat, so I’m nothing, no, worse than nothing, a seductress that wants to mislead you and make you feel angry that you wasted precious resources believing me about even bacon strips, pork chops, lamb chops, steak, scampis, shrimp. cake, ice cream beer, vegetarian fare vegan adherence to leaving animals out of our brutal hands, stop shutting me out you idiots. Wake up.

Rats. I don't see any of them. You big rat where are you? I got the impression tonight would be the night I'd get to touch your skin.

kiss me you fool
touch me
we no longer need to sniff glue
in the St.Bruno Girls’ and Boys’ Cottage School

Even Steven strikes again
He shoots!!! He scores!!!
(cue the hockey excitement music)

Hot off the press in fountain pen by Steve’s sugar baby…yes it’s true. Is it wrong you think? Really?


Very pampered sugar baby. Steve’s sugar baby. No, I’m not a sugar baby, I’m a Doberman Pinscher trained to kill or be nice, in protecting my dance partner, if they are still alive that is. If they’re dead I only cherish the memories of when they lived. I couldn’t care less about their corpses except to examine, out of a burning curiousity to understand what they went through. So I’m riding in style now, so I’m still the same person that put the sprinkler in the open window of a car just out of pity for the bored crowd of kids, to give them something interesting to laugh about, and that was all Mum needed to roll me over to Lenny the relaxed social worker who she had a hard on for, her erection depended on him punishing me harshly for being an abomination, but he asked her to leave us alone for five minutes, and when she returned and he had looked into my eyes beforehand after asking me what was going on, he told her “Well Mrs. Smith, I think Sharon is a good kid but if you want, I’ll give her a placement in a group home, and I saw steam coming out of her ears. She didn’t get the vaginal or clitoral orgasm she was after. No she had her passion frustrated. Her bloodlust. So she ended up sucking smoke from her Rothman’s cigarettes, and ate her dainty lady’s size small modest portions of the pork chops etcetera that she would reliably make so perfectly scrumptious, she was reliable all right for superficial, ultimately misleading support, to fatten up the cow for slaughter. The sacrificial lamb is to be kept well shampood, her clothes clean from the use of reliable Tide brand detergent, and she was to have not a mark on her so that she won’t be ready to fight when we take out the knives and our masks fall away from our faces and she sees the delight we take in her misery, disappointment,...

*intermission for a 'small' tantrum*

…grief and eternal damnation. It’s okay. I have good still warm unsweetened black coffee to match my emotions and fine fountain pens, stacks of loose leaf paper, and peace, a great laptop I’m hearing Chopin from as I dance leaving ink traces of my thoughts on the current page, which cost me so little at Dollarama, and so I hoarded it thinking it was becoming hard to find because I’m a dinosaur type of writer, using ink and paper like Julia Cameron suggested to do, to race ahead of my internal censor, and find out what haunts me, nags me, makes me uncomfortable, doesn’t sit well, what needs changing and if I can do anything to make myself more comfortable in my own skin. Albert and I finally had some quality time together in his apartment last evening and Steve it was fun. I can dance like a black girl should, and like a white girl should, and like Deb should too, so I hope I will get to see her dance like Steve. At least a little. S.

She just secretly wants big black dick don’t you know? We got her number. 666 “You, can go to hell!!!” - Alice Cooper
I love memes. Do we have a meme thread? If not, why not?

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