My sister will know me finally…I’m so friggin’ happy. So relieved that she’s going to be okay maybe now.
She called me back and it's going to be okay, so everyone calm down. We've got some therapy to do is hopefully all we need from here on.

Time to render the torture ball into just an artifact...

Time to just everyone dance to his, her, or it's own sensitivity. Like Morrissey shows us how to do.

"And peace on earth was all it said." It's true.
Take a look at this unofficial music video for Morrissey’s song Life is a Pigsty, Deb. It’s intense.
"The bullfighter dies, and nobody cries."

I'm watching this Morrissey concert now and will silence my phone until it's ended.
I hope you will like hearing this song Deb. All three of these men are now dead, but their song is still available to the living to be soothed by.
It's good to be back home alone, despite no kiss as of yet from Morrissey.

He's singing "If you don't want me, you don't have to have me."
I’m getting just slightly angry about shoving food into my mouth rather than you Even Steven. *a look in my eyes tinged in resentment* honey pie, and now I begin to tire. Still I am extremely grateful for what I can get. Too tired to post pictures of my secret trek downtown today. I reliably always have a good time lately. It just gets more and more fun to be dancing to my own sensitivity like Kurt Cobain did until Courtney’s lack of appreciation left him wanting to numb his awareness of his sensitivity.
I don't know how I can make you come back to me Even Steven. You getting even with me? How long you going to hold your grudge judge?
You ok LH?
What do you mean?
I don’t feel like being user friendly right now. I’m grumpy so I’m not going to explain. This is my protest. My tantrum. Being cryptic is my way of expressing my frustration and end of patience for this night of still having not had a kiss from Morrissey.
I can’t help but complain Morrissey. I just can’t stop myself tonight from expressing my dissatisfaction. I’ve been playing so hard for your kiss and it hasn’t come and I’m at my wit’s end. I might seek revenge somehow. Watch out boy.
Did you expect me to kiss the banana bread addict? You’ve left me waiting too long. I resent it and I’m going to get back at you somehow you tease.
I feel I’ve earned your physical presence, some quality time. It’s overdue and I can’t help but feel mad about it. Maybe you’re getting back at me for perceived rejection on my part…It doesn’t feel right Morrissey. It feels unjust. I’m going to have to even the score…I’m all talk though. I’m putty to you. I am beginning to get the notion you may be taking that for granted and so don’t deserve me to be so pliant to your will.
My dignity demands payback Morrissey. I’m going to snub you back. That’s it. I’m retaliating. I’m in revolt now.
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