Seal hunt to commence in 18 days...

NRiTH is charming... thats why.:p

True... but I don't even remember even having the desire or even making the attempt to be charming here... do you?

Unless that can be considered part of my charm? Which I do not.
True... but I don't even remember even having the desire or even making the attempt to be charming here... do you?

Unless that can be considered part of my charm? Which I do not.

Oh Buzzetta, apparently you don't know even the fundamentals about charm! Having the desire or making the attempt to be charming automatically makes somebody quite the opposite!

Obviously that is not the only way one can render themselves uncharming (and if we are to assume your statement here regarding your lack of effort and desire true, then you serve as plain proof of that fact.)

[SIZE=-1]"It is absurd to divide people into good or bad. People are either charming or tedious." - Oscar Wilde :p:p:p[/SIZE]
Oh Buzzetta, apparently you don't know even the fundamentals about charm! Having the desire or making the attempt to be charming automatically makes somebody quite the opposite!

Obviously that is not the only way one can render themselves uncharming (and if we are to assume your statement here regarding your lack of effort and desire true, then you serve as plain proof of that fact.)

[SIZE=-1]"It is absurd to divide people into good or bad. People are either charming or tedious." - Oscar Wilde :p:p:p[/SIZE]

You don't get it do you? I have no desire to be charming, not charming, witty, not witty, amusing or annoying or anything else on an internet forum. Whatever comes out, comes out, and that is used for discussion. Sometimes what I write may amuse people and sometimes it may piss people off. I'm not here though to woo popularity nor allow you to indulge yourself in some analysis of what constitutes proper etiquette according to your or anyone else's personal standards.

You once again have demonstrated your irrelevance to me.
You don't get it do you? I have no desire to be charming, not charming, witty, not witty, amusing or annoying or anything else on an internet forum. Whatever comes out, comes out, and that is used for discussion. Sometimes what I write may amuse people and sometimes it may piss people off. I'm not here though to woo popularity nor allow you to indulge yourself in some analysis of what constitutes proper etiquette according to your or anyone else's personal standards.

well i am sure you have succeeded on all points. :)
Why do I get the impression that if the two of you were to meet in Times Square, you would find each other completely irresistible...
The brutality of the manner aside, am I the only one that thinks that there is no logical purpose in such festivity?

Seriously, the Inuit need to get with the 19th Century and open up some casinos instead....There isn't much of a market in seal coats these days, and I've always wondered what they do with the left overs
Because they couldn't credibly say that their casinos have "hot slots."

The Inuit should consider looking into a Vegas style red-light district, complete with hotels, Casinos, The Star Trek Experience, and brothels...

Surely that would be preferable to clubbing baby seals to death once a year
gosh, this is the first time global warming made me smile. This whole seal hunt thing SUCKS :tears::mad:

You might want to temper that smile. Mother seals need firm pack ice on which to bear their pups who cannot swim. Last year tens of thousands of dead pups washed ashore as a result of record thin ice. Best estimates are that more pups died from drowning than from being hunted. That is the unpleasant reality of global warming here in Atlantic Canada. Of course, the anti-sealing industry doesn't blame SUV-driving, over-sized house-dwelling, energy-guzzling, greenhouse-gas-belching East Coast Americans (100 000 000 of whom live just up-wind of the ice floes) - it actively seeks them out for financial support!

Sorry, did that sound bitter? I guess animal rights workers have a right to earn a living too.
You might want to temper that smile. Mother seals need firm pack ice on which to bear their pups who cannot swim. Last year tens of thousands of dead pups washed ashore as a result of record thin ice. Best estimates are that more pups died from drowning than from being hunted. That is the unpleasant reality of global warming here in Atlantic Canada. Of course, the anti-sealing industry doesn't blame SUV-driving, over-sized house-dwelling, energy-guzzling, greenhouse-gas-belching East Coast Americans (100 000 000 of whom live just up-wind of the ice floes) - it actively seeks them out for financial support!

Sorry, did that sound bitter? I guess animal rights workers have a right to earn a living too.

Well the global warming only made me smile for a split second in hopes that some of those "poor" seal hunters :sick::rolleyes: might go find some decent work. I am no fan of global warming in fact and it does not make me smile... in general... and for your information this East Coast American drives a 4 cylinder stick shift VW... bitch.:p There are no hero's here... just because you don't like americans it in no way justifies or casts a better light on that foul industry of Canada's.

Be as bitter as you want... but don't think the wrongs of others in any way make that seal hunting industry any less foul and vicious and unconscious and cruel.
Personally, I think Canada should bring back that which was abandoned years ago and could become an even greater annual tradition ....

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