Seal hunt to commence in 18 days...

Oh come on suparni, someone as intelligent as you cannot seriously think this 'boycott' is as clear-cut as he would have us believe. Even if raising awareness of the issue was his main objective, this is just about the worst way to go about it - "Here's an issue I disagree with, so instead of taking positive action to combat it, I'll just ignore it and hope that by doing that, the wrongdoers will come crawling for forgiveness." Yes Morrissey, that'll show 'em...

With regard to the seal hunt itself, it's quite clearly an horrific and unecessary practice, and it baffles me why the Canadian authorities haven't banned it yet. But of all the things that scare me about the world I live in, I'm afraid the seal hunt isn't one of them. Obviously I respect the views of those who see it as a major world issue, I just think that if all the anger and vitriol of PETA and its followers was redirected at more pressing human needs, maybe the world would be a better place for us to live in. And maybe then people would be less inclined to abuse the rights of non-humans.


Oh no Coiff... thanks for referring to me as intelligent :o and I do enjoy reading you and appreciate what you say... but I think it was clear in my argument on this subject in last years thread that I had become convinced that there is INDEED another aspect to his boycott and it is indeed not so clean cut as it appears...
I derived from last years argument that Moz also doesn't like playing to the vast majority of Canadians who were absolute whiners on the subject and who constantly argued about how the baby seals were overrunning Quebec... Toronto... that they are driving the buses nowadays etc etc...

-well that is how Moz said it in NY... he must have read the thread :rolleyes:

All the Canadians seemed to creep out of the alleyways and start protesting and bitching and moaning and defending the "tradition" and talking about the overpopulation and the need for jobs and all kinds of other rubbish... so I came to the conclusion that he simply doesn't like their pompous ridiculous whining... :p:p:p:p
Less than three months ago my dad died of a hideous slow painful death and yes it was cancer. I'm not offended by your words, just ask that you please choose yours a bit more carefully and not hoping that others go through what I and many others are experiencing right now, whatever their occupation may be.:tears:

Jukebox Jury

I am sure that your father was a very loving man who did not deserve cancer.I am sorry for your loss.

My best friend died of leaukaemia.My nan died a painful death from breast cancer and i have survived it.(breast cancer that is)

We are discussing men that go out with a club and murder baby seals in front of their screaming mothers.They deserve to die.In my opinion.Of which i am entitled to.
I am sure that your father was a very loving man who did not deserve cancer.I am sorry for your loss.

My best friend died of leaukaemia.My nan died a painful death from breast cancer and i have survived it.(breast cancer that is)

We are discussing men that go out with a club and murder baby seals in front of their screaming mothers.They deserve to die.In my opinion.Of which i am entitled to.

I didn't say you were not entitled to an opinion, I just asked if you would think about how you put that opinion across.

Jukebox Jury
I didn't say you were not entitled to an opinion, I just asked if you would think about how you put that opinion across.

Jukebox Jury

Okay.I am sorry.I will try to be more tactful in future.:D
What would have and could have been a excellent promotion for his cause against seal hunting in Canada was nothing more (to myself at least) a veiled excuse as to not tour Canada as it would turn the profit he deemed worth it to make the dates.

He will consider Iran but not Canada.
Hell we all know I eat meat but it seems hypocritical to me if Morrissey speaks out against the land of McDonalds but will still play here.

He should have simply stated we will not be doing any Canadian dates. To make it an issue and to punish his Canadian fan base does nothing more to promote his cause and everything to push fans away from attending a show on a future date.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh surprise surprise Buzzetta has something bad to say about Moz for his standing up for a liberal, human cause... and animal rights... shocker!!!

You are the one who would come up with any excuse to say something against him for that... :p:rolleyes::sick:
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh surprise surprise Buzzetta has something bad to say about Moz for his standing up for a liberal, human cause... and animal rights... shocker!!!

You are the one who would come up with any excuse to say something against him for that... :p:rolleyes::sick:

Ohhhhh shocker...
I have nothing bad to say about it at all. I simply said that I, and apparently others, found that seal clubbing was an easy way out. Really... think about it...

Who did he hurt? There was no awareness raised over the issue outside of his fan base because of his stand. Most of the people that were upset at his not playing at Canada are probably supportive of the banning of seal clubbing. So who is really affected by his decision not to play Canada?

His fans were.

Now I do not think that he purposely set out to hurt his fans. After all he was saving that move for "Greatest Hits." I stand by the belief that at the end of the day Morrissey is a businessman and that for whatever financial reasons there was no monetary purpose to play in Canada and cross an additional border.

I stand by the idea that if clubbing baby seals was such a pet cause to him to give reason not to play a country then I would think that McDonalds, which seems to be higher on his list of priorities would warrant a boycott of the USA.

No need to be snippy.
He's not my favorite, but doesn't deserve to be clubbed....
Ohhhhh shocker...
I have nothing bad to say about it at all. I simply said that I, and apparently others, found that seal clubbing was an easy way out. Really... think about it...

Who did he hurt? There was no awareness raised over the issue outside of his fan base because of his stand. Most of the people that were upset at his not playing at Canada are probably supportive of the banning of seal clubbing. So who is really affected by his decision not to play Canada?

His fans were.

Now I do not think that he purposely set out to hurt his fans. After all he was saving that move for "Greatest Hits." I stand by the belief that at the end of the day Morrissey is a businessman and that for whatever financial reasons there was no monetary purpose to play in Canada and cross an additional border.

I stand by the idea that if clubbing baby seals was such a pet cause to him to give reason not to play a country then I would think that McDonalds, which seems to be higher on his list of priorities would warrant a boycott of the USA.

No need to be snippy.

and i stand by my :rolleyes: :sick:

(and i loved his speech in NYC re Canada and the baby seals too!)
and i stand by my :rolleyes: :sick:

(and i loved his speech in NYC re Canada and the baby seals too!)

If you heard someone booing... that was me.
There was no awareness raised over the issue outside of his fan base because of his stand.

What your'e forgetting is that he joined other performers in boycotting Canada, and together they probably did raise a bit of awareness.

Granted, it hasn't been as successful a boycott as us patriotic Americans who are forcing many gas station owners to switch from Hugo Chavez's Citgo to, say, Marathon or Valero. :)

But then again, it's not quite as stupid as Bill O'Reilly calling for a boycott of French products.

The statement Morrissey penned to coincide his boycott is what I found laughable. If he wants me to take his call for a boycott seriously he ought to have written a statement that didn't make me roll my eyes and laugh at him. Which is not to say that it wouldn't be nice if they stopped clubbing seals.

Morrissey speaks out against the land of McDonalds but will still play here

Morrissey will never boycott America. America may not be the world, but we're the most important country, and it's certainly important to him and his ambitions to keep performing in America and nurturing his fanbase here. The Canadians can drive down to the States to see him.
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another shocker from Buzzetta :sick::sick::sick::sick:

Actually thats not true... I actually booed out loud when he talks his trash about Republicans.
The statement Morrissey penned to coincide his boycott is what I found laughable. If he wants me to take his call for a boycott seriously he ought to have written a statement that didn't make me roll my eyes and laugh at him. Which is not to say that it wouldn't be nice if they stopped clubbing seals.
Didn't know about the others, but I still, as you apparently did, rolled my eyes when he announced the boycott and why.

Morrissey will never boycott America. America may not be the world, but we're the most important country, and it's certainly important to him and his ambitions to keep performing in America and nurturing his fanbase here. The Canadians can drive down to the States to see him.
That was my point exactly. No matter what happens he will always sidestep his beliefs and play here as the US along with the UK is his bread and butter in terms of sales and touring.
What your'e forgetting is that he joined other performers in boycotting Canada, and together they probably did raise a bit of awareness.

Granted, it hasn't been as successful a boycott as us patriotic Americans who are forcing many gas station owners to switch from Hugo Chavez's Citgo to, say, Marathon or Valero. :)

But then again, it's not quite as stupid as Bill O'Reilly calling for a boycott of French products.

The statement Morrissey penned to coincide his boycott is what I found laughable. If he wants me to take his call for a boycott seriously he ought to have written a statement that didn't make me roll my eyes and laugh at him. Which is not to say that it wouldn't be nice if they stopped clubbing seals.

Morrissey will never boycott America. America may not be the world, but we're the most important country, and it's certainly important to him and his ambitions to keep performing in America and nurturing his fanbase here. The Canadians can drive down to the States to see him.

theo your real dumb.

america is not the most important country in the world.

theres a reason why the can.dollar is dollar to the american dollar.

i hate the sealclubbers too and if i was as portly and powerful as steve and i didnt want to go to canada that would be my right.

peace out homey.
theo your real dumb.

america is not the most important country in the world.

theres a reason why the can.dollar is dollar to the american dollar.

i hate the sealclubbers too and if i was as portly and powerful as steve and i didnt want to go to canada that would be my right.

peace out homey.

America is the world when it comes to consuming disposable income items such as music and ticket sales. I remember reading awhile ago that the US spends more on it's own entertainment than anyone else.
America is the world when it comes to consuming disposable income items such as music and ticket sales. I remember reading awhile ago that the US spends more on it's own entertainment than anyone else.

listen buzzetta were neck deep in shit right now buddy with no recovery in sight.i dont care if ben bernake gets a tatto of a $ symbol on his scrotum that head nigga in charge aint gonna make deez dollar woes go away. im not just saying. im emphatically just saying.
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