Rebels Without Applause released as a single track - initially on some region's YT, now to buy & stream (November 24, 2022)

UPDATE (Nov. 25):

This Charming Bowie posted the story from official_morrissey_central / Instagram:

Morrissey's Rebels Without Applause is available today worldwide (including Britain) on Spotify,
courtesy of Capitol Records. The track is produced by Andrew Watt. This is Morrissey's first 'single' release since 'It's Over', taken from the 'California Son' album in November 2019. 'It's Over' peaked at number 1 in the UK vinyl chart.

Also now on Morrissey Central. Link posted by Famous when dead.


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Sam posted an instagram story 2 hours ago that shows Prince speaking about how record companies are now obsolete with regards to releasing music. Could this new release be a DIY job?
Cover art certainly looks like it lol
YouTube credits appear to confirm what we knew last year re: Boz writing credit.


Pleasant melody as heard from the live shows, guitar work too is nice.
Production sound a bit off though and not sure if it’s my stream but Moz’s voice sounds quite strange? Auto tuned? Could be just on my end though.
Sleeve is horrific however, from whatever angle you’re sitting at.
Yeah his voice has an odd warble at times
Sam posted an instagram story 2 hours ago that shows Prince speaking about how record companies are now obsolete with regards to releasing music. Could this new release be a DIY job?
No Capitol logo on the single cover but YouTube credits found by FWD implicate Universal Music Group.
Universal Music are mentioned on the back sleeve of Bonfire (UMI as opposed to UMG).
Probably a good idea to remember not to conflate 'singles' with 'instant grats' - the previous releases all utilised 'instant grats' and were not related to physical products & were planned that way.
I'm not .
The point is , is M ?
The good news is the lp looks like it's gonna come out
Something is probably not sitting right with M
Hence the comments on stage and sam's post

I mean you could say to Sam, yes prince made that comment ages ago (as did Bowie )
So why the f*** is M so hell bent on getting a lable and why doesn't he self release ?
("Self release" sounds like wanking which M does do a lot of I bet )

I really think M missed a trick regarding his legacy
The moment they tried to cancel him and BMG dropped him.
He should have done his own label etc .

Instead we have M looking like a straight bitch ,moaning on stage etc
Now it's like he's being rolled by The Man

I'm just happy the songs out and probably the lp Soon
This is certainly a jump from the previous "Capitol will release it in February 2023-wait nevermind they cancelled that".... :unsure:
Official MP3 - you know the drill.

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