Rebels Without Applause released as a single track - initially on some region's YT, now to buy & stream (November 24, 2022)

UPDATE (Nov. 25):

This Charming Bowie posted the story from official_morrissey_central / Instagram:

Morrissey's Rebels Without Applause is available today worldwide (including Britain) on Spotify,
courtesy of Capitol Records. The track is produced by Andrew Watt. This is Morrissey's first 'single' release since 'It's Over', taken from the 'California Son' album in November 2019. 'It's Over' peaked at number 1 in the UK vinyl chart.

Also now on Morrissey Central. Link posted by Famous when dead.


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I'm glad we finally got this for sure... but the scary thought is that the live versions might be the better versions of these songs. Too soon to say, but it's a thought now.

Me too, but I find it difficult to believe he agreed to this being released in its current state. It's atrocious - the Tidal UK version that is.

Yep, I agree with you. It is sad. As of now, there is absolutely no competition; the live version blows this one out of the water in every way possible.

I don't know who thought this sounded good enough for general release but they need to give themselves a serious shake!
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This sounds bloody fantastic!! I really liked the live versions but this is even better...

I can't wait to hear the album!!

I remember the terrible feeling when "Bobby" came out!! I really didn't like it and I was so worried... With this track I feel excited and very positive!!
Its obvious the vocals were recorded at a much slower tempo and then sped up afterwards which is strange. It’s a shame because it’s a brilliant song but the recording is a mess.
Fek! I hope Moz doesn't come out and say he didn't want it streamed and for us not to listen to it. That would be a right calamity. Beats me why official websites like Moz or The Cure tell us nothing. Moz Central should be shouting this news from the draughty rafters.
I should say , I was at an after-work Thanksgiving thing with my wife and daughter and a had few bottles of wine.
So I was just running off at the mouth but I do wonder why if he has a deal, why all the negative comments about record companies and not knowing what's happening to the LP and sam putting a post up with Prince having a go at record companies that day this is dropped
It seems odd to me that after the initial post about Capital signing him, he suddenly started acting like the LP might not come out and then this record drips out
I guess the digital record image is by M?
I can still see it - there's a new post from a lifestyle magazine of a Morrissey picture. The Central title is : Morrissey Hung. I can't copy the link on my phone for some reason.
Thanks. It doesn't load for me just hangs. Been this way all morning but the problem must be on my end I guess.
The fact that central is posting right now and posting anything but the information about the release is extremely strange. It makes you think they don't know about it but surely they must.
It's got a low-fi feel definitely, almost like first album Smiths, which may or may not be some people's preferred sound of choice. Could have done a bit more with the lyrics, it's a bit...bare bones.
Yes, When I heard the LP and I heard this song I thought it sounded like a demo (but thought maybe its cause Im pissed)
When we thought it was a leak I also thought it sounded like a demo

I don't know the logic of f***ing with M's voice considering that is the thing we are hear for. The song is nice enough if a bit slight. I think the production is f***ing shit
The fact that central is posting right now and posting anything but the information about the release is extremely strange. It makes you think they don't know about it but surely they must.
jesse was listening to it earlier so they do know.
It's a good song, not great, but good. Production is clearly the producers style. It's always mentioned here how much Moz cares about charting, etc. Maybe he's trying to appeal to a younger demographic and that's why Watt was able to do the album is his style.

I don't know, a lot of people here are just too critical. He's not beyond reproach but I'm just happy we're still getting good songs from 63 year old Moz.
This sounds bloody fantastic!! I really liked the live versions but this is even better...

I can't wait to hear the album!!

I remember the terrible feeling when "Bobby" came out!! I really didn't like it and I was so worried... With this track I feel excited and very positive!!
Bobby was brilliant. The production on point. This is nothing like that.
as a live pop song it was fine. This isn't great. It doesn't sound even finished. Doesn't M have to listen to it before he sells it?
i need to go and get my ears syringed because i cannot see what the problem is.
people on here are frothing at the mouth and i dont know why.



Not looking unofficial really.
jesse was listening to it earlier so they do know.

That makes it even weirder. The version I'm listening to on Tidal is undoubtedly atrociously produced. Maybe people are listening to slightly different versions. I don't know.

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