Baffling... and with 7 kids, there won't be any easy way out of it.

I saw "The Rachel Divide" on Netflix and I thought it shed a bit more light on the Dolezal thing, it was pretty sad. She had a very abnormal and dysfunctional upbringing and that made me think that trauma and escapism came into it, that she started lying and got lost in it and just couldn't stop. Her behaviour had such an awful effect on her sons and embarrassed them so greatly and she just didn't seem to care about it. I think there must be some deep unhappiness beneath this behaviour somewhere.
I had no idea there was a Dolezal documentary; I’ll have to check that out. I think Hilaria kind of got away with it in the mainstream media because she was pretending to be another white culture, not like an indigenous Peruvian or something, but it still seems really off. There may be some similar trauma behind her situation, too. Either that, or she’s just taken attention-seeking to the extreme.
I feel like I need to cut back and I just joined Solo in October :sweatsmile: (Though I've lurked off and on through the years.)

And yeah...there is a whole Hilaria Baldwin subreddit. The situation is extremely strange. In different video clips, she's claimed to have forgotten the English words for "cucumber" and "onion," even though she's Hillary from Boston. I'm sure it will be a complete mess if they ever divorce, given that she and Alec have seven kids together.
Is Hilaria even a name?? Sounds like a disease
Did you know that if you are 50 years old, and you stand in the same spot for close to four hours, that when you go to move YOUR FKG LEGS DONT WORK? Holy shit. Totally worth it.


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I dont have a dog I just dogsit.
Why don’t you have a dog? Any particular reason?
I dunno. I just like to be alone I guess. Dogs are always talking. I’ll probably get another some day when I have a yard.
Why does everyone hate Luke Littler? I think it’s amazing he can keep his composure in a game with an established gang of assholes.
So, in my efforts to lurk and to cut down my involvement with Solo and the general Mozzerverse, I've been browsing nonsense on Reddit and some of the music stuff is so weirdly comforting and funny. All the recent drama for example, which I've absolutely agonised over, reduced to "Handbags at dawn!" "The Smiths were shit", "Who are these people? Who cares about these has-beens?" :LOL:. It just puts things into perspective for me. It's just music, take what you need from it. Reddit has also exposed me to other bizarre things I had never heard of, such as.. Alec Baldwin's wife apparently pretends to be Spanish and this is an entire...thing? I am browsing this rubbish with a glass of wine in hand and some of it beggars belief.
Yes, Reddit can take your mind off a lot of things :lbf:
I think AITAH forums are kind of fun because even tho some of the stories are sad, some are pretty entertaining
I like the unpopular opinion subs (like 10th dentist) because you get some brilliantly unhinged posts on there
I will have to check that out
Yes, Reddit can take your mind off a lot of things :lbf:
I think AITAH forums are kind of fun because even tho some of the stories are sad, some are pretty entertaining
Haha, absolutely!
I have recently watched "Kings of Tupelo" on Netflix, which is batshit but brilliant, and I had a look at the subreddit there. It's very US-centric so some of the terms are new to me and one comment was, "Laura is pure whiskey tango", which I had to Google and then that had me laughing for ages.
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