My first prenatal apt is in 3 hours and I'm so nervous, mainly for the blood draw. Any tips on not freaking out during the blood draw portion?

I've had plenty of tattoos, my veins on my arms are thick and easy to access. The thought and feeling of a blood draw makes my stomach churn. I'm worried I'm going to bawl and/or throw up from nerves. 😔

I've never liked vaccinations or blood draws. Shamefully, I've only ever had 1 blood draw all my life, about 25 years ago..
Yes, I know I'll be dealing with lots of needles during my pregnancy. 🥹
My first prenatal apt is in 3 hours and I'm so nervous, mainly for the blood draw. Any tips on not freaking out during the blood draw portion?

I've had plenty of tattoos, my veins on my arms are thick and easy to access. The thought and feeling of a blood draw makes my stomach churn. I'm worried I'm going to bawl and/or throw up from nerves. 😔

I've never liked vaccinations or blood draws. Shamefully, I've only ever had 1 blood draw all my life, about 25 years ago..
Yes, I know I'll be dealing with lots of needles during my pregnancy. 🥹

Turn your attention to something else, the details of a joyful past experience or try to remember a bass line of a favorite song.
My first prenatal apt is in 3 hours and I'm so nervous, mainly for the blood draw. Any tips on not freaking out during the blood draw portion?

I've had plenty of tattoos, my veins on my arms are thick and easy to access. The thought and feeling of a blood draw makes my stomach churn. I'm worried I'm going to bawl and/or throw up from nerves. 😔

I've never liked vaccinations or blood draws. Shamefully, I've only ever had 1 blood draw all my life, about 25 years ago..
Yes, I know I'll be dealing with lots of needles during my pregnancy. 🥹
Think of the Morrissey shows you went to a couple of months ago and how much fun you had!
thats awesome ashley. i have two myself though my wife did all the difficult stuff. get used to the weird things youre gonna have to endure durring the pregnancy as it always seems theres some test to run or something to watch like blood pressure etc. just make sure you go to all of them and itll be fine. i know theres a lot of pressure to not say anything negative but ill say this as the only piece of real advice i can give. dont get to fixated on exactly how its gonna go, the birth plan, as you never know whatll happen or whatll change and i dont men in some tragic way. my wife had to induce both times unplanned at a doc appointment and needed c sections for both because of blood pressure drops. i didnt know it at the time but these events and some other changes to the plan that made her feel really bad about herself or like she had failed somehow and stressed her out when really she just did what was needed. anyway the pics are great and ill even go so far as to say it seems to almost be smiling. youre lucky i couldnt get any good pics as mine were super squirmers. one was just a foot like when you do their footprints with ink and paper. ugh im so happy for you
This has been the longest work day of my life and I still have nearly a minute left that will last, I'm sure, at least an hour.
I’m halfway through the second week of my new exercise routine. I’m taking today off from it after doing it three days in a row. It’s 750 weight reps and 250 push-ups for the week, and I’m aiming for 50,000 steps after only getting to 41,000 last week because I was waiting for a couple of days for the snow and ice to clear so I could go out walking.
I’m adding squats this week as well. I had been lifting weights on and off for a few months but I’m only now starting to get serious about it. I’ll keep it going like this until the end of the month - five days a week - and then adjust whatever I think needs to be adjusted when I see what kind of physical progress I’m making, if any. I’m not seeing the definition I want to see yet and I need to tighten up my triceps more but unless my eyes are deceiving me, which they might be, I’m already looking healthier and my skin is clearer.
I’m halfway through the second week of my new exercise routine. I’m taking today off from it after doing it three days in a row. It’s 750 weight reps and 250 push-ups for the week, and I’m aiming for 50,000 steps after only getting to 41,000 last week because I was waiting for a couple of days for the snow and ice to clear so I could go out walking.
I’m adding squats this week as well. I had been lifting weights on and off for a few months but I’m only now starting to get serious about it. I’ll keep it going like this until the end of the month - five days a week - and then adjust whatever I think needs to be adjusted when I see what kind of physical progress I’m making, if any. I’m not seeing the definition I want to see yet and I need to tighten up my triceps more but unless my eyes are deceiving me, which they might be, I’m already looking healthier and my skin is clearer.
Do you still have pimples at your mature age?!
In addition to the exercise I was planning on reading more and watching silent films and listening to classical music, but after watching one silent film (Stage Struck starring Gloria Swanson) and listening to one symphony (Beethoven’s 9th, conducted by Herbert von Karajan), I think I’ll focus on the reading and exercise for now (although I enjoyed watching/listening to both of those). I’m quarter of the way through one book and a third of the way through another. One of them is Three Men in a Boat and I’m just beginning chapter six and they’re finally getting on the boat— two of them anyway, and the dog. I’d like to read more comic novels like this and I have Diary of a Nobody in the pile for next month and I’ll probably go to the library at some point to borrow Lucky Jim. I’ll take recommendations but I have 20 other books lined up which includes Chekhov’s selected short stories and Zuleika Dobson so it might take me a while to get around to any recommendations.

Do you still have pimples at your mature age?!

No, I rarely get a pimple, hardly ever during my teenage years too, the only time I get one nowadays is if I have a lot of late nights. I had clogged pores which I couldn’t seem to shift but the exercising appears to be clearing it up nicely. Thanks for your question, have a great night. :)
I’m absolutely not the comic novels best friend but if you’re gonna read lucky jim try ending up as well as I did find it pretty funny if in a sad way
thats awesome ashley. i have two myself though my wife did all the difficult stuff. get used to the weird things youre gonna have to endure durring the pregnancy as it always seems theres some test to run or something to watch like blood pressure etc. just make sure you go to all of them and itll be fine. i know theres a lot of pressure to not say anything negative but ill say this as the only piece of real advice i can give. dont get to fixated on exactly how its gonna go, the birth plan, as you never know whatll happen or whatll change and i dont men in some tragic way. my wife had to induce both times unplanned at a doc appointment and needed c sections for both because of blood pressure drops. i didnt know it at the time but these events and some other changes to the plan that made her feel really bad about herself or like she had failed somehow and stressed her out when really she just did what was needed. anyway the pics are great and ill even go so far as to say it seems to almost be smiling. youre lucky i couldnt get any good pics as mine were super squirmers. one was just a foot like when you do their footprints with ink and paper. ugh im so happy for you
Thank you so much! This means a lot to me.

I think I know what you mean; there's only so much you can really "plan" during pregnancy, that's why I'm going with the flow, going to all my appointments, I have only had a single sip of wine since I've been pregnant, I have not eaten any "no-go" foods, I read about everything I use, etc. I'm doing my best to have everything go as smooth as possible, but I do know that no matter how hard I try to do my best, that something could still go wrong. I'm a worry wart by nature, so my thoughts scatter around to all that can go wrong in any situation. It's kind of like... my defense mechanism.
Being pregnant is crazy! Yet, it's one of the most natural things in the world. ❤️ I feel enlightened and empowered by it, and I have been happier than ever lately.
i guess im saying that since she was carrying the baby i didnt realize how much more of the responsibility she would take on herself without telling me and it just didnt even occur to me to think of it that way. that how it went would reflect her in her mind. it suprised me how much it upset her so i just thought id say it. to just go with the flow as much as you have to and realize as you probably already do that so many little things can happen and to not feel bad about it. you might have to induce, the date might change, you might have to have a surgery (my wife said she felt like she couldnt even give birth right and this is coming from a pediatrician who obviously knows better) or even give birth in another hospital / birthing center etc. are you gonna find out the sex or be suprised? do you have a name yet like a family name or will you decide as the time nears
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