So far my favorite Charli XCX song is White Mercedes. I looked it up. Producer and co-writer: Andrew "Watt" Wotman, ultra-turd. Goddamn it all. Credit where credit is due, though, he does have a sure hand for slick modern pop. Maybe White Mercedes (if it wasn't Miley Cyrus or some crap) is what caught Morrissey's ear. "Oh my. Delightful. Who produced that one, Damon?" "Let me look it up, sire."

In my breathless excitement over the recent Marrissey drama, I've been much more swear-y than usual. One of my favourite things about Solo is that being US-based, the swear filters are US-centric as well and that means all manner of British curses and spellings evade detection for ages. Especially the stranger regional ones 😂.
I miss @nicky wire's legs. I made a BIG mistake by ever crossing her. In hindsight it’s true what she said about how she was endlessly patient with me, and I threw it all back in her face. I caused the issue and I’m the one who deserved to be put on time out. I was being unreasonable and she was defending herself.
If I can only imagine my dear friend reading with his cats curled up surrounding him, I’d be okay. But I can’t because I know he is at the morgue where they will perform an autopsy. I’m just trying to keep my mind busy.
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What happened to that ‘post what you dreamt last night’ thread? Anyway..

I dreamt just now that I went to Turkey to get dental work done, which waking me would never do so I don’t know WHAT dream me was thinking. I was in an office talking to the dentist and I wanted to run out of there so many times, then the dentist mentioned there were no other patients in the building and I thought “if this business is so successful why isn’t the place full?”. After that I went somewhere else in the same building for a further consultation or to pay the money or something, and this other guy who worked there asked my age and if I’m married and have any children and I said no. And do you know what he asked next? “Why?” :rage: These Turks! I was annoyed by the question because I had no good answer for it and there were other people within earshot so I mumbled something which I have had a tendency to do in those sorts of situations, hoping the fact that I’ve at least made a visible attempt to answer is deemed sufficient even if the words themselves are barely audible or intelligible. He put his hands up as if to say he understood (after asking me a couple of times to repeat myself; I said a different sentence each time) and I woke up. I’m glad to be out of THAT dream and I hope I never turn up there again although I’ll probably be there tomorrow night because my subconscious punishes me like that sometimes. After all that hassle I didn’t even get a chance to see what my new teeth looked like— zero payoff!
Meat is Murder !!! :screamcat::dogface:

been watching the old newhart series which i had never seen before and some of the connections to bang theory that pop up at times is strange. it has its own sheldon to produce the show, larry asks to discuss the big bang theory in the last season, its the only show where ive seen the word mellifluous randomly brought up. im also seeing weird connections to the gilmore girls. steph leaves her rich family that cuts her off to become a maid at an inn which she is gonna inherit one day, her parents house looks exactly the same as the gilmores house, she names her child after herself just like Loreli does, theres a paul anka episode, an odd character named kirk who seems to be unable to control what he says, the weird towns people like the mayor and there town council meetings. good show though. was trying to buy the dish set. its a neat melding of the old nick at night bit actors (andy griffith to dick van dyke) and some new faces like mimi from the drew carry show. last season is ridiculous with the guest stars. carson, gov mcgovern, don knotts (which was my fav). good show
I don’t like writing about health stuff here but I’m going to do it anyway! I’ve had a small cyst in my neck for the past couple of years and now I can’t feel it there any more and I’m worried that it burst and that I’m going to wind up with sepsis :rage:! I went for an ultrasound two years ago and they said it was a sebaceous cyst (which I had assumed was caused in some way by my impacted wisdom teeth). I probably should have got it lanced but it wasn’t causing issues so I chose to leave it. At the moment my symptoms are: redness/rash on the neck around the area of the cyst and on the cheek on the same side. Sharp pains in the throat on and off over the past few days. General discomfort in the throat. Hoarseness; I’ve been hoarse a lot recently. I don’t have a temperature and I’ve been checking it multiple times a day. I panicked a couple of mornings ago because I woke up and my temperature was 34.5, which Google tells me is hypothermia, but I think it was just the batteries failing in the thermometer :blushing:. I’m not sure if I should go to the doctor or what; what’s he going to do for me!? Press my neck and then dither! I’m sick of giving him €65 for which he does the bare minimum. And all this COULD just be me being a hypochondriac again. When I was younger I’d have an episode at least once a year (which would sometimes go on for months) where I’d convince myself that I was dying. I’m due another one because I haven’t had one of those episodes since… well, since I discovered the cyst two and a half years ago and thought it might be non-Hodgkin lymphoma. I’ll monitor the situation and if I don’t mention it again it’s likely fine and if I don’t post again you can assume I’ve either died from sepsis or I can’t type any more due to complications from sepsis which resulted in the amputation or loss of use of both my arms.
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Super happy to see the new Fall shoes I ordered have arrived at my doorstep :love:
I don’t like writing about health stuff here but I’m going to do it anyway! I’ve had a small cyst in my neck for the past couple of years and now I can’t feel it there any more and I’m worried that it burst and that I’m going to wind up with sepsis :rage:! I went for an ultrasound two years ago and they said it was a sebaceous cyst (which I had assumed was caused in some way by my impacted wisdom teeth). I probably should have got it lanced but it wasn’t causing issues so I chose to leave it. At the moment my symptoms are: redness/rash on the neck around the area of the cyst and on the cheek on the same side. Sharp pains in the throat on and off over the past few days. General discomfort in the throat. Hoarseness; I’ve been hoarse a lot recently. I don’t have a temperature and I’ve been checking it multiple times a day. I panicked a couple of mornings ago because I woke up and my temperature was 34.5, which Google tells me is hypothermia, but I think it was just the batteries failing in the thermometer :blushing:. I’m not sure if I should go to the doctor or what; what’s he going to do for me!? Press my neck and then dither! I’m sick of giving him €65 for which he does the bare minimum. And all this COULD just be me being a hypochondriac again. When I was younger I’d have an episode at least once a year (which would sometimes go on for months) where I’d convince myself that I was dying. I’m due another one because I haven’t had one of those episodes since… well, since I discovered the cyst two and a half years ago and thought it might be non-Hodgkin lymphoma. I’ll monitor the situation and if I don’t mention it again it’s likely fine and if I don’t post again you can assume I’ve either died from sepsis or I can’t type any more due to complications from sepsis which resulted in the amputation or loss of use of both my arms.
Born, sebaceous cysts develop due to trapped hair follicles or damaged glands. If it was small, I think keeping it clean and treated 2 or 3 times a day with something like Neosporin is all you need to do. Cover it if there’s an opening. If your skin is lose from being stretched, don’t worry, it will smooth back out. If you have redness/rash and it is spreading, then you should see a doctor because that is indicative of an infection for sure - but I don’t think you have to worry about Sepsis. A cyst pocket is also known as a sac. When the cyst ruptured most of the cyst drained but the sac remains. Because of this, the cyst will most likely come back or you could develop more. Tell your doctor to earn his pay and get all of that sac cut out!

I’m not a doctor. I’m an Esthetician and I’ve worked with a lot of Dermatologists.

I panic, too. It can be scary and that is why I want to help 🙂
Thank you hand in glove :disrelieved:. I’ll take your advice and ring this coming week to make a doctor’s appointment. I’ve been putting off getting blood tests for a while so I’ll do it all at the same time. I’d rather not have to deal with it at the moment but I suppose I don’t have much of a choice. The cyst is or was smaller than a pea and there’s no opening. I can still feel something in my neck just below the jawline but it’s not round and prominent like before. I was sorry to read about your friend, I hope you’re doing okay. Thanks again for taking the time to put my mind at ease.
Thank you hand in glove :disrelieved:. I’ll take your advice and ring this coming week to make a doctor’s appointment. I’ve been putting off getting blood tests for a while so I’ll do it all at the same time. I’d rather not have to deal with it at the moment but I suppose I don’t have much of a choice. The cyst is or was smaller than a pea and there’s no opening. I can still feel something in my neck just below the jawline but it’s not round and prominent like before. I was sorry to read about your friend, I hope you’re doing okay. Thanks again for taking the time to put my mind at ease.
Thank you, Born ❤️
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