Pic of Morrissey and photographer Ryan Lowry at the Langston Hughes House, New York

Unlikely. Morrissey hasn't used any current photos for any single/album cover art or tour promotion images, T0shirts etc since 2014. 'World Peace' was the last to show Morrissey at his actual age.

He's in Dorian Gray denial mode - would be surprised if he changes that now.
And the WPINOYB pic was heavily photoshopped re his face. If you see both pics touched and untouched they're quite different in age let's say.
I have a Bona Drag shirt and there's nothing wrong with it. It's a shame that certain others aren't of good quality. Does anybody have a site/place where one can find high-quality merchandise?
I've obtained many tee shirts of very good quality from Moz shows and from Mporium. As for the sweatshirts and hoodies, two that I bought were great and two got those balls that grow on lesser quality fabrics.
You know, I admire Morrissey in many ways. If it was me in that picture with him, I might put my head on his shoulder too, if I was so lucky. If I ever meet him, I would definitely hug him if allowed (with a sincere and gentle squeeze) and thank him for all he's given to my life. I'm very grateful that the man exists.
I have a Bona Drag shirt and there's nothing wrong with it. It's a shame that certain others aren't of good quality. Does anybody have a site/place where one can find high-quality merchandise?
Maybe new single Ha Ha Harlem
I notice the guy has written “Ha Ha Happiness “ on his bio

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