Peter Katsis statement: "All this over a pin?" - Morrissey Official FB (24 May, 2019)

"All this over a pin?

Everyone always wants to jump to conclusions.

Morrissey has never been affiliated with any political party in the past. Morrissey has never voted in his life, and is not a member of any political party.

Morrissey opposes racism, hatred and press censorship. Morrissey believes in free speech and free expression and opposes totalitarian regimes. Morrissey has only ever met two political figures - Ken Livingstone and Tony Blair.

Morrissey currently wears lapel pins of James Baldwin, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Aretha Franklin, Oscar Wilde.

Morrissey is quite used to smear campaigns from the UK press. It is nothing new for us.

Thanks to the fans the CS record is currently # 2 at HMV today. And thanks to Merseyrail for all the extra press today!

A great holiday weekend to all. - PK."


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Smear campaign, bla, bla, bla....

Put a sock in it, Peter. We all know it’s nothing more than damage control. You’ll do or say anything to sell more albums. That’s all that counts in Morrissey’s world.
Smear campaign, bla, bla, bla....

Put a sock in it, Peter. We all know it’s nothing more than damage control. You’ll do or say anything to sell more albums. That’s all that counts in Morrissey’s world.

Hey, that s what he (Peter Katsis) is being paid for… Morrissey.
"Just a pin" representing a group that Nigel Farage thinks are a bit too racist. Same old story from the right – they're allowed to use their freedom of speech as much as they like, but if anyone reacts, they're either trying to stifle free speech or being hysterical. But hey man, it's just a pin. I guess a swastika is just an ancient Buddhist symbol as well right. I'll always have a place for Moz in my heart, but he's either completely lost the plot, or is trying too hard to stay relevant despite his career being on a serious downward spiral, both in terms of quality and public interest. He needs to just retire, I don't see him putting out another quality record past 60 (though I'd love to be surprised), and the amount of people willing to pay to see him live are dwindling daily.
<os dedicated LIHS to a black person. So, yes, it is just a pin. He wears othe rpins too
The comments are a joy to read. Glad not everyone’s as blind and arse kissy as those on Solo. I didn’t even handpick these comments, they were just there, on Morrisseys official page, from fans, (well, safe to call them ex fans, now).

If it incites hate and some knuckle dragging yob is gonna verbally abuse, or smack a foreigner in the face, in the name of nationalism. Are you ok with that? A yes or no will do...
It sells records, you silly boy. Not as though he's agreed to drop bombs on innocent people, like Mr Blair for example, bet you agreed with that didn't you, bet you vote Labour too, you silly boy.
Yes but NO-ONE, NEVER, stopped Posters appearing for "Kinky Boots."

(a play of sorts.)
(I'm told.)

It sells records, you silly boy. Not as though he's agreed to drop bombs on innocent people, like Mr Blair for example, bet you agreed with that didn't you, bet you vote Labour too, you silly boy.

Sorry what, For Britain Movement sells records? Do they have a Discogs page?
I’d have so much more respect for Morrissey if he just had the balls to come out and say “it makes me sick to see hijabs in Piccadilly Circus” or whatever. The way he and his manager dance around the subject is just spineless. “Morrissey has never been affiliated with a political party,” except for when he explicitly endorsed one and urged his fans to vote for them.

Morrissey is entitled to his lousy opinion, but he should at least have the strength of conviction to maintain it.

You a big fan of hijabs then?
If it incites hate and some knuckle dragging yob is gonna verbally abuse, or smack a foreigner in the face, in the name of nationalism. Are you ok with that? A yes or no will do...

That stuff doesn't happen without a context............heard about the parcel bomb in Lyon today that's left a load of kids in hospital? You think the perp was a white French guy?
That stuff doesn't happen without a context............heard about the parcel bomb in Lyon today that's left a load of kids in hospital? You think the perp was a white French guy?

LOL a punch in the nose:lbf:
the Islmic nutjobs blow stuff up all the time in the name of Islam LOL and the loon cucks at once run to their defence.:crazy:
And Muslims commit rape, child abuse, murder yet you still support them

People of all races, and of all religious beliefs (or lack thereof) commit rape, child abuse and murder. It is not a matter of race or religion. To single out any group of people, for their race or religion, is something that the past should tell us is the gravest of mistakes.

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