PETA: "Roman Catholic Rocker Morrissey Calls On Pope to End Church’s Blessing of Bullfights" (September 3, 2024)


Roman Catholic Rocker Morrissey Calls On Pope to End Church’s Blessing of Bullfights

Iconic rocker Morrissey has sent a letter to Pope Francis urging him to see that the torment and killing of bulls “flies in the face” of the teachings of the patron saint of animals, St Francis – the pope’s namesake – and calling on him to end the Church’s shameful ties to this ugly, cruel blood sport.

Now being picked up by various media outlets.

(PETA named Pope Francis PETA’s 2015 Person Of The Year).

Related item:
All the popes were liars and a fraud. They are businessmen The Church is a total lie. In the name of the poor they live like kings and cover up the most aberrant crimes that exist... And it's full of pedophiles. Jesus, the best man on earth, left teachings that have nothing to do with the church. He never said that they would worship him or that a Church would be created. all manipulated. They used and use, now less, people to instill fear, if you are like that, if you sin you go to hell and etc etc in that way imposing fear on the masses, they the members of the Church were filled with gold. All in the name of Jesus. But his teaching is at the antipodes of the Catholic Church. That Francisco cares about animal welfare.???ja jaaaa!! No pope gives a damn about the poor and even less about animals. Moz wasted time. Poor Jesus. Do not wear crosses, if you have faith in him, he does not represent it!!!
from one pope to another,the pope will be saying who is this pope of mope.
The media must be very overexcited by all this ~

The Sun: 'Pope sez nope to Pop's Pope of Mope's hope'
Guardian: 'Bulls reject anti-Christ Morrissey's racist reunion offer'
A refreshing change of focus from Morrissey, returning to his sometimes contradictory but often well-intentioned animal rights advocacy.

On reading this open letter I immediately thought of the lyrics to 'I'm Not A Man'. Someone could usefully make a YouTube video collage of bullfighting Atrocity Exhibitions with this song as a soundtrack.

Bullfighting is a misnomer as the PETA commentary on this 'open letter' expertly explication. There's no fair 'fight, the dice are loaded against the bull from the outset. This grotesque atavistic cultural aberration shames Spain and anywhere else that tolerates or celebrates this 'sport'. It is 'toxic masculinity' on steroids and no authentic parameters of masculinity can accommodate the cowardice inherent in this spectacle.

Pope Franco, I mean Francis! Pope Francis is a fraud. He only got the gig because I forced the resignation of Ratzinger by threatening to release the full details of Cardinal's libertinage in the Athens Of The North.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is part of a Globalist plot to neuter then eradicate the conservative wing of The Magisterium. President Joseph Biden is another mendacious sinner as is Senator Nancy Pelosi. All parrot the progressive rhetoric and doctrinal certainties of liberal progressivism whilst posing as Catholics. As the world moves towards an interconnected global civilisation the excesses of 'diversity' and 'multiculturalism' are exposed as fault lines in the Utopian pipe dream of The Globalist. No person of conscience can accept ritual slaughter of defenceless sentient beings for entertainment, pleasure or anachronistic cultural values. This applies to halal and kosher slaughter, to the fur industry, yo foie grass, tp bullfighting, harvesting bear bile and industrial animal agriculture.

Pope Drancus us a disgrace. He has been exposed as complicit in the cover up of child sexual abuse in Argentina. No serious Catholic takes him seriously. I certainly do not. He looks into the mirror in his Vatican rooms and his subconscious mind whispers in his own voice: "You are going to Hell!"

Salaam Shalom
Pax Vobiscum
Agnus Dei
Anno Domini

The Pope Of Pop

Cardinal Sin's protegé-mentor-master...etcetera...

...'heretic in residence'
English College of Rome


RIP Fr Hans Küng


"Don Juan
Wife beater vest
Cold hand
Ice man
Warring cave man
Well if this is what it takes to describe
I'm not a man

Wheeler, dealer
Mover, shaker
A-ho but lonely
Well if this is what it takes to describe
I'm not a man
I'm not a man
I'm something much bigger and better than
A man

Wise ass
Smart ass
Two-fisted hombre, olé
Well if these are terms you'd use to describe

Oh, I'm shaking
Look at me I'm quaking
True grit
True blue
Kill crazy
So very manly of you
You are the soldier
Who won't get much older
You are the slow Joe
Who signed up to go

Wolf down
Wolf down
T-bone steak
Wolf down
Cancer of the prostate

Ways to sit
And of course
Ways to stand
I'm not a man
I'm not a man
No big fat locker room
Hockey jock
I'm not a man
I'd never kill or eat an animal, animal, an
And I never would destroy this planet I'm on
Well, what do you think I am?
A man?"

'During such events, assailants on horseback drive lances into a bull’s back and neck before others plunge banderillas into his back, causing the animal agony whenever he turns his head and impairing his range of motion. Eventually, when the bull becomes weak from blood loss, a matador appears and attempts to kill him by plunging a sword into his lungs. A knife is often used at the end of the bloody spectacle to sever his spinal cord. The bull may be paralysed but still conscious as his ears or tail are cut off as a trophy and his body is dragged from the arena. Tens of thousands of bulls are tortured and killed in this way every year.'
All the popes were liars and a fraud. They are businessmen The Church is a total lie. In the name of the poor they live like kings and cover up the most aberrant crimes that exist... And it's full of pedophiles. Jesus, the best man on earth, left teachings that have nothing to do with the church. He never said that they would worship him or that a Church would be created. all manipulated. They used and use, now less, people to instill fear, if you are like that, if you sin you go to hell and etc etc in that way imposing fear on the masses, they the members of the Church were filled with gold. All in the name of Jesus. But his teaching is at the antipodes of the Catholic Church. That Francisco cares about animal welfare.???ja jaaaa!! No pope gives a damn about the poor and even less about animals. Moz wasted time. Poor Jesus. Do not wear crosses, if you have faith in him, he does not represent it!!!
Jesus, the best man on earth

Are you sure ? Even his existence was not confirmed by historical facts. Even his life was not what many think.
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'Dear Mozza,

His Holiness isn't in at the moment - he's in Indonesia on tour. Johnny Marr's opening for him.'
Just like the Saint Francis stripped himself of his Father's clothes and left for a spiritual life, the Pope Francis must strip himself of the Churches traditions and conventions and fight for the life of these Bulls.
This is a chance for the livin' Spirit to present itself.
The Pope wanted to hear that song, but he only has spotify and cannot access the album. He is hopeful that it will be rereleased
There is plenty of historical evidence for Jesus. The topic has got plenty of attention on solo, even Lucifer is in need of some restraint:

There is plenty of historical evidence for Jesus. The topic has got plenty of attention on solo, even Lucifer is in need of some restraint:
But was he divine?
Jesus, the best man on earth

Are you sure ? Even his existence was not confirmed by historical facts. Even his life was not what many think.
I can't believe your ignorance!! You surprised me!! I only told the truth about the Church and the popes, politics, corruption, all dirty. Besides, Jesus existed, that is, he exists, and he has nothing to do with all that. Yes, there are people who deny its existence, but hey

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