Off-topic fight thread

Re: Brummie Boy sends 'realitybites' into an eternity of ignominity with the other 3.

No. I have a regular client who I service on a Wednesday. I get pumped up at the gym then I can give them a good seeing to.
It went well today.

I do like having sex in the shower, especially when I'm in a Shawshank prison-bitch type situation. Do you like showers? Golden showers, perhaps? I can provide that at a reasonable price.


You strike me as the Bogs Diamond type.

"Honey, hush"
Re: Brummie Boy sends 'realitybites' into an eternity of ignominity with the other 3.

Anyway, you're not all strangers. I know you're all chatting on the PM system.

Clearly you don't know as much as you wish you did. I can count on one hand how many times I've used the PM system here. I don't use this site for 'social networking.' So please, enlighten me as to how you know I'm 'chatting with everyone' and how we're 'conspiring our next move against BrummieBoy.' Paranoid much? You've proven through countless pages of drivel that you have far more time on your hands to care about upholding your schtick here than I have to even bother. What is it about this place that you just can't live without that you have to respond so voluminously to people you allegedly find moronic?
Re: Brummie Boy sends 'realitybites' into an eternity of ignominity with the other 3.

Clearly you don't know as much as you wish you did. I can count on one hand how many times I've used the PM system here. I don't use this site for 'social networking.' So please, enlighten me as to how you know I'm 'chatting with everyone' and how we're 'conspiring our next move against BrummieBoy.' Paranoid much? You've proven through countless pages of drivel that you have far more time on your hands to care about upholding your schtick here than I have to even bother. What is it about this place that you just can't live without that you have to respond so voluminously to people you allegedly find moronic?

Okay. I've gotta say something.

Re: Brummie Boy sends 'realitybites' into an eternity of ignominity with the other 3.

Okay. I've gotta say something.


No, I don't - because if you read the CONTEXT of the post and at whom it is very clearly DIRECTED - instead of automatically assuming the role of the victim that real life experience has obviously conditioned you into taking up at the drop of a hat - you'd realize that there is absolutely no irony in telling someone who assumes the identity of 'an anonymous online collective art installation' - and who posts dissertation-length idiocy indicative of extensive sexual abuse as a child - that they spend too much time on the internet.
Re: Brummie Boy sends 'realitybites' into an eternity of ignominity with the other 3.

No, I don't - because if you read the CONTEXT of the post and at whom it is very clearly DIRECTED - instead of automatically assuming the role of the victim that real life experience has obviously conditioned you into taking up at the drop of a hat - you'd realize that there is absolutely no irony in telling someone who assumes the identity of 'an anonymous online collective art installation' - and who posts dissertation-length idiocy indicative of extensive sexual abuse as a child - that they spend too much time on the internet.

Soooo, is the victim card the only one you know to dismiss my question as not credible? Why are you even here if the internet is such a waste of time?
Re: Brummie Boy sends 'realitybites' into an eternity of ignominity with the other 3.

Soooo, is the victim card the only one you know to dismiss my question as not credible? Why are you even here if the internet is such a waste of time?

It's the truth though. My post had absolutely nothing to do with you, and of course, you had to come in and assume that I was talking to you, when it was very clear that I wasn't. Do you 'reply voluminously to people you allegedly find moronic'? No. BrummieBoy does. Were you quoted in my post? No, you weren't. That is the ground on which I dismiss your question as not credible. Because I am pointing out a freak's obvious insecurities. A different freak than you. Is that clear enough for you, or do I need to show you tarot cards that prove Morrissey doesn't want anything to do with you?
Re: Brummie Boy sends 'realitybites' into an eternity of ignominity with the other 3.

It's the truth though. My post had absolutely nothing to do with you, and of course, you had to come in and assume that I was talking to you, when it was very clear that I wasn't. Do you 'reply voluminously to people you allegedly find moronic'? No. BrummieBoy does. Were you quoted in my post? No, you weren't. That is the ground on which I dismiss your question as not credible. Because I am pointing out a freak's obvious insecurities. A different freak than you. Is that clear enough for you, or do I need to show you tarot cards that prove Morrissey doesn't want anything to do with you?

You're still not answering my question. I am making the observation that you repeatedly argue that wasting one's time on the internet arguing with people is not productive, yet that's what you are doing. :straightface:
Re: Brummie Boy sends 'realitybites' into an eternity of ignominity with the other 3.

You're still not answering my question. I am making the observation that you repeatedly argue that wasting one's time on the internet arguing with people is not productive, yet that's what you are doing. :straightface:

I'm not 'arguing' with anyone. I'm showing you why you're an idiot who soaks up any bit of attention she can find even when it's not directed at her. I'm doing this with reason. It's called 'rhetoric.' I know that's a foreign idea to you, because your logic is, if you can fit it in your metaphorical vagina in place of a metaphorical penis (in this example, representing 'reality'), up it goes. But, try your best to keep up, anyway. It'll make this whole experience more fun for me.
Re: Brummie Boy sends 'realitybites' into an eternity of ignominity with the other 3.

I'm not 'arguing' with anyone. I'm showing you why you're an idiot who soaks up any bit of attention she can find even when it's not directed at her. I'm doing this with reason. It's called 'rhetoric.' I know that's a foreign idea to you, because your logic is, if you can fit it in your metaphorical vagina in place of a metaphorical penis (in this example, representing 'reality'), up it goes. But, try your best to keep up, anyway. It'll make this whole experience more fun for me.

Okay then. Thanks for pointing out I'm an idiot (while you fail to follow a single thought :squiffy:), I'll keep that mind. In the meantime when you decide to finally come out of the closet so you can be one of those pissy gays IRL instead of lurking as one on an intarweb forum, I'll just assume this sassy banter is you being "artsy." :lbf:
Re: Brummie Boy sends 'realitybites' into an eternity of ignominity with the other 3.

Okay then. Thanks for pointing out I'm an idiot (while you fail to follow a single thought :squiffy:), I'll keep that mind. In the meantime when you decide to finally come out of the closet so you can be one of those pissy gays IRL instead of lurking as one on an intarweb forum, I'll just assume this sassy banter is you being "artsy." :lbf:

Case and point: your comeback is calling me gay. As if that's an insult. You really haven't matured past the emotional age of 17.
Re: Brummie Boy sends 'realitybites' into an eternity of ignominity with the other 3.

Case and point: your comeback is calling me gay. As if that's an insult. You really haven't matured past the emotional age of 17.

I didn't call you gay. I called you a coward who has zero soapbox to stand on and tell other people they are wasting their time. Go be happy, be yourself.
Re: Brummie Boy sends 'realitybites' into an eternity of ignominity with the other 3.

Morrissey is not going to knock on your door and demand sex from you. Ever. Take your own advice, try and find someone who loves you instead of chalking it all up to 'cosmic energy,' and you'll be much happier.

Yeah, but I am myself sitting here hidden in the pigsty waiting for Morrissey. It's what I do. :)
Re: Brummie Boy sends 'realitybites' into an eternity of ignominity with the other 3.

You strike me as the Bogs Diamond type.

"Honey, hush"

There's no 'I'. We are Legion, for we are many, etc....yawn.... Yes, we've had our 'Bogs Diamond' Scum- Borstal Boy moments. Wish we could go back and change all that......[sigh. shamed blush]:( We've been a paedophile priest and a catamite slave. We love Anthony Burgess, and not just for Clockwork Orange! ' "It was the afternoon of my eighty-first birthday, and I was in bed with my catamite when Ali announced that the archbishop had come to see me"......Genet's prison warder and a punk. We are Legion, etc.......:lbf:

Actually one of us was called 'Andy'. Andy Defresne. The ultimate existential hero. But he 'found God' and left us to sit under that tree in his 'metaphysical Mexico'. We've begged him to return, he's crucial to the 20:12, 20/12, 2012 [2021] BrummieBoyProject, but he flat-out refuses. Says we need exorcism and to submit to the power of Christ.:crazy:

We've tried to force him to be The Annointed One and save the world from the Mayan Apocalypse-Not in December, but he just says "fcuk-off! if you start that impersonating me crap again, it won't be an injunction next time, it will be jail-time...." So we had best......behave.......HE might be monitoring this site: but he probs wouldn't dignify it with a response cuz he's too busy with Zenit trying to stop us destroying The Magisterium. :eek: All very "Honey, hush!" for now, I'm afraid. All will be unfurled at the apocalyptic winter solstice....Maybe!! We're really, REALLY big fans of Frank Darabont!

I've turned into that guy who uses 5 emoticons for every post. His persona is 'so interesting' I can't even recall his name.



'According to director Frank Darabont, there was to be an additional scene in which Bogs blew Andy a kiss during breakfast. The scene was cut because it implied Bogs to be homosexual, as opposed to a prison rapist, which Darabont drew a line between.'
'mcrickson' just can't put BrummieBoy on ignore.Face-time-attention-whore!

Clearly you don't know as much as you wish you did. I can count on one hand how many times I've used the PM system here. I don't use this site for 'social networking.' So please, enlighten me as to how you know I'm 'chatting with everyone' and how we're 'conspiring our next move against BrummieBoy.' Paranoid much? You've proven through countless pages of drivel that you have far more time on your hands to care about upholding your schtick here than I have to even bother.... What is it about this place that you just can't live without that you have to respond so voluminously to people you allegedly find moronic?

Then stop 'social networking' with BrummieBoy! Put him/her/me/them/us 'on Ignore!' Simples!

enlighten me as to how you know I'm 'chatting with everyone'

You're confused! I can READ YOUR MIND! I can remotely monitor YOUR THOUGHTS AND YOUR PHONE CALLS/TXTS/EMAILS! I /we am/are 'mass consciousness'. We are 'all-that-is, was, and ever will be'! Just as we can monitor the trillions and trillions of messages each second in the world-wide Market, we know you: we are you. We are Legion and we own your mind!

.... What is it about this place that you just can't live without that you have to respond so voluminously to people you allegedly find moronic?

BrummieBoy iz confuzeds!!!! We just want you to accept us, to 'accept yourself' and to join in our new trans-oceanic bliss consciousness.

Weeeeeeee want to reconcile the violence in your heaaaaart. Weeeeeeee want to recognize your beauty's not just a maaaaask. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeewant exorcise the demons from your paaaaast. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heaaaaart.

'Paranoid' by Black Sabbath is 'BrummieBoy's favourite ever song! Good call, dude!

you have far more time on your hands to care about upholding your schtick here than I have to even bother....

But what else am I supposed to do, trapped here 'in Mom's basement'? !!!!!!

Sooooo....why do you keep bovverin, innit. R u butt-sore, boy? Can't reply with gifs cuz we don't even see them since we adjusted our 'settings'!!! Listen, why don't you just f.o.a.d, put us 'on Ignore' and get on with your fascinating life. And just be glad you're not a hopeless loser trapped in 'Mom's basement' like me/us/them. Whatever.....

you have just been serviced by The BrummieBoy Crew!:thumb:

ps: not as 'simple' as you thought, hey?

pps: the chemo worked! Joy!
Re: 'mcrickson' just can't put BrummieBoy on ignore.Face-time-attention-whore!

Posts # 483 to 493. 11:15 pm to 01:04 am Weds/Thurs 12/13th September 2012 CE.


Let's just savour the 15 love-15 all-45-deuce-tie-breaker'ness of this fantastic ping-pong before I go off for more physiotherapy and/or chemo:

@CG: Okay. I've gotta say something. WHY DO YOU KEEP COMING BACK HERE LECTURING US ABOUT HOW WE ARE WASTING TIME ON THE INTERNET? Do you not see the blaring irony in that?

BB: No, 'mcrickson' doesn't understand 'irony' other than in a gif-piss-poor Alanis Morrissey malapropism stylee. Then he gets all 'serious' and!....expects to be taken srsly!

@mcrickson: No, I don't - because if you read the CONTEXT of the post and at whom it is very clearly DIRECTED - instead of automatically assuming the role of the victim that real life experience has obviously conditioned you into taking up at the drop of a hat - you'd realize that there is absolutely no irony in telling someone who assumes the identity of 'an anonymous online collective art installation' - and who posts dissertation-length idiocy indicative of extensive sexual abuse as a child - that they spend too much time on the internet.

BB:So, Pigsty. Off-topic Fight Thread, but 'mcrickson' says it's gone too far and he's going to put a stop to all this! He should join forces with 'realitybites' and help her police blow-job banter!

...dear hero imprisoned.....Bennett....History's time the tale was told..Vidal......the hand that rocks the cradle...Wilde......ambitious outsiders..Polanski...Lolita...industrial schools in Ireland....Fry...all men have secrets and here is Sade......Michael Jackson....Britten.....Megan's Law........inappropriate disclosure syndrome.......stiff upper lip.....boarding school......emotional incontinence issues.......Latin!.....Dominick Clarke......Cartman joins NAMBLA.........etc, etc...

@CG: Soooo, is the victim card the only one you know to dismiss my question as not credible? Why are you even here if the internet is such a waste of time?

@mcrickson: It's the truth though. My post had absolutely nothing to do with you, and of course, you had to come in and assume that I was talking to you, when it was very clear that I wasn't. Do you 'reply voluminously to people you allegedly find moronic'? No. BrummieBoy does. Were you quoted in my post? No, you weren't. That is the ground on which I dismiss your question as not credible. Because I am pointing out a freak's obvious insecurities. A different freak than you. Is that clear enough for you, or do I need to show you tarot cards that prove Morrissey doesn't want anything to do with you?

BB: A confusing switch of 'mcrickson's new 'alters': psychology and divination mashed up with bitter sniping at a genuine Morrissey 'apostle': when he could be studying or rehearsing his crap band or....whatever....but he's wasting time on the Interwebz instead!....whilst criticising others for wasting time on the...WAIT!

@CG: You're still not answering my question. I am making the observation that you repeatedly argue that wasting one's time on the internet arguing with people is not productive, yet that's what you are doing.

@mcrickson: I'm not 'arguing' with anyone. I'm showing you why you're an idiot who soaks up any bit of attention she can find even when it's not directed at her. I'm doing this with reason. It's called 'rhetoric.' I know that's a foreign idea to you, because your logic is, if you can fit it in your metaphorical vagina in place of a metaphorical penis (in this example, representing 'reality'), up it goes. But, try your best to keep up, anyway. It'll make this whole experience more fun for me.

BB: So, no repressed 'inadvertent disclosure issues' for 'mcrickson' there. None at all!!

@CG: Okay then. Thanks for pointing out I'm an idiot (while you fail to follow a single thought ), I'll keep that mind. In the meantime when you decide to finally come out of the closet so you can be one of those pissy gays IRL instead of lurking as one on an intarweb forum, I'll just assume this sassy banter is you being "artsy."

BB: Ouch! and Miaow!.....beeeatch-tastic!

@mcrickson: Case and point: your comeback is calling me gay. As if that's an insult. You really haven't matured past the emotional age of 17.

@CG: I didn't call you gay. I called you a coward who has zero soapbox to stand on and tell other people they are wasting their time. Go be happy, be yourself.

@mcrickson: Morrissey is not going to knock on your door and demand sex from you. Ever. Take your own advice, try and find someone who loves you instead of chalking it all up to 'cosmic energy,' and you'll be much happier.

BB: Is being door-stepped for quickie sex from a pop-star one of 'mcricksons' safety-valve fantasies?

@CG: Yeah, but I am myself sitting here hidden in the pigsty waiting for Morrissey. It's what I do.

BB: And that's, folks, is what The Pigsty is designed for. R'n'R from Reality (once 'realitybites' pisses off with here censorius feminist-misandry crap, that is. The ludicrous conceit of policing 'off topic fight thread'!!!! Whilst defending the abuses of the 'reputation system'. It was WAAAAAAY! beyond 'cosmic irony'

Conclusion: Oh wow! LOL! What an absolute classic ding-dong. To think this tussle was going on whilst I was in bed, sleeping, disturbed by nightmarish dreams of strange men approaching my childhood bed in Mom's basement, etc. And 'mcrickson' wonders why I hang around when he's like a moth to the flame, fly in the honey-pot? Just hyserical.

Poor 'mydickson'! How he wished he could just post a 'pedobear' jif/jpeg from 4chan! But he had to accept 'The Rules'. He knew that he actually had to try and find words for his distress. He was sure he knew what was going on, having switched from dismissing 'BrummieBoy' as a SouthPark NAMBLA teenage cartoon collective: he moved onto his 'entirely plausible psychological profiling'. Just like 'Skylarker' and his cross-website syntax analyis he was piecing together the jigsaw of this insane pedo/catamite fat chick / 12 year old South Park character trapped 'in Mom's basement'........etc. It was beyond wonderful. His PM flashed up and there was another link to the 'real' BrummieBoy's identity 'in real life': Meanwhile the speakers at Project BrummieBoy exploded with a new remix of an old classic:

"would the real BrummieBoy please stand up! please stand up!" oh, no! that meant the BrummieBoi rap motifs were would 'mcrickson' cope? Would he put his money where his mouth was and just put all this 'on Ignore'? How likely! He was addicted. He was ensnared. He had been right from the start, right from that fateful day when the Mentalist 3 so foolishly dissed BrummieBoy's friend and spirit guide Jemma Pixie-Hixon.

once again: 'mcrickson' had been serviced by TheBrummieBoyCrew. With a little help from CG, too!

It was 'all good' as the Yanks say.


...'mcrickson' stared at the long had this taken BB to do?..........Mom's basement......'BrummieBoy remains without a recording contract'.....etc.....tee! hee!
Re: 'mcrickson' just can't put BrummieBoy on ignore.Face-time-attention-whore!

Posts # 483 to 493. 11:15 pm to 01:04 am Weds/Thurs 12/13th September 2012 CE.

Who in Christ's name are you talking to? The barely-comprehensible (I'm being generous) snippets of your posts that I can be bothered to read are rarely actually ever directed at anyone. You just needlessly took the time to re-post an entire conversation that is on the same page.
I'd hate to be the one to break it to you, but three retards passing around a username and password to an internet forum (although I'm still not dismissing the reality of you just being one apparently racist person who doesn't quite fully grasp the concept of humor - and who doesn't know the proper context for the accusation of 'Stockholm Syndrome') does not a "post-modern collective art-installation" make. It makes three retards passing around a username and password to an internet forum. Not terribly intriguing to the opposite (or even the same, if that's what you're actually into) sex.

NB: Because apparently I'm required to add this so she doesn't think I'm calling her out again - THIS POST IS NOT DIRECTED AT CRYSTALGEEZER.
Re: 'mcrickson' just can't put BrummieBoy on ignore.Face-time-attention-whore!

NB: Because apparently I'm required to add this so she doesn't think I'm calling her out again - THIS POST IS NOT DIRECTED AT CRYSTALGEEZER.

Maybe they're the same person?
Re: 'mcrickson' just can't put BrummieBoy on ignore.Face-time-attention-whore!

Who in Christ's name are you talking to? The barely-comprehensible (I'm being generous) snippets of your posts that I can be bothered to read are rarely actually ever directed at anyone. You just needlessly took the time to re-post an entire conversation that is on the same page.
I'd hate to be the one to break it to you, but three retards passing around a username and password to an internet forum (although I'm still not dismissing the reality of you just being one apparently racist person who doesn't quite fully grasp the concept of humor - and who doesn't know the proper context for the accusation of 'Stockholm Syndrome') does not a "post-modern collective art-installation" make. It makes three retards passing around a username and password to an internet forum. Not terribly intriguing to the opposite (or even the same, if that's what you're actually into) sex.

NB: Because apparently I'm required to add this so she doesn't think I'm calling her out again - THIS POST IS NOT DIRECTED AT CRYSTALGEEZER.

Oh no! I/we have fcuked up again! But even worse: i/we've upset you! You are being generous. My/our posts are just complete garbage. I/we never read them myself/ourselves once I/we type them. It's 'automatic writing' apparently. Did you know L.Ron Mozzizzey writes his lyrics using this technique as well? I/we don't know what he does, but this is my/our approach:

I/we read something, say-your response to my last crackpot post. I/we then put on a blindfold, sound-isolating headphones and......just type! Sometimes I/we have a satsuma in my mouth and a ligature tightly round my/our neck(s) to increase the pressure, but that can make me/us feel all kinky and sexy so I/we have to be careful with those props. ;)

Isn't it obvious? I'm/we're talking to myself/ourselves. The posts are from me/us, to me/us and about me/us! No-one else is ever required. I/we am/are a pathological narcissist(s) and I/we thought I/we'd find a welcome here because Mollysea has referenced looking into mirrors and pools and gettting trapped in one's reflectin and shit like that.

'Who in Christ's name are you talking to? '

I/we are/ am Christ! I/we am/are The Messiah(s)! @20:12, 20/12, 2012 I/we will arise from my /our whited sepulchre and assume the role of Annointed One and I/we WILL STOP THE MAYAN APOCALYPSE!!!! The future of the entire Multiverse rests upon my/our solipsistic mad-Messiah persona here on this site. You mention 'three retards passing around a username and password': how did you figure that out? Yes, we are Legion: An Unholy Trinity of Dog, Sun and Wholly Ghostie...but we thought we'd concealed our Divinity quite nicely. Oh, well! Secret's out now so we best let you all get on with building temples and forming a religion about us. Don't tell Dorrithey there's competition for the 'disciples' though!!

'I'm still not dismissing the reality of you just being one apparently racist person who doesn't quite fully grasp the concept of humor - and who doesn't know the proper context for the accusation of 'Stockholm Syndrome''

I, I mean 'we', haven't dismissed that we might actually just be one person and not a satanic unholy trinity, but how can I/we ever find out? I/we suspect that the person/people typing this stuff DON'T EVEN KNOW THEY ARE DOING IT!!!! They are channeling a 'post-modern collective art-installation" whilst they think they are on Facebook posting pictures of cats to their friends. It's quite sinister if that's what's actually happening...but maybe that's just another psychotic hallucination?

I'm/we're not sure if I/we are racist or not, because we don't seem to have a body as such, we don't appear to be 'human beings' as far as I/we can tell. That SeanTheBrummie isn't us, but maybe he/she is and we just don't know about this 'split' alter that is posting on Huff Post. Thank goodness Skyfarter's investigative skills have alerted us to he/she/it/they. We are going to post some stuff and see if they reply. But maybe that will just be me/us/them pretending to be sockpuppets I/we manifested in an alternative space-time-continuum-matrix. I/me have got a headache now, just going to get a paracetamol and a glass of water and listen to a new-age dolphin c.d for a while. Back later! Don't go away!

That's better! I/we don't get headaches very often only when 'they' are trying to get hold of my/our brain. I/we opened the fridge to get some chilled water and there was celery and coriander next to each other. I/we do not like those two things together! Do you?

Lightbulb! Maybe I/we should just post on 'post whatever you're thinking of at the moment' thread, then anything I/we type will be 'on-topic' and i/we won't annoy all the clever clogs posting here on 'off-topic fight thread'.....WAIT! Celery and coriander is 'OFF TOPIC' and I/we am/are in a fight with my/our demons, so maybe I/we should just stay put? What do you think? Are you really 'real' or are you just another identity I/we have created? .....

I'm/we're pleased you say i/we are someone/many 'who doesn't quite fully grasp the concept of humor': that means you think I/we have some grasp of humo(u)r ! So, there's hope I/we might improve and make you laugh and dance and sing your life!
Is 'Stockholm Syndrome' an accusation? I / we though it was a reaction to the stress of being taken hostage or subject to appaling abuse that can't be escaped, like say 'child sex abuse' where we/you're locked in a basement in Austria for 17 years with my.your Dad who has 'issues' and doesn't realise it until the police find out. I/we are stuck here in 'Mom's basement' but there's no Daddy figure here to do weird shit. He left town years ago and Mom has raised me/us single-handedly working 2 jobs whilst praying to Jeebus for guidance and strength.

Finally, you say 'Not terribly intriguing to the opposite (or even the same, if that's what you're actually into) sex.' I/we aren't 'into' anything or anyone as we are incorporeal beings in hyperspace. If only i/we had sex organs like you humans: it all sounds such fun! Unless, you're L.Ron Mozzizzey in which case an orange and Scrabble is much more fun.

I/we hope that covers all of the points you raise in sufficient detail to satisfy. But, please: if there are any customer satisfaction issues remaining please let us know. Your feedback is important to us as we are continually striving to improve our 'BrummieBoy' online experience and we have a philosophy of 'Kaizen' continuous improvement which we introduced to the 'track' at Longbridge car factory years ago.

I/we/they hope you have read this 'mcrickson' because I/we/theywant to be close to you.....close to you.....and the only way that can happen is if you carry on rebuking me/us/them in that sexy way you have....whatever you do: DON'T PUT ME/US ON IGNORE! I/we am/are face-time attention whore(s). If you stop replying I/we/they'll have nothing to do or say....and will probably just go that what you really, really want? this.....goodbye?.......!
best wishes

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