I'm a Jew. Dumbass/Thanks for specifying the "metaphorically" part/Prove it, pal. Otherwise you just sound like an ass. I mean, even more than usual./No, you're right, you don't need to prove anything. But it sure helps when you're accusing someone of something./Yet I seem to have gotten under your scaly skin...I'm honored./See, this is the kind of shit I'm talking about, man. This is why I skip the majority of your posts, anymore. You're like Robin Williams on crack, or something...funny for awhile but then everyone is like, "what the f***? This guy is annoying."/Yep, regards. Pip pip, cheery-o, and all that rot.
Previously, in this latest spectacular sociopathic online meltdown you 'exercised your right to "FREE SPEECH!" by the very 'novel' and totally lame YouTubeBoob comment trope of The Epithet Blizzard:
n**r fggt cnt jzz spge spc kk fggt kk gk
etc, ad nauseum. "Boredom! Boredom! Boredom!" That's another oblique-Brit culture ref you doubtless 'don't get', but let's move on anyway....
So, you now wish to 're-contextualise' your sorry ass as a 'Jew'. Wow, like self-hating Jews can't be added to the list of other internally disordered sociopathic self-loathing conditions you so floridly exhibit? So, you're a 'freedom fighter'? You're a 'Black Gay Lesbian-identified Feminist with Asian-Latino cultural and biological heritage' and so on and so forth...And I'm some clueless Brit who can't.....quite.....follow.....the....enormous....subtleties of your 'persona'? Yeah, right, dude!
You are a bigot. A sociopath and a self-hating Jew/Gay/Baldie Bastard: Whatevs! [sigh!] You are a bigot and an online sociopath and I have named you, named your 'game-plan' and it now collapses around your ears. Yes, you're pwned 'metaphorically, not literally'. For now.......
Scaly Skin? Yes, add David Icke/Elizardbeast/Reptilian Illooooominaaaati! to the list of my 'challenges'. Like, I can't handle this stuff? LOL! etc [yawn] I bet you're a real whizz on X-Box Live!
I don't need to 'prove' anything as 'Crystal Geezer' has proved it all and more. Once the '3 Mental Patients' are challenged or threatened by genuine wit, subversity and bona-fide cultural genius (and that would be me/us, not Diva Dorrissey) the 'ballot stuffing' begins and the gormless Web 2.0 Social Networking For Social Narcissists trope struggles to draw breath one last time.
Soon, no one of any integrity on this site will allow their 'reputation' to be visible. By their 'green snakes' shall we know and name their OCD fear of social status. I don't need or want anyone's 'approval'. Each and every comment is fresh. 4 Real. From a 'different head-space'. Like, it really matters to me what some self-loathing online socipaths think? It doesn't need Tseng/Kewpie/UncleSkinny's involvement. If they're also so neurotic and insecure that they have to have constant re-assurance from the 'group-think Hive Mind' here on Moz-Solo, then they also reveal themselves as total Web 3.0 nooobtards and will be swept away by SOPA/PIPA and the Anonymouz response. Or whatever is coming next. Who knows? 'Interesting Times' etc. But it ain't gonna include Respect For Self-Hating Bald Jewish Bryan Adams fans with imaginary sick children/Munchausen By Internet Syndrome. There's rather more important injustices to set right than your sorry psyche. Let's all rally round to protect Men Who Who Police 'Fat' Jokes To Kiss Moderator Kitty Ass whilst spewing 'ironic' Homophobia and Racism. That would be 'ironic' as in Alanis malapropism queen 'ironic'? Yeah?
Like, I just can no hack it to follow ur subtle Kenfc-uk'y Tired Chicken Shit cultural tropes? [sigh...involuntary belly laugh, etc)
You are my wife now Dave. Come to Daddy! Papa Lazarou is waiting for you.
I don't need jpegs/gifs but I use them when my RSI allows. All I need is a pen and ink. Always been that way. Just ask Dorrissey, not that he'd ever breathe a word....
Robin Williams on crack? I'm not a Yank, dude. I'm a Brit. The real deal. Stiff upper lip and iron-rigid prick which I am gonna ram your arse and down your purdy lips/throat with till you, metaphorically, die. As in 'Die. Soon' yet another 'hilarious' and innovative putdown left on my 'reputation' by you/VH/NHNS/McC or whatever other assclown was assigned ballot stuffing duties yesterday. It......really......upset.....me.....Brony The Pony ran away!
My balls. Your chin. 4 Evva!
Don't be fooled by my 'absence'. This site is always monitored by an intern or an employee of the project. We are very busy. We're setting up for a guest gig at the Tampa Convention (might pop and say 'helloooo!' to Diva, pop his cherry...metaphorically ......', so there's a limit to how much time we can put in here for now. But the time will come. I'm not a techie, I'm a high-level conceptualist. But I can draw down the bot-swarm any time I like. To this site, as I did to childhood bullies who I wrongly though could never be forgiven and whose online/I.R.L reps I/we misguidedly totally trashed, not understanding people can change, and not everyone is guilty for every crime they didn't even realise they were setting forth in motion. Bit like Moz. Maybe you too can be saved?
But let's not digress. Let's keep our 'metaphorical' psychotic homoerotic prophet gaze on your naked bum-cheeks for now........so you iz bald. Well, just like Louie Gohmert being forced to give head to Anderson Coops you are gonna learn to love my dick, balls and ass. You'll need a lot of training to be a good little cum-boy-bitch, but I'm sure you'll learn to control that gag reflex.
Now, go take your whiny cry-baby arse off to today's protest outside Governor Tseng's office. Quote chapter and verse to Kewpie about how your TOS rights are being infringed by me making you Toss My Salad (metaphorically!), why you have the Amerkan Right to Racist, Homophobic Jew-Baiting Free Speech, Little Debbie cup-cakes, Cheeze Doodles and piss-weak beer in your vinyl-clad shot-gun shack but the foul pestilence of 'BrummieBoy' must be BANNED! BANNED! BANNED! or the whole gig here is OVER!
Good luck with that one.
Do you really think DavidT would ever be so FOoLisH!!!!!! That's like imagining that Morrissey would ever have the courage to wear a 'Fc-Uk Brummie-Boy' t-shirt. Bitch knows his place. Always has done. Ever since he first stepped off the train at New Street and met us all. Of course, I'm making that all up..... Or am I/we/us/they/him? Lulz!
Oh, and for every other ass-clown watching this 30 second, over in round-1 'smack-down'. Yes, I'm aware of Mad Men, Dr Who, and just about every other supposedly 'status-enhancing trope-to-quote'. But I don't need to. I just need words. Carry on with your blizzards of My-Waste-Of-Space gifs/jpegs/i can haz memes and all the other 'signifiers' you imagine give you some leverage. It gives you none. I can do this stuff in the pub, on the street, in my sleep. If I ever stepped into the light/open mic night: the whole world would, quite literally, collapse. But I/we are rather more.....interesting than that. Like The Vatican: we think in centuries. And unlike your tired drama-queen exhausted cult leader: we haven't even begun and have no intention of doing so till 2021. So...dream on!
I/we/they get constant requests, pleadings and even demands to 'step onto the stage' and there was a manifestation planned @20:12, 20/12, 2012 but it's cancelled. 'Brummie/Brummy/Boy/Girl/Gurl' fell in love. Again! AGM & WC finally did the gay marriage thing with Kate2828 officiating to a soundtrack of 'Bad Religion' and 'Forest Gump'. And, no, Morrissey is definitely no Frank Ocean.
Yeah, like 'Anonymous' will defend you, rather than take down anyone who tries to stop Frank's Channel Orange? The Lulz!!!!
Hey, chin up! Your life has been blessed. You have been 'serviced by the BrummieBoy crew'. Another Brit-oblique clique ref u Yanks jus won't get. You can have the fake-Prophet Moz, you can stick him where the sun don't shine. Y'all nevva wonder why all your blinding lights have 2 move here to move it to the next level? Hendrix. Cobain. Linkous. Even sad ol strippa Madonna tried, but she just couldn't hack London Town. Bless!
You keep your tin-pot crackpot Moz Kult in Hell.A. Srsly! He better be real careful what pubs he shows his fat arse in from now on. Oh, of course, that's a 'metaphorical not literal' caution.... Has he or has he not turned into just another international tourist trash possible tax-maxing ex-pat libel-tourist prat: Clarkson without the props and the fast-track. Mittle-Englander hoist by his own petard, etc, etc. Of course, you Yanks won't 'get' none of this. Thank God. Just like your whole fc-uk'd up #NBCFail! didn't get the 7/7,9/11/Munich 72/Guantanamo Olympic Gold Medal pedal-to-the-metal-ballet. Cuz it wos censored......You TOTALLY AND ABSOLUTELY MISSED IT! Just like fc-uk wit Moz. U Wot Mt8?
You see. There's Manchester. And there's Birmingham. There's The Smiths and there's Black Sabbath. There's Tolkien and there's Orwell. It's all rather more complicated and interesting than moribund Mozza's trite Brit-lite memes suggest to clueless dudes like you.