Re: Appalled because of no Smiths/Morrissey songs at Opening Ceremony
Did you? I certainly you believe that you emailed the mods...but I do not believe that the mods told you I "squealed" or "snitched" as you put it...actually, what were your words, exactly? Ah yes, here they are:
There are two mods who I know actively dislike me: Kewpie and Uncleskinny.
I have no reason to think the other mods have any active feelings about me one way or the other. However, I still have a very hard time believing your claim that either a mod -assuredly either Kewpie or Uncleskinny- told you that I took the initiative to contact them in distress about you posting my picture -one that, as you admit, I had posted myself- and "snitched on you" trying to get you in trouble. The two reasons I do not buy this are that
a)I didn't do that, and
b)if they said I did, they are lying, and I have to believe they have better things to do than get involved in online drama.
Now, I have asked you for a DAY to prove your claim that I "snitched." This is basically the crux of your hollow victory cry. But I made a counter claim..which is that it was the admin staff who contacted ME. You didn't believe me; in fact you said I was a pussy, and lying.
After being granted permission from David to publicly post this letter, am happy to display this letter HE sent me, after you posted the picture of me.
All you're basically saying is that you did something stupid without doing something outright against the rules. Congratulations.
I'll be honest with you; I've never thought I was a good looking guy...but looking back over the years, my mind reels over some of the beautiful women who have been good enough to give me their time and love. That some anonymous schmuck on the internet thinks I'm hideous does not really keep me up at night, you dig?
Yeah I'm still waiting on that "homophobia" warning....Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
I think I've already addressed that lie....
I have no campaign to get rid of you. You'll do that yourself, in time.
You silly horse's ass...I have never tried to guess your name and I have never tried to guess what, if anything, you do for a living. And when has the subject of what you look like EVER come up? Never.
and i suggest you
learn to type
including placement of periods and proper use of syntax
but you probably won't
Proof is all around. Look at any of your posts...smell that? It's the smell of shit.
Can you show me where I claimed that? You know, if it's not too much trouble, that is.
I never claimed you were a f*****. I made fun of you and called you a f*****, along with a lot of other homosexual slurs. I have no problem with actual homosexuals and I do not think you're one. I've already discussed this. Personally, I believe you are heterosexual. I simply enjoy calling you a f*****. f*****.
You'll have anal sex with Sands? Gross, I was only joking when I asked you to do that.
You can keep this up or you can say "let's just drop it and enjoy obscure Sponge singles." In which case I will agree to do so and forget any of this ever happened.. Or, prediatbly, you'll hit back with some tirade you think smacks of brilliance, and we'll keep going til you drop.
Neither one of us is going to "win" this, you cad. It's the internet. Having said that, I will keep this up if you will or, as already suggested, we can just drop it, mutually, before it gets worse.
You talk a lot about all your supporters here who have championed your cause...I'm sure it's just Davie, Crystal Geezer, those types...but how far do you want to take this? Do you want to make a thread to see who can get fifteen established Senior Members to vote for us? I'll happily stop if you gt your 15 first.
All I'm saying is, how far do you want to take this. You can say, "that's that" and walk away and we can accept the fact of each other's existence here, or -if you want to keep flexing your imaginary muscle- we can put this to a vote and if I lose, I won't post for six weeks. I promise.
Your move, creep.
I e-mailed the mods about this; you most certainly did squeal.
Did you? I certainly you believe that you emailed the mods...but I do not believe that the mods told you I "squealed" or "snitched" as you put it...actually, what were your words, exactly? Ah yes, here they are:
and I knew that was you who went and squealed like a sissy third grader when I completely ripped on your for looking like a child molester --and then re-posted a photo you already posted for public display in the member photos thread -- as proof. That was obvious from the jump. So I'll take an infraction if it proves two-fold that you're a f***ing creepy weirdo and that the moderators here apparently don't have a problem with your homophobic rhetoric
The penultimate pussy move. You'll come on here every day and pick on girls, call people queers and pedophiles with no supporting evidence whatsoever, and chest-beat your "superiority" day in and day out
but the moment someone gives you shit, you run like a little pussy baby and cry for help with the report button. Yea, you were "approached by an administrator". Because they're all just dying to come running to your rescue, aren't they? I'm so sure
Busted. You're a pussy snitch. End of story
There are two mods who I know actively dislike me: Kewpie and Uncleskinny.
I have no reason to think the other mods have any active feelings about me one way or the other. However, I still have a very hard time believing your claim that either a mod -assuredly either Kewpie or Uncleskinny- told you that I took the initiative to contact them in distress about you posting my picture -one that, as you admit, I had posted myself- and "snitched on you" trying to get you in trouble. The two reasons I do not buy this are that
a)I didn't do that, and
b)if they said I did, they are lying, and I have to believe they have better things to do than get involved in online drama.
Now, I have asked you for a DAY to prove your claim that I "snitched." This is basically the crux of your hollow victory cry. But I made a counter claim..which is that it was the admin staff who contacted ME. You didn't believe me; in fact you said I was a pussy, and lying.
After being granted permission from David to publicly post this letter, am happy to display this letter HE sent me, after you posted the picture of me.

No call? No right, you mean? That's better. The TOS says NOTHING about re-posting photos that have already been made public. Now, if I'd gone on your Facebook page and posted photos from your FB account, that would go against the TOS.
All you're basically saying is that you did something stupid without doing something outright against the rules. Congratulations.
What I did was hardly in violation, as you'd already made that hideous photo of yourself publicly available.
I'll be honest with you; I've never thought I was a good looking guy...but looking back over the years, my mind reels over some of the beautiful women who have been good enough to give me their time and love. That some anonymous schmuck on the internet thinks I'm hideous does not really keep me up at night, you dig?
So no, I wasn't "nearly banned" as you'd like to so proudly claim. I was issued a warning -- as you soon will be, or worse, for your rampant homophobia
Yeah I'm still waiting on that "homophobia" warning....Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
-- because you yourself reported it,.
I think I've already addressed that lie....
-- and (I) [sic] was politely asked not to do it again. No infraction, no threats of being banned, just a warning. So your little campaign to get rid of me continues to fail,.
I have no campaign to get rid of you. You'll do that yourself, in time.
-- If anyone bites it around here, it will be you, based on your out-of-control personal issues trolling the entire boards. For a guy who can't tell me what my name is, what I look like, or even guess at what I do for a living correctly, you sure see a lot. Perhaps that sweat you claim to see is really just the heat radiating from the rectum you have your head firmly shoved up
You silly horse's ass...I have never tried to guess your name and I have never tried to guess what, if anything, you do for a living. And when has the subject of what you look like EVER come up? Never.
Again, this doesn't even make sense. You are seriously losing it. You need a reality check, and BAD. I suggest turning off your computer for a few years, walking outside, looking up and realizing what a little thing you really are to this world
before you hurt yourself.
and i suggest you
learn to type
including placement of periods and proper use of syntax
but you probably won't
show us proof that you've bested me time and time again, as I've already requested numerous times.
Proof is all around. Look at any of your posts...smell that? It's the smell of shit.
Also prove how you claim to know what I do for a living
Can you show me where I claimed that? You know, if it's not too much trouble, that is.
and the basis for your endless claims that I'm a "f*****" and a "cocksucker". Go ahead, tough guy...as I've been asking for verification and proof of all of this for more than a week now, which you've conveniently dodged
I never claimed you were a f*****. I made fun of you and called you a f*****, along with a lot of other homosexual slurs. I have no problem with actual homosexuals and I do not think you're one. I've already discussed this. Personally, I believe you are heterosexual. I simply enjoy calling you a f*****. f*****.
then I'll give you what you're asking for.
You'll have anal sex with Sands? Gross, I was only joking when I asked you to do that.
Prove that shit. Prove it first. Like you were told. Or f*** right off, Snitchlarker
You can keep this up or you can say "let's just drop it and enjoy obscure Sponge singles." In which case I will agree to do so and forget any of this ever happened.. Or, prediatbly, you'll hit back with some tirade you think smacks of brilliance, and we'll keep going til you drop.
Neither one of us is going to "win" this, you cad. It's the internet. Having said that, I will keep this up if you will or, as already suggested, we can just drop it, mutually, before it gets worse.
You talk a lot about all your supporters here who have championed your cause...I'm sure it's just Davie, Crystal Geezer, those types...but how far do you want to take this? Do you want to make a thread to see who can get fifteen established Senior Members to vote for us? I'll happily stop if you gt your 15 first.
All I'm saying is, how far do you want to take this. You can say, "that's that" and walk away and we can accept the fact of each other's existence here, or -if you want to keep flexing your imaginary muscle- we can put this to a vote and if I lose, I won't post for six weeks. I promise.
Your move, creep.
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