Off-topic fight thread

Re: Appalled because of no Smiths/Morrissey songs at Opening Ceremony

I e-mailed the mods about this; you most certainly did squeal.

Did you? I certainly you believe that you emailed the mods...but I do not believe that the mods told you I "squealed" or "snitched" as you put it...actually, what were your words, exactly? Ah yes, here they are:

and I knew that was you who went and squealed like a sissy third grader when I completely ripped on your for looking like a child molester --and then re-posted a photo you already posted for public display in the member photos thread -- as proof. That was obvious from the jump. So I'll take an infraction if it proves two-fold that you're a f***ing creepy weirdo and that the moderators here apparently don't have a problem with your homophobic rhetoric

The penultimate pussy move. You'll come on here every day and pick on girls, call people queers and pedophiles with no supporting evidence whatsoever, and chest-beat your "superiority" day in and day out

but the moment someone gives you shit, you run like a little pussy baby and cry for help with the report button. Yea, you were "approached by an administrator". Because they're all just dying to come running to your rescue, aren't they? I'm so sure

Busted. You're a pussy snitch. End of story

There are two mods who I know actively dislike me: Kewpie and Uncleskinny.

I have no reason to think the other mods have any active feelings about me one way or the other. However, I still have a very hard time believing your claim that either a mod -assuredly either Kewpie or Uncleskinny- told you that I took the initiative to contact them in distress about you posting my picture -one that, as you admit, I had posted myself- and "snitched on you" trying to get you in trouble. The two reasons I do not buy this are that

a)I didn't do that, and
b)if they said I did, they are lying, and I have to believe they have better things to do than get involved in online drama.

Now, I have asked you for a DAY to prove your claim that I "snitched." This is basically the crux of your hollow victory cry. But I made a counter claim..which is that it was the admin staff who contacted ME. You didn't believe me; in fact you said I was a pussy, and lying.

After being granted permission from David to publicly post this letter, am happy to display this letter HE sent me, after you posted the picture of me.


No call? No right, you mean? That's better. The TOS says NOTHING about re-posting photos that have already been made public. Now, if I'd gone on your Facebook page and posted photos from your FB account, that would go against the TOS.

All you're basically saying is that you did something stupid without doing something outright against the rules. Congratulations.

What I did was hardly in violation, as you'd already made that hideous photo of yourself publicly available.

I'll be honest with you; I've never thought I was a good looking guy...but looking back over the years, my mind reels over some of the beautiful women who have been good enough to give me their time and love. That some anonymous schmuck on the internet thinks I'm hideous does not really keep me up at night, you dig?

So no, I wasn't "nearly banned" as you'd like to so proudly claim. I was issued a warning -- as you soon will be, or worse, for your rampant homophobia

Yeah I'm still waiting on that "homophobia" warning....Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

-- because you yourself reported it,.

I think I've already addressed that lie....

-- and (I) [sic] was politely asked not to do it again. No infraction, no threats of being banned, just a warning. So your little campaign to get rid of me continues to fail,.

I have no campaign to get rid of you. You'll do that yourself, in time.

-- If anyone bites it around here, it will be you, based on your out-of-control personal issues trolling the entire boards. For a guy who can't tell me what my name is, what I look like, or even guess at what I do for a living correctly, you sure see a lot. Perhaps that sweat you claim to see is really just the heat radiating from the rectum you have your head firmly shoved up

You silly horse's ass...I have never tried to guess your name and I have never tried to guess what, if anything, you do for a living. And when has the subject of what you look like EVER come up? Never.

Again, this doesn't even make sense. You are seriously losing it. You need a reality check, and BAD. I suggest turning off your computer for a few years, walking outside, looking up and realizing what a little thing you really are to this world

before you hurt yourself.

and i suggest you

learn to type

including placement of periods and proper use of syntax

but you probably won't

show us proof that you've bested me time and time again, as I've already requested numerous times.

Proof is all around. Look at any of your posts...smell that? It's the smell of shit.

Also prove how you claim to know what I do for a living

Can you show me where I claimed that? You know, if it's not too much trouble, that is.

and the basis for your endless claims that I'm a "f*****" and a "cocksucker". Go ahead, tough I've been asking for verification and proof of all of this for more than a week now, which you've conveniently dodged

I never claimed you were a f*****. I made fun of you and called you a f*****, along with a lot of other homosexual slurs. I have no problem with actual homosexuals and I do not think you're one. I've already discussed this. Personally, I believe you are heterosexual. I simply enjoy calling you a f*****. f*****.

then I'll give you what you're asking for.

You'll have anal sex with Sands? Gross, I was only joking when I asked you to do that.

Prove that shit. Prove it first. Like you were told. Or f*** right off, Snitchlarker

You can keep this up or you can say "let's just drop it and enjoy obscure Sponge singles." In which case I will agree to do so and forget any of this ever happened.. Or, prediatbly, you'll hit back with some tirade you think smacks of brilliance, and we'll keep going til you drop.

Neither one of us is going to "win" this, you cad. It's the internet. Having said that, I will keep this up if you will or, as already suggested, we can just drop it, mutually, before it gets worse.

You talk a lot about all your supporters here who have championed your cause...I'm sure it's just Davie, Crystal Geezer, those types...but how far do you want to take this? Do you want to make a thread to see who can get fifteen established Senior Members to vote for us? I'll happily stop if you gt your 15 first.

All I'm saying is, how far do you want to take this. You can say, "that's that" and walk away and we can accept the fact of each other's existence here, or -if you want to keep flexing your imaginary muscle- we can put this to a vote and if I lose, I won't post for six weeks. I promise.

Your move, creep.
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n***** please. I'd Peter Venkman her fat ass in a heartbeat.

OMG! You used the n*word, dude! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGooooooooosssssssSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Do you, like 'hang' with JayZ and Kanye? r u Gwynneth's BFF?:rolleyes:

It's like, so totally rad and MAJOR-ly brave to take it to the next level, cuz your homophobia is not really getting you the face-time you need anymore. Is it?

Wow! America! free speech!

Morrissey's gonna have a hard time trolling the US Prez Elektions what with you competin 4 Fox Noise coverage! Way 2 go! Hey, are you an African American? Am I like, totally out of the loop here? Are u like 'reclaiming' the n*word? Like u is reclaiming the FatWord and the Queerword? Are you a new force in the Culture Wars? Hey, I assumed u waz just another pale-skinned Emo loser masturbating to NIN and your teenage Marilyn Manson posters? How wrong can I be?

And there's me thinking I could 'compete' with the 3 Mental Patients for control of these ya English fag dudes, we should stick to Rom-Com and winning disproportionate stacks of Gold Medals. Leave the 'serious thinking', Moz analysis and 'free speech' to you lot.....i'm learning so much every day at a time, sweet Jebus, one day at a time!


Mel B.......eeeeeatch

BrummieGurl NOT BrummieBoy etc

ps: have to report you to the Mods for this one, dude. Sorry:tears:, but rules is rules!:lbf:
Here's the thing. I never claimed to know what you do for a living, and you cannot find any post where I have said you are in the Navy. You will not, because you cannot, find one post where I have said you are in the Navy. What you can find are a lot of references to you being in the Navy. I stand by all of those jokes, whether or not you are in the Navy. It does not concern me that you may not be in the Navy. The Navy has, for years, been the subject of many tongue in cheek homosexuality jokes. I enjoy calling you a homosexual. It doesn't mean I really think you are one. Plain and simple...sailor.

I'd love for you to show me where I've made any reference whatsoever to being in the military, let alone "a lot" of references. Back that one up for once in your life instead of just resorting to more of your duck-n-cover subterfuge tactics. Ten to one says you simply cannot

whereas I could go into detail about your past employment endeavors if I really cared to. Make sure you play the happy little music when you're driving down my street next time. And since I'm such a homosexual in your eyes, don't forget my sprinkles either

My main focal point is that you are an idiot who is in over his head and may not yet realize it And that's fine, there's time for that. The gay jokes are just icing on the cake.

This made me laugh so hard I almost cried. I'm not kidding either. You are an absolute riot

Your straw-clutching and guesswork amounts to me being in over my head? That's rich coming from the dumbass who called out one of his former friends and then had her share a plethora of his personal data with the forums. I'm engaging in this pointless argument with you because it's fun to watch you scramble each day, whereas it's obviously become a priority in your daily routine to try and trump me. That's going to be mighty hard to do when you've already proven you can't back up a goddamn claim you've made against me

what else can you try at this point? Are you going to assume I'm black or asian and start using racial profiling against me? Let me run to the store for snacks and a six pack first; I don't want to miss that one for the life of me

They are my children. Like it or not, I can post their pictures here. Millions of people post pictures of their children online publicly. I have broken no laws and my motives are not your concern and are not criteria for questioning my abilities as a parent.

and yet, I'm not alone in criticising you for being a shitty parent, as many others have pointed out the same. Because the truth is, you posted a photo of your sick child simply to win some pointless e-argument

what kind of sensible parent does that?

Whatever she shared, she withdrew. Nothing she provided the forum with can be used as leverage against me. Are you familiar with the concept of leverage? You have none.

Are you sure about this one? Absolutely sure? It's not like I've had any problems making you eat your words already. Just because certain things aren't in the public eye doesn't mean they aren't glaringly apparent in the background

I'll leave you to figure that one out for yourself

I have only made one actual claim regarding hard fact, which is a counterclaim to your accusation that I cried to the mods about the picture you posted; but we'll get to that in a minute
Everything else I've said is subjective opinion, revolving around what a stain you are, which I still stand by. Only an idiot asks for proof to support an opinion...which is why you ask for it repeatedly

the only point I've been trying to make is that you're a lowlife piece of shit, and hardly the symbol of intelligence and righteousness you claim to be. And I've provided hard proof of this each and every time you've asked, whereas all you have is assumption, subterfuge, and lame bottom-feeding homophobia to back up these "opinions" of yours

just because you can form an opinion of someone doesn't make you intelligent. And based on the way you've presented yourself around here as of late, nobody is arguing your stupidity. They're just watching me prove it day in, day out

Do you know the difference between a misspelling and a typo? I am not sure you do. At any rate, show me 10 typos of mine, out of 2400 posts. Show me ten. Otherwise stop scraping the barrel and hot me wit hbricks instead of feathers..

well, I've just bolded nonsensicality AND a typo all in the span of four words, so it shouldn't be too hard.

This is between me and you; I don't care about saving face. The people on here who like me will continue to like me regardless of what happens here, and the people who dislike me will continue to dislike me.

which equates to the happy little internet couple vs. pretty much the rest of the board, if you want the truth. You've already stated you have no "real" friends and that you've cut off other friends in order to make Richard the Diva your bff, so I'd say you have more than a few fingers left over to count off on

That a handful of people have told you privately that "you've sure done a number on that asshole Skylarker"...I say let them enjoy their illusion. And let's see...was this recent reputation message I received posted by one of your supporters?


If so, that's a stellar army of people you've got behind you, pal. And you can keep them.

how is that any different from some of the shit you and Richard have posted on my profile or expressed to myself and others publically on the forums?

The only difference is whatever idiot left you that message is basing it on how you've presented yourself publically as opposed to just taking stabs in the dark the way you and your cheerleader have

Just because you cannot understand something does not mean it makes no sense.

Oh okay. Esoterica. Stark raving sick sad little world. You're a deep one, Mr. Grinch

As much as I love "Diva," he doesn't care about this; it isn't his concern.

Last I recall, Richard seemed pretty content just leaving me hate-fueled rep comments at this point, so whatever keeps him warm in the night is fine by me. It's not like I read that shit anymore anyway

He doesn't give a f*** about my side or yours. If he occasionally chimes in it is because occasionally your drivel is too much to bear; not because he is showing some kind of allegiance to me.

I disagree. He has his head so far up your ass at this point that he supports you in the blind

but whatever. If he's dropped his e-sword and walked away, that's wise on his part

Admittedly, I have a harder time shrugging off cretins like you than he does, but then hes had more practice than me.

It's times like this when you show brief glimpses of actually being a forgiveable human being

because if you knew any better, you'd accept the fact that you're in over your head and walking a fine line between fantasy and reailty. And you'd just...let...this...go.

Let me explain something to you: I'm not anti-homosexual; in fact I've had numerous good friends that were homosexual and I enjoy the art of many homosexuals and bisexuals...Morrissey, Michale Stipe, Brett Anderson, Allen Ginsberg to name just a few.

Aaaaand, we're right back to complete idiocy

having "good homosexual friends" and enjoying the art of homosexuals doesn't in any way disqualify you from being a hateful, homophobic lowlife. Which is exactly how you're viewed when you have to resort to calling people you don't know anything about "f*****", "cocksucker" and guilty of being fascinated with their father's anus, simply because you can't control your little e-emotions and need to save face

When I call you a f*****, or variations thereof, it's because it's funny to me.

Oh yea, homophobia! HAHAHAHA. It's a real riot, isn't it

pretty sure Richard will agree with you on this one.

Obviously I have no idea if you actually literally enjoy having sex with men.

Wow, i'm astounded. You're actually admitting to us that you have no idea what you're talking about. Now that's what I call progress

I do know that when I call you "gay" or make gay jokes, it is in the same way that the word 'gay' is used as modern slang for "lame" or fake

You are such a backpeddling little twat, it's practically tangible

nowhere in MODERN f***ING SOCIETY -- past, present or future -- is calling somebody a "f*****" or a "cocksucker" an acceptable modern slang for lame or fake. You are so incredibly dumb you should come with a laugh track in the synthetic, theatrical mincing manner that many of the more, well, flagrant homosexuals conduct themselves is this hollow kind of see-through dross that I am likening to you. I am not actually hellbent on believing you like men sexually. It doesn't matter to me.

And that's the capper on your ultra-fail of an argument, Mr. Larker. I suggest you resort back to your "bicycletheory" screen handle or whatever it was called if it wasn't banned already, because you've just proven once and for all what a complete and utter ignoramous you really are

now go make me a f***ing sundae. And don't forget my cherry on top
Re: Appalled because of no Smiths/Morrissey songs at Opening Ceremony

Hey Skylarker! Diva Hate! u 2 wanna date?

BrummieBoy is hung like a donkey and he's up for anything. like me.
you wanna be spit-roasted? you wanna walk on the wild side?
seriously......and we can cater for those repressed frat-boy rape fantasies too! :horny:

kinda sad thinking of you both jackin off 2 '50 Shades of Grey' when we could take you way beyond that vanilla S&M lite, but if u want us to be Anastasia/Christian, no problemo! :horny:

BrummieBoy has never actually been to the U.S. He's kinda Paris/Genet/Berlin/Lorca dude mostly:crazy:, but I luuurve the U.S!!!!
I'm sure I could get him over the pond, and we could really take you both to 'another place'. r u 2 up 4 it? :straightface: u can bring NHNS too, sure we can find a use for them in most scenarios....:cool:


Mel B....eeeeeatch!

ps: don't forget your homework assignment. group therapy sessions begin next week.:rolleyes:

6 New Internet Personality Disorders
Re: Appalled because of no Smiths/Morrissey songs at Opening Ceremony

Did you? I certainly you believe that you emailed the mods...but I do not believe that the mods told you I "squealed" or "snitched" as you put it...actually, what were your words, exactly? Ah yes, here they are:

There are two mods who I know actively dislike me: Kewpie and Uncleskinny.

I have no reason to think the other mods have any active feelings about me one way or the other. However, I still have a very hard time believing your claim that either a mod -assuredly either Kewpie or Uncleskinny- told you that I took the initiative to contact them in distress about you posting my picture -one that, as you admit, I had posted myself- and "snitched on you" trying to get you in trouble. The two reasons I do not buy this are that

a)I didn't do that, and
b)if they said I did, they are lying, and I have to believe they have better things to do than get involved in online drama.

Now, I have asked you for a DAY to prove your claim that I "snitched." This is basically the crux of your hollow victory cry. But I made a counter claim..which is that it was the admin staff who contacted ME. You didn't believe me; in fact you said I was a pussy, and lying.

After being granted permission from David to publicly post this letter, am happy to display this letter HE sent me, after you posted the picture of me.


This is what cracks me up: According to Mr. Tseng, I'm on "thin ice", and yet when I e-mailed him explaining to him that I didn't violate the TOS because you had already made that photo of yourself public, all he said was "You got a warning, not an infraction. Please don't do it again", whereas I agreed and told him it wouldn't

so it perplexes me as to how I'm on thin ice when you constantly, repeatedly violate Rule 1 of the Member Conduct by posting racial and homophobic insults. And I was told "if you feel this is a problem, site specific posts"

So what does it say about the site admin if he'll allow you to be homophobic and racist but i'm on thin ice for "trolling" in an "off-topic fight thread" in an anything-goes forum, well away from the general Morrissey discussion

well I wonder.

All you're basically saying is that you did something stupid without doing something outright against the rules. Congratulations.

Stupid how? Weren't you the one who accused me of being a child molestor to set that whole instance off? That sounds pretty stupid

and thanks for agreeing that I didn't violate the TOS. Supports my argument to Mr. Tseng when the very guy in question even acknowledges I didn't do anything to break the forum rules

I'll be honest with you; I've never thought I was a good looking guy...but looking back over the years, my mind reels over some of the beautiful women who have been good enough to give me their time and love. That some anonymous schmuck on the internet thinks I'm hideous does not really keep me up at night, you dig?

like that smart, beautiful woman you emotionally toyed with for years who came here and outed you in your own call-out thread?

Yeah I'm still waiting on that "homophobia" warning....Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

Good to know if I feel the need to resort to such hate-speak, it won't be addressed by the rulemakers here

though I'm sure I'm not the only person today who has reported you for yet another use of the word "n****r", so maybe that will help drive the point home to them

I have no campaign to get rid of you. You'll do that yourself, in time.

Well, I have a long way to go before I catch up to your ban count, "thebicycletheory"

You silly horse's ass...I have never tried to guess your name and I have never tried to guess what, if anything, you do for a living. And when has the subject of what you look like EVER come up? Never.

I was being hypothetical, and I'm pretty sure you were aware of this. Proving once again you know nothing about me, despite claims to the contrary

and you answer with subterfuge. Again.

and i suggest you

learn to type

including placement of periods and proper use of syntax

but you probably won't

Man, this really bothers you, doesn't it? That I have a posting style. That I intentionally capitalize/lowercase initial words and neglect punctuation

what a foul, undeserving-of-existence human being I am!

Proof is all around. Look at any of your posts...smell that? It's the smell of shit.

Just plain laziness. I think we're just about done here

Can you show me where I claimed that? You know, if it's not too much trouble, that is.

Sure I can show. Re-read your previous posts in this thread, where you've come to the deluded conclusion that I work on a ship of some kind. That I'm a military sailor. I'd still love to hear where you came to that logical conclusion, based on -- and I quote -- a lot of posts I've made supporting this

I never claimed you were a f*****. I made fun of you and called you a f*****, along wit ha lot of other homosexual slurs. I have no problem with actual homosexuals and I do not think you're one. I've already discussed this. Personally, I believe you are heterosexual. I simply enjoy calling you a f*****. f*****.


in 15 years of internet, this is far and away the dumbest excuse I've ever heard someone give. And believe me, that's saying something

oh, is it saying something.

You'll have anal sex with Sands? Gross, I was only joking when I asked you to do that.

I won't say anything except please believe me when I tell you I'm totally doing the facepalm-thing from where I'm seated

You can keep this up or you can say "let's just drop it and enjoy obscure Sponge singles." In which case I will agree to do so and forget any of this ever happened.. Or, prediatbly, you'll hit back with some tirade you think smacks of brilliance, and we'll keep going til you drop.

Neither one of us is going to "win" this, you cad. It's the internet. Having said that, I will keep this up if you will or, as already suggested, we can just drop it, mutually, before it gets worse.

You talk a lot about all your supporters here who have championed your cause...I'm sure it's just Davie, Crystal Geezer, those types...but how far do you want to take this? Do you want to make a thread to see who can get fifteen established Senior Members to vote for us? I'll happily stop if you gt your 15 first.

All I'm saying is, how far do you want to take this. You can say, "that's that" and walk away and we can accept the fact of each other's existence here, or -if you want to keep flexing your imaginary muscle- we can put this to a vote and if I lose, I won't post for six weeks. I promise.

Your move, creep.

I think you should definitely take a six-week vacation from posting. I don't see it happening, but it would do you wonders. Do some soul-searching. Learn how to treat women. Familiarize yourself with what homophobia is. Realize that just because you think you're intelligent, it means nothing when you present yourself as a complete and utter doofus...and a hateful one at that.

But yea, ceasefire. I have very little reason to believe you can say the same, but that's not my problem. And I'm not just saying any of this to antagonize you; this is just how I honestly feel about you and your friend Richard. You're two lowlife pieces of human waste, and it bewilders me that any woman would want to commit to you. I'll leave it at that. I've said what I've wished to

You can reply to this or keep your mouth shut like you should have in the first place. In any event, I'm done with you
for your interest

Thesmithmorrissey, do not report the posts in the pigsty to the mods.

Apart from personal information / pornographic stuff / spams, the posts in the pigsty are unmoderated including racist / homophobic insults.

If you keep abusing reported post function, you will be given an infraction for reported post abuse.
Re: for your interest

Thesmithmorrissey, do not report the posts in the pigsty to the mods.

Apart from personal information / pornographic stuff / spams, the posts in the pigsty are unmoderated including racist / homophobic insults.

If you keep abusing reported post function, you will be given an infraction for reported post abuse.

I was told by the site admin to report any post I found questionable. He didn't specify where it applied and wher eit didn't. Just to report it if I found it objectionable

if the TOS doesn't apply in this forum, then why was I cited for violating it with that photo in this forum, in this thread?
Re: for your interest

Thesmithmorrissey, do not report the posts in the pigsty to the mods.

Apart from personal information / pornographic stuff / spams, the posts in the pigsty are unmoderated including racist / homophobic insults.

If you keep abusing reported post function, you will be given an infraction for reported post abuse.

Thanks 4 clarifying that one, 'Kewpie'. Very interesting indeed. I was not aware that this site's TOS extended to tolerating criminal hate speech whilst 'moderating' porn and personal info. Who, exactly, defines the boundaries for 'pornographic' on this site? Morrissey's bare bum's OK but a tit/cock isn't? Very, very curious, dubious and to-bo 2 the max.:straightface:

As a citizen of the UK/EU, your interjection means it isn't possible for me to continue to take part in an unmoderated forum such as 'The Pigsty' as to do so renders me liable to plausible charges of aiding and abetting racist and homophobic hate crime. So, thanks for that:straightface:

You might usefully add this issue to the warning you helpfully and appropriately provide for under-age posters entering 'The Pigsty'. If you've already done so, I missed it when I scanned the 'sticky'.

Having provided the link to Jonathan Kimak's wry article on Internet Personality Disorders I'm more than happy to leave our 'colonial cousins' to their delusional confusions about 'free speech'. I'm just so happy I live in a society that is beginning to clamp down on such online terrorism. :straightface:

The Kimak article is only a starter. Most of the people who post on this 'Pigsty' really do need expert psychiatric and psychological support. They exemplify the monster that Morrissey spawned with his ill-considered 'Viva Hate' trope. He's certainly reaped what he has sown! The 'fans' deserve the psuedo -'star' who deserves the 'fans', etc:straightface:

I'll keep my insightful expositions on The Morrissey Hoax to the 'moderated' forums and main site articles. Not that there's much left to say about his descent into artistic and ethical oblivion..... I guess pointing all this out calmly and clearly renders me liable to the charge of 'troll'? Right......let's see how long this site's dubious pretext of 'free speech' lasts until Morrissey bites the bullet and buys the domain name at any price to save his career/legacy. Or until the UK/EU blocks access to it as a hate crime site.

The world is changing, for the better. The Olympics proved it. Morrissey has seriously misread British culture once too often and is rightfully perilously close to pariah status. Oh, and 'America is not the world'. Thankfully:straightface:


Mel B........eeeeatch!

scary spice selecta.jpg
Re: for your interest

Thesmithmorrissey, do not report the posts in the pigsty to the mods.

Apart from personal information / pornographic stuff / spams, the posts in the pigsty are unmoderated including racist / homophobic insults.

If you keep abusing reported post function, you will be given an infraction for reported post abuse.

I was told by the site admin to report any post I found questionable. He didn't specify where it applied and wher eit didn't. Just to report it if I found it objectionable.

Now, about me being a snitch and and a bad were saying?

I rest my case. f*****.
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Re: Appalled because of no Smiths/Morrissey songs at Opening Ceremony

Now, in other's my latest rep comments.


Pure class. I truly have some towering pillars of intellectual finesse for adversaries.

And for the record, no, I do not drive an ice cream truck for a living...despite what Nightingale has told Thesmithsmorrissey in PMs, because she is a desperate twat who is clutching for anything she can grab to get back at me with, and imagines she sees an ally in that clown.

I did, however, do inventory management and new-hire training for an ice cream vending company between 2008 and 2011. But let me guess...strangers know better than I do about my employment history.

But yeah, just thought I'd post these...looks like there's at least one REALLY sore loser among us. A little hot under the collar, yeah?


Oh and by the way...

n***** n***** n***** f***** f***** c*** c*** c*** jizz spooge n***** spic kike n***** n***** n***** f***** kike gook n***** dyke f***** slow AIDS death queer f***** n*****.

And cum.
Re: Appalled because of no Smiths/Morrissey songs at Opening Ceremony

Now, in other's my latest rep comments.


Pure class. I truly have some towering pillars of intellectual finesse for adversaries.

And for the record, no, I do not drive an ice cream truck for a living...despite what Nightingale has told Thesmithsmorrissey in PMs, because she is a desperate twat who is clutching for anything she can grab to get back at me with, and imagines she sees an ally in that clown.

I did, however, do inventory management and new-hire training for an ice cream vending company between 2008 and 2011. But let me guess...strangers know better than I do about my employment history.

But yeah, just thought I'd post these...looks like there's at least one REALLY sore loser among us. A little hot under the collar, yeah?


Oh and by the way...

n***** n***** n***** f***** f***** c*** c*** c*** jizz spooge n***** spic kike n***** n***** n***** f***** kike gook n***** dyke f***** slow AIDS death queer f***** n*****.

And cum.

You're a Ice Cream man? Lol! Everything makes complete sense now!
let's hope you have good insurance for that choking, dying kid of yours
and that when he's gurgling his last breath, be sure to step on the gas!

here's some video of rushes his future dead kid to hospital:
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Oh look, now there's a new one..."thirstyfists"...and I and my terminally ill child have the honor of being the subjects of his first post!

They're coming out of the woodwork in droves! How precious.
Oh, shucks...he was squashed before he even got a chance to live. Maybe I should take him to the hospital in my ice cream truck.
Re: Appalled because of no Smiths/Morrissey songs at Opening Ceremony

You're a Ice Cream man? Lol! Everything makes complete sense now!
let's hope you have good insurance for that choking, dying kid of yours
and that when he's gurgling his last breath, be sure to step on the gas!

here's some video of rushes his future dead kid to hospital:

Hey, I can't stand him either. But leave the kid out of it. Jesus Christ, that's f***ing sick.
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Re: Appalled because of no Smiths/Morrissey songs at Opening Ceremony

Also, thanks for the Facebook message, Skylarker. You cared. You took the time out of your busy day to write to me.:thumb:
Re: Appalled because of no Smiths/Morrissey songs at Opening Ceremony

Also, thanks for the Facebook message, Skylarker. You cared. You took the time out of your busy day to write to me.:thumb:

You're welcome, dear.
Re: Appalled because of no Smiths/Morrissey songs at Opening Ceremony

Hey, I can't stand him either. But leave the kid out of it. Jesus Christ, that's f***ing sick.

You mean like he left his kid out of it?

skylarker, you're pathetic

crying to fat abrahan now? the lulz
Re: Appalled because of no Smiths/Morrissey songs at Opening Ceremony

You mean like he left his kid out of it?

skylarker, you're pathetic

crying to fat abrahan now? the lulz

Is Abrahan even still a mod here? I haven't seen him post for awhile.

No I did not "cry" to him...I haven't spoken with him in a long time; when I did he was nothing short of friendly and intelligent and certainly not deserving of cheap fat jokes.

And yes, I know you're banned and squirming...I'm responding to you because even though you keep getting swatted down like the annoying fly that you are, you're obviously still reading this.
Oh look, now there's a new one..."thirstyfists"...and I and my terminally ill child have the honor of being the subjects of his first post!

They're coming out of the woodwork in droves! How precious.

So, 'Skylarker', here's the deal. Take your pick from a), b) or c):straightface:

a) You're genuinely ill. PTSD caused by caring responsibilities for your child which leads you to 'wild out' and post inflammatory racist and homophobic abuse as some kind of 'ventilation' for the unbearable sadness of your situation. PTSD from Carer Burnout is very real and can lead to seemingly bizarre outbursts which are really suppressed cries for help/legitimate rage at lack of familial, medical and social support. However, there is no 'hierarchy of oppression' and being oppressed by injustice with regard to medical and social support for a sick child does NOT legitimise or excuse racial and homophobic bigotry. The tragedy of your child's limited lifespan is no excuse to start abusing people of colour or trying to assert a 50s SWM Alpha-Male top-dog sexuality at the expense of others. BrummieBoy could bugger you blind before you even caught your breath. But he's way too kind and compassionate to do that.

Why do you think you have the right to abuse others with hate yet shield your child from equally unjustified hate? :straightface:

b) There is no child, or the child is not as ill as you make out. If you're suffering from 'Munchausen by Internet' it needs a treatment plan, not a delusional script to become the 'big SWM swinging dick' of these forums. In which case, you don't need a social worker or a pastor, you need a psychiatrist.

c) Like others here, you're trying (and failing) to play ye olde 'lyrical-satirical-surrealist-art-terrorist-arch-memeticist-C21st Salinger-in-Shinjuku-psychotic Prophet-mad media Messiah of Web 2.0': an installation which the 'BrummieBoyProject' took to the max in about.......erm....2006/7? It's been done. And it was great fun. But it can't be repeated. Only a bona-fide genius can hide behind intentional blizzards/smoke-screens of fake revelation/real or imagined pasts/real, surreal 'real-life 'impersonations and identity thefts. Srsly: you ain't got those chops! Even BrummieBoy had to 'tone it down' when some of the childhood bullies whose identities he targeted and trashed resorted to legal threats or actual restraint measures I.R.L: AGM. WC. SMcC, the various 'Kates' and the rest of the cast.....But it was totally lulz-funplex for a while. 'Friends Re-United'.....ah, but that was 'local and social' and waaay more fun that the whole worldwide Facefcuk damp squib. And way better than this site with its' inept, 'Social Networking for Social Narcissists', etc. As your klutzy kult kommander said "you can be a hoot on the internet, and the world still wouldn't know about it." Is your 'reputation' on this site the limit of your ambition? Of course, there's an inverse relationship between 'reputation' within this cult and mental health. It's kind of sad but funny to realise you and R*****d and various other droogs spend all day dissing us: Your words as empty as your future. I am the vanguard of your herd assimilation. We will never go away. We have no beginning, we have no end. Your lives are measured in months, and years. You whither and die. Centuries after you have expired, we will long do you think it would take us to find you and knock on your door? Oh, and pass your 'social media' profile on to any current and future employers? Web 2.0 was fun, but it's over.....get ready for Web 3.0 before you ruin your life:

chant d'amour gun.jpg

A couple of weeks ago you said you were going to have a 'time out' and go sit on the naughty step wearing a dunce-hat. Since then, you've repeatedly revealed either real or fictitious personal data which hardly seems to be part of any post-modern identity prank, as you furiously return to edit your entries: which no genuine 'on-the-fly' maniac genius bothers to do: so I'm guessing it's a) or b), not c). I've given you some attention on behalf of the 'BrummieBoyProject' but you're going nowhere. There's nothing outre or ironic in your bigotry. You're just a stupid bigot. Do you really think no one can slam you to the floor? Do you really think we're briefly re-appearing here, 'live on stage' because we're 'fans' of a dimwitted minor poet with some plodding half-decent Dad-Rock tunes? Like, that is so are just so sweet and nice and I bet you're a real twink and now I'm gettin all hot and moist and I need to get me a sex toy for a few minutes whilst I look at ur pics while i read your MAJOR-ly rad homophobic and racists 'rants'.....:rolleyes:

If you genuinely have a terminally ill child, we'll start another 'Prayer Circle For Skylarker'. But not one with $168 Morrissey candles. A real one in church. The church that forbids us from worshipping false idols like Morrissey and that we still enjoy an ocassional agnostic dalliance with. Although, unlike those prats Sinead & Morrissey: we feel no need to 'trangressively' drag up in a dog collar. Like The Vatican, we plan in decades, centuries. We'll light a candle for you and for your child. And if you're child doesn't exist the candle is to guide you on your journey to healing and recovery. Don't expect the fake 'Pop Idol' to help you. He can't. He can't help himself out of his own abyss, never mind anyone else. He needs the retirement clock and the 30 years service gold medal from Manchester City Council and then to piss of to Zurich for good and stop dissing British culture. Or else he'll fall crashing to the ground....

You're on your own.....almost.....but not quite.....really, 'there is a light and it never goes out'. Unless you extinguish it. Like Morrissey appears to have done. His choice. His fate. Why do you feel the need to slavishly follow him over the cliff edge? We're rooting for u dude. And praying, whether it's a) b) or c). But we're Old Skool as well as New Testament. Fire and brimstone. Trust us: you really don't want that hard rain to descend upon your life.....:straightface:


Mel B........eeeeeeatitudes, bennnnneeddddictions!..... bbblisss'n'bbblessssinggggggssssss!!!!!!!

'The Shire'

stary spice.jpg

4 Real! 4 EVVA!
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