'Offensive' tweets? That's like a badge of honour these days. Apparently tweets are 'offensive' and a matter for the police, but Muslim gangs raping thousands of young white girls is something for the police to turn a blind eye to? Modern society seems to have a very f***ed up definition of what 'offensive' means.
As far as the assault charge is concerned, let's see what happens. I reckon it will be dismissed. Flimsy evidence. If Joey Barton wasn't a famous footballer, it almost certainly would never have come to court. But it's clear the authorities will do their best to discredit him in the eyes of the public. We can't have working class people with opinions. Get back to the ghetto, Joey.
In her own evidence, Georgia told the court she and her husband had been "nose to nose" at one point but had not come to blows.
She claimed she felt a "collision" to her head that "stunned me and made me fall backwards".
Georgia, who said she had drunk a lot of wine that day, added: "It couldn't have been Joe, he was too far away."