Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

Can’t believe it’s taken you all morning to come back with that Limp reply Steven.

You must have been busy washing your
KKK clothing for your next rally.
Oh God. Didn't visit here for a week or so and then came back to this. Loads of great posts in this thread -- and lots of idiocy too: gordyboy wanting to play BoT to a room of grieving parents really made my day.

Anyway, Morrissey really sounds exactly like Trump these days: a narcistic bigot clearly well on the way of losing his mind. Saying he's been denied the freedom of speech while talking to a major newspaper and saying ieving parents,no to interview requests left and right. Not giving interviews is naturally his prerogative but after that it's a bit silly to say he's being gagged. Just because the people willing to talk to him apparently don't meet his high standards. John Kelly, a former military advisor to Trump, recently said that meetings with the president were exercises in "competitive sycophancy", with all advisors trying to outdo each other in praising the Great Orange. Clearly Morrissey would love to have a crowd people like that around him too.

And sorry, I just believe that BoT (the song) is the reason for labels not wanting to sign Morrissey. Margaret on the Guillotine was controversial, but not Bonfire of Teenages, a song against fundamentalist terror. Just like I can't believe that all labels turning the album down called it a masterpiece. Really? Pull the other one, M, you sad little man.
all you do is vote people down with no reason whatsoever which you actually admitted to me a while back,i asked you why everything i typed you voted down and your reply was ,i dont know.
you contribute very little to this site.
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all you do is vote people down with no reason whatsoever which you actually admitted to me a while back,i asked you why everything i typed you voted down and your reply was ,i dont know.
you contribute very little to this site.

Says the guy who verbally attacks (particularly women) anyone who has a different view to himself. me where and when.

As per normal you revert to name calling.

9.36pm yesterday - your response to a post from Amy

dont talk garb,there is no such think as honesty on here,people are pre-conditioned with a view of liking the singer or not liking the singer,its that black and white,to think i liked one of your posts last week,need to scrub myself with a wire brush .
you might have a dictionary in front of you but i have 60 years of knowledge,i will take that every day of the week.
if you think thats derogatory to woman then the least said the better,clutching at straws,to think you scrolled through my posts looking for something that wasnt there,how sad are you.
keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.
im so derogatory to women that im off to meet a very nice looking one now.

There are many instances of your verbal aggression Gordy, I'll highlight them real time going forward.
There are many instances of your verbal aggression Gordy, I'll highlight them real time going forward.
yeah you do that,make sure you go through my 8481 posts with a fine tooth comb,wouldnt want you missing out on something.
yeah you do that,make sure you go through my 8481 posts with a fine tooth comb,wouldnt want you missing out on something.

Nah no need, there isn’t a week goes by where you resort to calling people stupid names, so it will be easy to point out Gordy. Not sure why you struggle with people having different opinions to you.
great. When people get finally sick, maybe they’ll choose (because it is a choice) to not let it bother them, commenting, etc.
It's also a choice to let other people's comments bother you and it's a choice for you to keep commenting on it. You don't seem to realize the hypocrisy in the things you say when you complain about posters complaining about Morrissey.
Nah no need, there isn’t a week goes by where you resort to calling people stupid names, so it will be easy to point out Gordy. Not sure why you struggle with people having different opinions to you.
its that easy to point out and yet you cant find any,just admit you were wrong.
Nah no need, there isn’t a week goes by where you resort to calling people stupid names, so it will be easy to point out Gordy. Not sure why you struggle with people having different opinions to you.
that would hardly stand up in court now would it.
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