I have said pretty much the same thing, before. You got more fecking likes than me though. LOL
I think its wrong to let M off the hook, like you have though, mate. To think this is ALL Donny and Jesse is just not true. Jesse, Donny and Sam have all done a pretty good job of f***ing up M's career or at least making him more of a joke worldwide.
Let's be clear though, M probably is well aware of what goes on and he doesn't give a shit. Let's not pretend M is a saint, he has one of the worse reps in the music business, It's no secret that not many people like him, including band members. To even pretend otherwise is not fair .
Its not down to Jesse or Donny that M doesn't have a label, its down to M. Sure Jesse and Donny bring the worst out in him but he's a grown man for fecksake.
It's true M is a bit of a hostage, he has always been one of those people who needs people to keep him safe, so he can live in his own little world. This worked well with Smiths, as Johnny was a good guy and there was a real bond and understanding and shared love.
Then with Boz it wasn't quite the same partnership as with Johnny but Boz did what he could. Also, so did Jake. As much as C__t as Jakes was, he was still English, quite bright and looked after M, in his own using way. Jesse is another kettle of fish, mate. Jesse is a slum dog American. Americans even Latino Americans are just not like the Brits,/Irish at all. So there isn't that understanding M had with Johnny, Boz, Jake, and Alain. Jesse is a low life, the people he knows in LA (The lethal amounts clowns, for example) are all money-grabbing, using, nasty people.
Jesse couldn't give a shit about M and he has little understanding of him really.
You can mark when Jesse joined and the downturn in M's mental health, and a downturn in the quality in lyrics etc. M kind of changed, yes this was down to booze and other things. This is the trouble when you have yes men, in the end, if you are not careful they control you.
I was really looking forward to the live shows after the Hammersmith gig, I'm gutted this happened.
But let's be positive. Let's hope some good comes of all this. Im not sure much good music comes out of session musicians and the thing about M and his band, is they have always been a kind of unit, even if it was fake. Still lets hope this all works out