Morrissey Central "New keyboard player." (May 6, 2023)


Camila Grey will play keyboards on the forthcoming Morrissey tour of Israel / Ireland / England.

No surprise.

So will these new female members contribute to the songwriting in the future? Although with two unreleased albums in limbo, perhaps that's not really a relevant question right now.

Let's start with we don't even know if they'll be around longer than this next tour (July 2023). But assuming they stay longer, I would guess so.

If Morrissey and Alain really are still on good terms despite Alain leaving then perhaps the possibility exists that he'll still contribute music in the future.
To clarify, and I can only speak of AW’s IG account, richard Petty not only blocked people from his personal account before taking it private, but also blocked some (including Alain’s) from the official Morrissey IG. One more thing to add to the list of things M is in the dark about. The kind of issue of how things are run that is at least partly to blame for why fans will be deprived of the services of AW & GMjr. As others have noted, the behavior is shameful. It’s my understanding that both Al & Gus are both on good terms with M to this day. Perhaps left with a sense of bewilderment over certain choices, but good just the same. Again, not putting words in their mouths. Just sharing how I interpret the situation based on what I know.
Thank you again Darrin !
- R x
It pains me to defend Jesse but really, he is the monkey in this situation not the organ grinder. If he is even half as hostile and difficult as these posts suggest and Morrissey is refusing to see that even though it has just cost him his entire band, well, that's on M. He is ultimately in control.

Nothing I have read or heard about Morrissey suggests that he has ever been naive or an easy mark for manipulation, let alone asleep at the wheel. If anything he is naturally suspicious and prone to paranoid thoughts (eg. his fantasy about Joe Moss plotting to replace him). He has always had half an eye on 'business', on band members who might be trying to 'grab the crown', as he called it, and he wasn't oblivious to rivalry between Boz and Alain back in the day so why would he be oblivious now?

Since 1983, the Morrissey 'way' has been that if someone falls foul of him, they're gone. No matter who they are. People who prize autonomy like that don't just sit and let someone else take over the show - even Johnny never got to overrule Morrissey's decisions and consequently he had to fire half his friends. Whatever Jesse is doing, either

a) Morrissey knows about it and is fine with it
b) He knows there is a problem but is too dependent / no longer has any other intermediary in the band who could help sort it out
c) He is being fed some very creative "alternative facts" to explain this situation and when he realises, all hell will break loose and you will not see the two musketeers for dust.
Exactly! It’s hilarious for me that some fans on here actually seem to think that it is not Morrissey who chooses who to work with or who are in his touring band…
To clarify, and I can only speak of AW’s IG account, richard Petty not only blocked people from his personal account before taking it private, but also blocked some (including Alain’s) from the official Morrissey IG. One more thing to add to the list of things M is in the dark about. The kind of issue of how things are run that is at least partly to blame for why fans will be deprived of the services of AW & GMjr. As others have noted, the behavior is shameful. It’s my understanding that both Al & Gus are both on good terms with M to this day. Perhaps left with a sense of bewilderment over certain choices, but good just the same. Again, not putting words in their mouths. Just sharing how I interpret the situation based on what I know.

Great stuff here!

Even without 'he-said'/disliking a particular person - with Al and Gus, they want to be musicians/songwriters by profession. 'World Dies' -- freshly recorded with no release-date/label in sight....Al and Gus could've done that on their own, without playing in the currently turbulent Morrissey Band. Plus, these new players (even though they've played w/Beck, etc.) may be playing 'on the cheap'. Truth - nothing Gustavo has ever done for the Morrissey Band should've been 'for less money' than any other band member.

I'm really hoping that Manzur is not completely gone from the team. However, just for this upcoming tour it makes me wonder what kind of setlist we'll be listening to. Brand new guitars, brand new keys --- two melodic/lead instruments. I wonder, are we finally getting 'Teachers/Pupils' live? :D
It pains me to defend Jesse but really, he is the monkey in this situation not the organ grinder. If he is even half as hostile and difficult as these posts suggest and Morrissey is refusing to see that even though it has just cost him his entire band, well, that's on M. He is ultimately in control.

Nothing I have read or heard about Morrissey suggests that he has ever been naive or an easy mark for manipulation, let alone asleep at the wheel. If anything he is naturally suspicious and prone to paranoid thoughts (eg. his fantasy about Joe Moss plotting to replace him). He has always had half an eye on 'business', on band members who might be trying to 'grab the crown', as he called it, and he wasn't oblivious to rivalry between Boz and Alain back in the day so why would he be oblivious now?

Since 1983, the Morrissey 'way' has been that if someone falls foul of him, they're gone. No matter who they are. People who prize autonomy like that don't just sit and let someone else take over the show - even Johnny never got to overrule Morrissey's decisions and consequently he had to fire half his friends. Whatever Jesse is doing, either

a) Morrissey knows about it and is fine with it
b) He knows there is a problem but is too dependent / no longer has any other intermediary in the band who could help sort it out
c) He is being fed some very creative "alternative facts" to explain this situation and when he realises, all hell will break loose and you will not see the two musketeers for dust.
it’s a combination of 1, 2 and 3.
If Morrissey and Alain really are still on good terms despite Alain leaving then perhaps the possibility exists that he'll still contribute music in the future.
Just No! ALAIN is just gone and we're really missing him. He will not return for a third time and do you think, he still wants Jesse to play guitar on a new track of him? You are such a reasonable person. Give up your hopes for relevant people still to return. Let him get a record deal with his new diverse band. FiDo and the rest will love it.
Yeah, Jesse isn't so bad. He may not be 'musical director' worthy, but he's an adequate professional lead guitarist and does interesting things sometimes - like using an Ebow. He also has played well on recordings, to where Jesse almost now has a 'signature' lead sound.

Regarding Jesse's songs, my fave is Smiler With Knife (I mean why not???) :D
Just No! ALAIN is just gone and we're really missing him. He will not return for a third time and do you think, he still wants Jesse to play guitar on a new track of him? You are such a reasonable person. Give up your hopes for relevant people still to return. Let him get a record deal with his new diverse band. FiDo and the rest will love it.
are you actually crying,whats the big deal,alain came back for a year and now hes away to do his own thing.have you never left a job to go to another job.
People love badmouthing Jesse but the fact is he's co-written Morrissey's best songs of the last few years.
He has, especially on Dog. Of course that’s largely due to Morrissey, but still Jessie’s writing seems to have improved a lot.

Of course Alain has co-written many of Moz’s best songs so naturally people are fond of him and would like him to stay, at least as a writing partner.
Alain persuaded Moz to bring back the likes of classic songs such as "Our Frank" and "We Hate It When..."

It's a genuine possibility that Jesse had never even heard these songs before!
He has, especially on Dog. Of course that’s largely due to Morrissey, but still Jessie’s writing seems to have improved a lot.

Of course Alain has co-written many of Moz’s best songs so naturally people are fond of him and would like him to stay, at least as a writing partner.
He is on the new record recorded just a couple of months ago so I’m sure there will be more Morrissey releases in the future (when all’s well) with Alain on it!
are you actually crying,whats the big deal,alain came back for a year and now hes away to do his own thing.have you never left a job to go to another job.

Hey, for me Alain's return was terrific considering that we lost Matt W. I think he was disappointed in the direction the band was heading (for what are probably numerous reasons) and withdrew. Then, his position in the live band was filled by a virtuosic guitarist who shreds (which that itself doesn't entirely fit with Morrissey's 'sound' since 1982). P.S. - was also looking forward to a more Alain-driven/Band LP, moving away from Dog/Cali Son/BOT.

Interestingly, the live band only just recently had three guitar players that you knew (counting Manzur). Now we're down to one familiar face (Tobias). They played Kiss Me A Lot on Larry King within the last 10 years, and Morrissey referred to his band then as 'not just studio musicians - we love each other'. :rolleyes:
Morrissey's organization is in shambles and it's because of Jessie Tobias, the single worst thing to ever happen to Morrissey. I write this anonymously (for obvious reasons), so many will be understandably dismissive of my post. However, what I am writing is 100% truth and based on personal experience.

There's a reason why Morrissey's entire band has quit (and it was the entire band), with no mention as to why, it is because of Jesse. It's not because they were sacked or asked for more money, it was because of Jesse.

Jesse is a nightmare of a human being to deal with. He is nasty and bitter, with an ego the size of Texas (not to mention how vicious he is when drunk, which is often). Jesse was always impossible to work with, but became unbearable once Boz departed. On recent tours, his abusive behavior led to the entire band quitting (Alain, Gustavo, Brendan in particular) because they simply cannot work under these conditions. Jesse's jealousy of Alain became an issue as well, especially with the amounts of cheers and affections Alain received from fans while on stage.

This is not a secret, many know about this (even fans), but they choose not to speak of it. But the ugly truth must be known, Jessie Tobias is single-handedly ruining Morrissey's music legacy. These announced concerts are at risk for not going through since a bassist and drummer still need to found, in addition to lengthy rehearsals. Jesse is in over his head as a musical director given the fact that the man can't even read music!

So if anyone wanted to know why Alain left so abruptly after the last tour, the answer is Jessie Tobias. If you wanted to know why Gustavo and Brendan left, the answer is Jessie. These are talented musicians who adore Morrissey and loved playing with him. Jessie has made their tenures unbearable in his treatment of others, and so they made the difficult decision to depart. They have been absolute professionals and would never mention any of this publicly, but one can only imagine how bad things must be to lose such loyal bandmates.

Jessie's influence (and some would say brainwashing) over Morrissey is powerful, and it is sad that Morrissey himself does not see the cancer that has been in his fold for the past 19 years. The cancer has spread and has now destroyed a once great unit. Jesse enjoys getting Morrissey drunk, where he can spread lies about others and prove himself as loyal and indispensable. He plan has worked and he is now in full control.

So while Morrissey's blog will never acknowledge why long time associates have departed, and will continue to announce new band members with no explanation, fans deserve to know what's really happened. It's a sad state of affairs.
I have said pretty much the same thing, before. You got more fecking likes than me though. LOL
I think its wrong to let M off the hook, like you have though, mate. To think this is ALL Donny and Jesse is just not true. Jesse, Donny and Sam have all done a pretty good job of f***ing up M's career or at least making him more of a joke worldwide.
Let's be clear though, M probably is well aware of what goes on and he doesn't give a shit. Let's not pretend M is a saint, he has one of the worse reps in the music business, It's no secret that not many people like him, including band members. To even pretend otherwise is not fair .
Its not down to Jesse or Donny that M doesn't have a label, its down to M. Sure Jesse and Donny bring the worst out in him but he's a grown man for fecksake.

It's true M is a bit of a hostage, he has always been one of those people who needs people to keep him safe, so he can live in his own little world. This worked well with Smiths, as Johnny was a good guy and there was a real bond and understanding and shared love.
Then with Boz it wasn't quite the same partnership as with Johnny but Boz did what he could. Also, so did Jake. As much as C__t as Jakes was, he was still English, quite bright and looked after M, in his own using way. Jesse is another kettle of fish, mate. Jesse is a slum dog American. Americans even Latino Americans are just not like the Brits,/Irish at all. So there isn't that understanding M had with Johnny, Boz, Jake, and Alain. Jesse is a low life, the people he knows in LA (The lethal amounts clowns, for example) are all money-grabbing, using, nasty people.
Jesse couldn't give a shit about M and he has little understanding of him really.
You can mark when Jesse joined and the downturn in M's mental health, and a downturn in the quality in lyrics etc. M kind of changed, yes this was down to booze and other things. This is the trouble when you have yes men, in the end, if you are not careful they control you.
I was really looking forward to the live shows after the Hammersmith gig, I'm gutted this happened.
But let's be positive. Let's hope some good comes of all this. Im not sure much good music comes out of session musicians and the thing about M and his band, is they have always been a kind of unit, even if it was fake. Still lets hope this all works out
are you actually crying,whats the big deal,alain came back for a year and now hes away to do his own thing.have you never left a job to go to another job.
Convince yourself, that it was a completely normal temporary employment contract that ended amicably by mutual agreement. Everything's ok.
Hey, for me Alain's return was terrific considering that we lost Matt W. I think he was disappointed in the direction the band was heading (for what are probably numerous reasons) and withdrew. Then, his position in the live band was filled by a virtuosic guitarist who shreds (which that itself doesn't entirely fit with Morrissey's 'sound' since 1982). P.S. - was also looking forward to a more Alain-driven/Band LP, moving away from Dog/Cali Son/BOT.

Interestingly, the live band only just recently had three guitar players that you knew (counting Manzur). Now we're down to one familiar face (Tobias). They played Kiss Me A Lot on Larry King within the last 10 years, and Morrissey referred to his band then as 'not just studio musicians - we love each other'. :rolleyes:
he has always said that,on mtv in the 90s he said his current band were preferable to the smiths.
He has, especially on Dog. Of course that’s largely due to Morrissey, but still Jessie’s writing seems to have improved a lot.

Of course Alain has co-written many of Moz’s best songs so naturally people are fond of him and would like him to stay, at least as a writing partner.
I don’t want to be “that guy” but it’s Jesse not Jessie. Your constant misspelling is driving me nuts. For an invested fan, you’d think you’d know how to spell his name. Cheers.
he has always said that,on mtv in the 90s he said his current band were preferable to the smiths.

That was a very long time ago though --- giddy w/excitement with his first real BAND post-Smiths breakup (Your Arsenal era). He had gone through many solo-career ups and downs since 1992...when he made that statement on Larry King in '14/'15.
The real question is - can this new keyboard player catch a tambourine? I hope she's been practicing.
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