Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast food chains

Once again he shoots himself in the foot.

Morrissey: 'Norway Attacks Nothing Compared To Actions Of Fast Good Giants' - Gigwise
He claims...

Morrissey has courted criticism after he reportedly compared the actions of fast food companies to the recent attacks in Norway.

At least 76 people died last week in two separate attacks which were both orchestrated by far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik.

Morrissey, a staunch vegetarian, made reference the massacre during a performance in at Stodola Club in Warsaw, Poland earlier this week, according to the Daily Mirror.

Before playing The Smiths' song 'Meat is Murder', he is quoted as saying: “We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 dead.

“Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Sh*t every day.”

Video footage of Morrissey performing the song has been published on YouTube, but it omits his alleged introduction.

Morrissey's comment is the latest in a string of outbursts in recent months, many of which have focussed on animal welfare.

Link from Tingle3:

Morrissey says Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast food chains - Daily Mirror
by Ashleigh Rainbird

MORRISSEY has sparked outrage after saying the tragedy in Norway was “nothing” compared to the actions of fast food chains.

The controversial singer, 52, made his remark while on stage at a gig in Warsaw on Sunday night.

Before launching into his hit Meat is Murder, the outspoken vegetarian made reference to the horrific events last Friday.

Referring to the death toll as thought at the time he said: “We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 dead. Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried S*** every day.”

Two nights earlier the singer introduced the same song with another lambasting of the brands.

Gig-goers took to his fan sites to condemn the his outburst. One wrote: “The killing of children compared to KFC & McDonald’s?!!! What an ass****!”

Another wrote: “I really don’t know if that is *forgivable? Or of any use to the vegetarian cause?”

A spokesman said last night: “Morrissey has decided not to comment any further as he believes his statement speaks for itself.”

Update 10/18/2011:

Sistasheila posted the link to the video and actual words spoken during the concert:

"Despite the love, we do live on a murderous planet,
as you will have seen over the last few days in Norway.
Murder murder murder.
But really, every single day, worse things happen in KFC and McDonalds.
Murder, murder, murder, murder, murder..."

Link from inourbritches:
Morrissey: 'McDonald's, KFC worse than Norway massacre' - Digital Spy

Also, links posted by anonymous persons in the Warsaw post-show:
Meat biz worse than Norway: Morrissey - LFPress /
Morrissey lekceważąco o norweskiej tragedii -
Morrissey: – Massakren i Norge er ingenting mot massakren på Mc Donald's hver dag -

80s Icon in Hot Water, a Facebook Status Leads To an Arrest, and a Whale Thanks its Rescuers in a Touching Way - Yahoo! News blog. Link from Desert Bee.
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''As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.'' Pythagoras-ancient greek philosopher
In what way humanbeings are more important, who said so?who decides? Animals SUFFER too,period. I'm not shocked at all. He's right. Slaughterhouses compared to Holocaust by Morrissey, I agree,too. People are not ready to hear this, but he dares, and I respect him all the more to say it outloud. Open your eyes and mind, all creatures and elements are one: where does this arbitrary "hierarchy" come from? Stupid. We just think it "should" be because it "is" for centuries, but we won't EVOLVE as long as we're not ready to live with nature and all beautiful creatures, and not fight against it endlessly. We need to change,definitely.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

But this time he's right! I absolutely despise what happens daily at the KFC and Mac Donalds.

You should be ashamed of yourself! really! 10-11 year old children was shot in cold blood! After he had shot them once, he went up to their bodies and shot them once more in the face, just to be sure he was dead! This is more horrible than all the meat production in the world, and if you dont agree you should really go **** yourself really hard!
It horrifies me the way he attempts to compare human suffering to animal killing. Human desacralization is what Morrissey aims to. Well, I tell you human beings are sublime not chickens or ANY other animal
Human desacralization is what Morrissey is attempt to by making sad comments as his about Norway attack. Humans are sublime not chickens or ANY other animal.
It horrifies me when Morrissey attempts to compare the human suffering to the chicken's. Human desacralization is what sadly his comments reveal.
Even if it's hard sounds - he's so right. Also seen in figures, eating meat is an absolutely no-go:

1) From the amount of grain which 100 hundred cows can be fed, 2,000 people could provide with food 2.) The CO2 problem would be solved without eating meat. 3: Without meat consumption we would have no problems with over-fertilized soils. 4th: What was long denied, is now medically proven - vegetarians eat healthier!
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

What I would like to know is: what's so great about children? People just hear the word "kids" and they go all sentimental.

Children are disgusting. I applaud their murder.
I have been a fan of The Smiths and Morrissey since I was 14 (I'm 42 now) and many of the things that Morrissey has said I have defended and understood. And while I sort of get the sentiment of what he has apparantly said, it was a callous, clumsy way of saying it and I have not really been able to defend when people have brought it up with me. Some on here will defend Morrissey to the death but I guess he would not spit on most of us if we were ablaze. It has not meant I won't buy his records and I am going to see him in London next week but it is increasingly making him appear a bit and twisted old man.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

4th: What was long denied, is now medically proven - vegetarians eat healthier!

Not necessarily true: and ex-girlfriend of mine has been vegetarian (borderline vegan) for nearly four years and she's a fat c***. She's still a pretty good f***, though, I'll give her that.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

What a f***ing dickhead :

Seriously.. If anyone truely believes that even 200billion animals is worth the life of one person then get a grip... Animals are for food, they always have been, otherwise we would be over-run with specimens that could not make themselves a home, make someone laugh, speak.. ANYTHING, they provide NOTHING to the world and society except for food.. That's what they're there for, they have to be looked after by.. OH.. humans.. So anyone who is getting on their high horse claiming McDonalds and KFC are disgusting need to get a grip..

If it wasn't for companies like them, there'd be more cows/chickens/pigs in the world, than humans.. They are not intelligent, SOME animals might provide a companion for a human, but other than that, seriously.. They do nothing. f*** YOU

Morrissey is a pathetic little man and anyone who agrees with what he said, should be ashamed of yourselves.. Take a serious look at what a human can potentially provide to a community, a society; happiness, love, warmth, a family, a shop, a service and take a look at what a cow could provide... FOOD!
I'm off to Burger King

After hearing Morrissey comments on the murders in Norway it is clear he needs professional help. At an early age Morrissey was prescribed anti-depressants for his anti-social behaviour. Like alot of people that suffer from mental disorders they refuse to take there medication and make bizarre statement that make little sense. Morrissey hasn't been taken seriously for years and continues to hurt the fight for animal rights. He needs to seeks immediate help (maybe Dr. Drew) for his anti-social behaviour. The last thing we need is a racist trying to justify his position through that shitty website True to You. Take my advice find a small closet, step inside and lock the door. Nobody will miss you.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

So the victims of the "moors killers" where "more" innocent than the norweigan childrens?

Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

Seriously.. If anyone truely believes that even 200billion animals is worth the life of one person then get a grip... Animals are for food, they always have been, otherwise we would be over-run with specimens that could not make themselves a home, make someone laugh, speak.. ANYTHING, they provide NOTHING to the world and society except for food.. That's what they're there for, they have to be looked after by.. OH.. humans.. So anyone who is getting on their high horse claiming McDonalds and KFC are disgusting need to get a grip..

If it wasn't for companies like them, there'd be more cows/chickens/pigs in the world, than humans.. They are not intelligent, SOME animals might provide a companion for a human, but other than that, seriously.. They do nothing.

Morrissey is a pathetic little man and anyone who agrees with what he said, should be ashamed of yourselves.. Take a serious look at what a human can potentially provide to a community, a society; happiness, love, warmth, a family, a shop, a service and take a look at what a cow could provide... FOOD!

You are incredibly ignorant.
Livestock only exist in the numbers they do because of intense cultivation because of the meat industry - artificial insemination during every period of fertility is standard in the meat and poultry industries. Left on their own, reproduction would be much slower. In addition, the transient problem of overpopulation if the slaughter were to stop tomorrow is the result of OUR artificial influence on them, and therefore OUR problem to deal with.
Cows and other livestock exist in their current form due to genetic pressures exhibited by humans on previously wild animals. In their previous states, they had their place in the food web like any other animal - as predators of smaller animals or food for carnivores. They survived quite well in the world without the help of humans. If you say that support of the food web is not important, that biodiversity and wildlife are worthless, then we might as well just kill all animals and insects in the world as useless, right? If that's your view, there's no point in continuing this discussion....That is one purpose. Pigs are highly intelligent and social. Cows are very social, and can not only provide companionship, but can provide milk, dung (for fuel and fertilizer), and "horse"power for tilling fields and pulling loads. Chickens can provide eggs (which are usually sterile, so no baby chicks forthcoming), and birds in general are quite intelligent.
If you feel that a life is worthless because you can not directly see how it makes your personal life better, you have a very narrow viewpoint.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

“We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 dead. Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Sh*t every day.”

I am a meat eater, so while I do not necessarily agree with him, I can see his viewpoint here. Firstly, I think the '97 dead. Though that is nothing compared to...' quote could be taken as a purely numerical comparison. 97 people - yes, that's terrible, but thousands of animals are killed by these companies and others every day, in horrific and distressing ways.

Now, you may be of the viewpoint that even one human life is worth more than any number of animals, but some people take the position that all life is equal. People, dogs, cats, cows, deer, chickens - all the same. Now, if you believe a human life is worth more than say, a horse, look at your reasons. Is it because humans are more 'intelligent'? Does that mean the lives of clever humans are worth more than stupid people?

There is another argument that states that as long as we keep on thinking of animals as 'lesser' creatures, there for us to do what we want with, and as long as we keep mistreating and killing them, we will never stop killing other humans, through murder and war. And I can see that the day we stop killing chickens because we see they have the same right to life as us, is going to make killing each other seem even more insane than it does now. There's a saying 'he wouldn't harm a fly', often used to show disbelief that someone would hurt or kill another person - because if he respects the existence of even the lowliest of creatures, how could he not do the same for a fellow human?
A lot of serial killers start out as kids who torture and kill animals.

Now, for those of you saying that Morrissey writes good songs but he's not qualified to speak on such weighty matters, let's allow that and bring in some bigger guns who have argued along similar lines in the past:

"As long as there are slaughter houses there will always be battlefields."~Leo Tolstoy

"The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men."~Leonardo Da Vinci

"The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men." ~Alice Walker

"The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality." ~Schopenhauer

"As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot dwell together." ~Isaac Bashevis Singer

"Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace." ~Albert Schweitzer

"For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love." ~Pythagoras

Anyway, I think that what Morrissey was saying in his clumsy way is that both things are terrible, and if you believe that animals are our equals as he does, then they both are. That may not be your view, but there was a time during the slaving era, that black people were regarded as nothing more than property - sometimes thrown overboard from slave ships for insurance purposes. ( The prevailing view can change.

I think all Morrissey can be accused of here is a lack of tact. If someone you loved had been murdered and when you told a friend they said 'Well that's terrible, but McDonalds murders thousands of cows every day', you wouldn't be too pleased. BUt of course, Morrissey was addressing a small crowd from the stage in a different country, not talking to a grieving Norwegian parent, and the only way his comment would get back to those Norwegian parents is when the media sees fit to report these comments to stir up trouble and controversy. And that's what they're doing - just look how many headlines say something along the lines of 'Moz says McD's WORSE than Norway massacre'. No, he doesn't say it's worse. He says the numbers of dead are small by comparison. Still a shocking statement if you disagree that all types of life are equal, but not quite the same.

Let's all not react with the moral outrage that the tabloids are constantly trying to prod us into, and stop and think for a second instead. Unlike Morrissey on occasion.
Great post and great quotes. Big lack of tact from Morrissey but am sure he was as dismayed at the events in Norway as the rest of us are.
That lunatic A.B. Breivik was a hunter! irrelevant? -I don't think so. Serial killers have a strong record of animal cruelty in their childhood according to many FBI studies since the 70's.Nothing new about that. Timothy McVeigh(Oklahoma bomber) was shooting groundhogs. Every notorious killer has previously tested his black soul on animals before he moved to people. Here,Morrisey's quote matches perfectly.I think he was f***ing right.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

I wonder if, when John and Yoko said that woman is the n***** of the world, all black people threw as much of a shit fit as all meat eaters are throwing over this.

I thought you guys were supposed to be so red-blooded and tough? And one basic statement of belief throws you into such a mass hissy fit?
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

[Qwot you cane from san frncisco

id get a grip on yourself mate

sad very sad when quueers dont accept themselves

but queers who travel half way round the world
im not o
UOTE=Anonymous;1986665398]"A spokesman said last night: “Morrissey has decided not to comment any further as he believes his statement speaks for itself.”

I give him credit for not embarrassing himself any further.[/QUOTE]

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