Morrissey A-Z: "Istanbul"

I really like this one, but I would have preferred "The child as mine" rather than "The Kid as mine".
I agree. He reverts to dismissive Mozzer at that point which undermines the narrative.
I've always thought the music sounded like something that The Stone Roses might've put out as a B-side. Lyrically, it does nothing for me. Overall, it's okay though, which, by 21st century Morrissey standards, is quite an accomplishment.
It's quite a nice evocative little narrative, with the father searching for his rent boy son, only to find him dead in a coffin - kind of the downbeat sequel to 'Picadilly Palare' in many ways - in fact in terms of dysfunctional father/son relationships one could almost be the sequel to the other ("No Dad - I won't be home tomorrow"), only told from the other perspective. Maybe the subject in the first song got sick of plying his trade in London and headed for sunnier climes?

Anyway - whilst not spectacular, I found this a decent moody album track - it seems spectacularly unsuitable as a single though, even in the 'digital only' sense. Did Morrissey or his label really expect any mainstream radio station to play this?
One of several highpoints of a fairly weak album.
I like this song a lot. I like the dynamic between the rise of the verse and the fall then crunch of the music. The evenness of this song and the way it’s sung makes the father character feel numb and cynical here. The emotional subject matter juxtaposed with the even unchanging mid tempo rhythm and the even way he sings it just makes me feel like the father must feel which is to say his lack of control and numbness to horror
When you say “unavailability if it’s parent album” - are you referring to Harvest scrapping it?
It’s still widely available on cd, very cheaply as well. The vinyl can also be picked up.

I know it’s not on iTunes but if you paid for it at the time, it’s still on your device(s)
Yes, I was referring to the digital version, given that that medium is still the most widely consumed. I have the CD and deluxe CD, but those outside of Morrissey fans are probably less likely to pick it now up given its streaming absence.
It’s one of my fav morrissey albums that I can’t play on Spotify. Swords is another that’s been ruined on Spotify
One of the best songs on World Peace . I love when he sings " Oh what have I done " .
Chorus and going back into the verse is nice. Atmospherics and synth strings are nice, wish the drums weren’t so heard, get’s annoying.

Over all I prefer the spoken word version, and makes me wish he would do a whole album like that.
It’s one of my fav morrissey albums that I can’t play on Spotify. Swords is another that’s been ruined on Spotify
Yeah, what the hell happened to Swords?!
One of the best songs on World Peace . I love when he sings " Oh what have I done " .

Liking the love for this song, I'm a fan of it too. Definitely one of his better tracks of the last few years.
One of the great mysteries of the modern era is how Mr Martin Boorer suddenly started writing so many brilliant songs again for the 2014 World Peace album. Easily his best form since Vauxhall and I. Within the deluxe version of the album, there are 4 or 5 absolute beauties including this one. It's everything that 'Far off places' tried but failed to be. A cracking piece of music, some lovely evocative lyrics, and a fantastic arrangement courtesy of Joe C. And it was playlisted by radio, contrary to an earlier comment - both 6 Music and Radio 2 had it on rotation, and why wouldn't they? It's a tremendous song.
Yeah, what the hell happened to Swords?!
I’ve no idea. I’ve asked a couple of times hoping fwd or someone would fill me in on the rights on politics happening behind the scenes but no answer. I doubt someone else right now is blocking them so they can release a new comp, I thought most were owned by the same company so I don’t know why it would just be some that don’t appear. It’s super annoying
Call me 'Mr Old Fashioned', but I can't help but find it a bit sad that people seem so reliant on Spotify to be able to listen to music. What's wrong with bunging the CD in the hi-fi and hitting the play button? Hell - even if you don't have a CD player, it's up there on Youtube.
My favourite song on the album and one of his best tunes overall in recent years.
Call me 'Mr Old Fashioned', but I can't help but find it a bit sad that people seem so reliant on Spotify to be able to listen to music. What's wrong with bunging the CD in the hi-fi and hitting the play button? Hell - even if you don't have a CD player, it's up there on Youtube.
Great post. Sentiments echoed.
Back when I got my first car with blue tooth in; it was great not having a car full of cds - still Is, as well but, just recently, I bought two cds just for car purposes 😁
YouTube is full of commercials and not a great listen. I own the cd but sometimes I like to listen to music while mowing the lawn or everywhere else and it’s not really convenient to go get a free go back in time and find a cd walk man and carry around a cd booklet as I walk around. I listen to music sometimes but more often than not I listen most when I’m out. On the train walking through town etc. being able to listen to almost anything I wish anywhere I wish without having to carry around thirty ten cds hoping I don’t scratch them is a blessing
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