Morrissey A-Z: "You've Had Her"

The song reminds me of an old lyrical TOH inspiration used previously:
"Oh, well, the dream’s gone but the baby’s real enough."

The whole A-Z via tags:

Every A-Z entry is also now linked at the bottom of their respective Solo Wiki entry too:

@BookishBoy et al - appreciated.
@BookishBoy, sincere and heartfelt thanks for guiding us through Morrissey’s long discograph with such an incredible disciplines. It helped to full the voids and moments of solitude during the lockdown. It also confirms Morrissey’s impressive body of work, albeit far from perfect.

Also thanks to all the others for contributing insights and opinions and sharing personal touches, which enriched my appreciation.of his music and words on many occasions, too many to mention here.

Strange song to end this thread, as Verso said, more a demo than a song. You can hear some of Boz’s tinkering with sound effects and atmosphere, which led to wonderful résultas in later efforts.

Well done BB
Things you have cherished
Now making you squirm
You've had her
And it's all over now

*Why you were pining
You haven't a clue
You've had her

And it's all over now
It's all over now
For you
For you

And it's all only started
For her pleas
*Everyone knows
Everyone knows

And the one thing on your mind is
Where is the next in line

As the words to all of the love songs
Start making sense
To the girl so far away”

I always took it as ‘pining’ and it makes sense. But to my ear,
he does bend it’s pronunciation. What do others think? I’m guessing he just felt it sounded better?

I’m not too sure about the ‘everyone knows’ supposedly sung
during the beautiful woozy breakdown. I mean, I can hear it, if I want to.

From a great single, side by side with the sinister Ripper, You’ve had Her Jack just made it all that much darker, and gave the listener a little peek behind the curtain of where Morrissey can go and take you along, but only if, you’re really interested.

I remember falling in love with what
Boz brought to the table with those b-sides, and gave Morrissey the canvas to paint a darker picture of human nature. Let’s not forget, again another Boz co-write
where Morrissey sung about a Jim
that had many hers....

now kissing with his mouth full
and his eyes on some other fool
so many women
his head should be spinning
ah, but no!”

I have to disagree to the sound of any of the Arsenal b-sides being
impacted negatively by Ronson’s health. I think each song got the
Ronson attention and care that was appropriate to their subject matter
and vibe needed to enhance the listening experience. On You’ve Had Her with its richly gloomy almost claustrophobic atmosphere,
seems to me nothing was spared or rushed in its care, and got the love it deserved.

Not to veer off topic too much,
but I remember there was some questioning of who played the wonderful solo on Certain People, and I came across this wiki entry, which I assume is wrong ...

“The track is in many ways a tribute to the influence of Marc Bolan on both Morrissey and his guitarist Boz Boorer, featuring a guitar line played by producer Mick Ronson that recalls "Ride A White Swan” by T.Rex.”

then again, Ronson was an amazing guitarist and added ebow to Seasick, so maybe it was his solo, what do you folks think?


And ‘least but not last’ ;) we thank
@BookishBoy, for there’s more to life than BookishBoy’s A-Z, but not much more, not much more ....


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Late to reply to this final A-Z, but as others have said, big thanks & appreciation to @This Charming Bowie for initiating this way back when, & for the sheer dedication of @BookishBoy who picked up the reins, was here every single day, regular as clockwork (apart from when he skived off for 2 weeks holiday!!) leaving us distraught, rudderless, & gagging for his speedy return.

To all the contributors who visited the A-Z on a daily basis with equal dedication & passion; guys, thanks so much, it's been an absolute pleasure to read your views & comments, & to see some good Moz-related knowledge shared. For me, this A-Z journey has been what the site should be all about...Moz's music. Thanks all, it's been a tremendous voyage.
Thank you so much to everyone involved in the A-Z. For me it's been the most positive thing ever about Moz-Solo.

It's opened my eyes to some brilliant Moz songs that I had previously discarded too quickly.

Thanks again and thanks to all who contributed in the comments as I learned a lot.
For me it's been the most positive thing ever about Moz-Solo.
It really has. Sure, there have been some more or less insane, off-topic ramblings and quarrels (some of which I myself have partaken in), but mostly we’ve been shown this site’s true potential and purpose. Good times for a change.
As Johnny says he had discarded some songs to quickly,
I was the same with a few, well 5-6
But , yes there was peace and harmony on solo with decent banter
About gigs and first hearing or buying a Moz song.
I shall be wearing a black arm band tomorrow morning 😔
As others have said, the A-Z project has been outstanding! Thank you to the organizers and participants!

As for You've Had Her, I agree with others that it sounds very similar to I'd Love To. Both have a nice, dreamy sound, and are pleasant to listen to, but overall are not too memorable. One final note, I like the melody when he sings, "And the one thing on your mind is, where is the next in line."
It really has. Sure, there have been some more or less insane, off-topic ramblings and quarrels (some of which I myself have partaken in), but mostly we’ve been shown this site’s true potential and purpose. Good times for a change.
And don’t forget 👉Moz Masterpiece👈 & 👇
all it’s other guises 👉sensitive Moz Masterpiece👈 Etc

I was hoping for one last entry, but it’s all over now, for me, for us. We’ve had him. 🧐
Late to reply to this final A-Z, but as others have said, big thanks & appreciation to @This Charming Bowie for initiating this way back when, & for the sheer dedication of @BookishBoy who picked up the reins, was here every single day, regular as clockwork (apart from when he skived off for 2 weeks holiday!!) leaving us distraught, rudderless, & gagging for his speedy return.

To all the contributors who visited the A-Z on a daily basis with equal dedication & passion; guys, thanks so much, it's been an absolute pleasure to read your views & comments, & to see some good Moz-related knowledge shared. For me, this A-Z journey has been what the site should be all about...Moz's music. Thanks all, it's been a tremendous voyage.

Yes, thank you @BookishBoy & @This Charming Bowie - it's been lovely going through his work.
Well I have to say this morning does have an end of term felling...
And of course without whom...
Bookish boy and Famous when drunk... A big thanks.🙏

This project has been a big help through some rough miserable times for some.

I’ve particularly enjoyed racing to this thread of a morning to read gordyboy reviews. Naturally biased of course but very entertaining to read over my coffee.
I also have enjoyed This charming Bowie’s take on things.
As I learned a few things from reading their reviews on how a song is constructed ECT.

Unfortunately the last review isn’t very Positive for this song.
In short it’s 4king Horrific . Sounds like it was recorded on the moors in mid December. It’s cold, empty.
And probably the worst thing I’ve heard on here since 11 January....
cheers baz always tried to inject a bit of humour into the A-Z,sad that its finished.
One of the more underrated songs. A unique perspective that you don't see in many songs. It flips the usual unrequited love tropes on its head. Love it, and it's a welcome counterpoint in the discography. For a wildly opinionated man, diving deep in Morrissey's discography can often reveal depth and exception to his most widely-attributed characteristics. This is a good example of it.
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