Morrissey A-Z: "Mountjoy"

This is hands down my favorite song of Morrissey’s modern era (post-Refusal). No superfluous “world music” influence, no entry-level studio experimentation, no lyrical laziness…just a straightforward and powerful ballad propelled by what Moz and Boz do best together. What keeps me interested in new Morrissey albums is the possibility of there being more where this came from.
This is a superb track from, what I think is, a great album.
It's certainly no 'singalong', but the lack of musical 'interference' & the whole sincerity in the tone of the song, really helps you focus on, & listen to, the storytelling of this one. For me it really showcases his wonderful words, and singing voice. Great job.
I love a lament.

I didn't notice at first - but it seems to be another one of his character songs - the narrator is in Mountjoy prison.
Really? Wasn't it obvious on the first listen? Perhaps you should spend more time listening to Morrissey's music instead of analyzing his promotion strategies.

Today's song is this Morrissey/Boorer composition, from World Peace Is None of Your Business.

What do we think?

This track is something else. It stands apart from everything else that Morrissey has written.
Ultimately, I find it slightly boring. No melody, droning chords. Lyrics alone aren't enough to save this. This has me yawning and reaching for the skip button [3 out of 10]

FFS. The best yrack that Morrissey has ever written and you want to press skip?

It doesn't need music really. The lyrics are enough.

"And where the hardened cry"

You can picture yourself in that prison.
This is hands down my favorite song of Morrissey’s modern era (post-Refusal). No superfluous “world music” influence, no entry-level studio experimentation, no lyrical laziness…just a straightforward and powerful ballad propelled by what Moz and Boz do best together. What keeps me interested in new Morrissey albums is the possibility of there being more where this came from.

I [expletive] hope there is too!


Probably his most Wildean-sounding writing to date IMHO.
Excellent work - that is all.
I had a relative who died in Mountjoy. Arrested for bicycle theft, he was cold-hosed daily for his hostility whilst imprisoned; he ultimately succumbed to flu. Anyway, this is a worthy monument for all those families impacted by the place.

Having said that, when I play this to my mum (it was her uncle who died) she routinely reminds me that the song is ‘dreary’ and asks me to turn it down—so she deflates all my ideas of its poignant familial significance.
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Really? Wasn't it obvious on the first listen? Perhaps you should spend more time listening to Morrissey's music instead of analyzing his promotion strategies.
I never knew if was about a prison!

"1850 swung the doors
And human sewage swept inside"

See, to me that sounds more to me like the description of a Morrissey show where the doors opened at 6:50pm and the fans run in. :unsure:
Really? Wasn't it obvious on the first listen? Perhaps you should spend more time listening to Morrissey's music instead of analyzing his promotion strategies.

No, it wasn't obvious because it switches between first, second & third person points of view & has more first person plural, than first person singular.

It also makes references that span a hundred years.

But I guess you like to jump to conclusions.
Could just as easily have been an echo-y acapella song, such is the dominance of the vocal delivery here.

A high point of World Peace.

For sure... I'm a bit surprised it's not better received. A well done and educational song to boot (I had no idea about Mountjoy prison).
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