Morrissey Central "Mexico City" - dengue infection will take 2-3 weeks to clear; tour to resume in Florida (September 10, 2023)

Looks like he caught Dengue Fever - all shows cancelled until Florida on 7 October. All South American dates cancelled.

Morrissey’s arrival in Mexico City has resulted in a dengue infection. The virus will take 2-3 weeks to clear.

The tour is set to resume in Florida.

Morrissey has not ‘cancelled’ any shows, but the infection makes the immediate two weeks impossible.
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They are all theories, nobody knows if he left on Thursday where he went, what he has, if he was hijacked by UFOs. Seriously speaking it's very rare... and he can't have abandoned everything, 7 shows, which were the continuation of the tour he called 40 years of Morrissey, without there being a major cause
De acuerdo, algo sospechoso está pasando. Pero mentir desde el principio sólo empeora las cosas, ¿no?

Y siempre es arriesgado... siempre hay alguien en algún lugar con una nariz grande que lo sabe...
Yes… something rather fishy going on here,
As one poster said yesterday… we simply will never know.
Fish Bass GIF
They are all theories, nobody knows if he left on Thursday where he went, what he has, if he was hijacked by UFOs. Seriously speaking it's very rare... and he can't have abandoned everything, 7 shows, which were the continuation of the tour he called 40 years of Morrissey, without there being a major cause

I agree. Any reasonable person would only abandon 7 big concerts in a very serious circumstance. What was it then? I guess people would understand any grave problem.

But giving an excuse that does not seem plausible (in other words, lie) only makes me wonder whether there was any serious problem in the first place.
Bueno ahora nada ,son solo teorias.Segun los que dijeron que Moz salio de Mexico el jueves ...podria podria es en potencial haber ocurrido lo siguiente.Moz tal vez estuvo fuera de la ciudad de Mexico alli pudo contraido el virus ,y luego el martes miércoles ? ,empezo con sintomas raros y se fue de la ciudad ,donde? Tal vez a Usa a consultar a su médico,alli podrían haber llegado a ese diagnostico,y como dengue es 1 enfermedad de denuncia obligatoria es alli donde el caso queda registrado,no en Mexico ,entiendes? Como vos sos de Brasil y yo soy Argentina te escribo en Español porque se que ustedes entienden bien, ya mí el inglés me cuesta,.Estas son solo elucubraciones,tal vez algún día sepamos la realidad.Tal vez Moz no tiene esto,pero algo le sucedió y no es como dice Gasho...que es porque no quiere venir a América Latina.... Le debe haber pasado algo relativamente serio por eso abandonarlo todo,pueden ser muchas cosas no solo enfermedades.Ojala él esté bien.hay que lo condenes esperará un poco más. Lo que si me parece es que alguien o él mismo tiene que informar a los fans, por respeto y para que dejemos de imaginar teorías. Seguro algo sucedio y si asi fue él no tiene la culpa. Veremos, de enterarme de algo decepcionante sere. la primera en quejarme .saludos cristiano
La misma persona que informó el sábado a primera hora que el escenario se estaba desmontando subiendo fotos a Twitter, fue la misma persona que informó a los pocos minutos que el jueves por la mañana había dejado no sólo el hotel sino el país. Al parecer es un trabajador de OCESA, empresa que maneja el 90% de los shows en México.
He ain’t got Dengue fever has he???
He’s just f***ed off somewhere and that’s that
Most of the touring musicians I've known don't even leave their hotel rooms during their world travels. Touring is a very serious business. I'm sure they're really nice people, but Morrissey's young, extroverted hipster band are bound to eventually expose him to something. What's a guy like Moz doing with all those greenbeans? Remember the Kristeen Young thing? Watch it happen again.
Most of the touring musicians I've known don't even leave their hotel rooms during their world travels. Touring is a very serious business. I'm sure they're really nice people, but Morrissey's young, extroverted hipster band are bound to eventually expose him to something. What's a guy like Moz doing with all those greenbeans? Remember the Kristeen Young thing? Watch it happen again.
Young?! Brendan’s older than he looks you know!
Yeah, that's what I meant, was wondering whether he would need to have flown to the places where the disease has been more prevalent. We know he hates it but otoh, why arrive so early if not to travel? To see Garbage??
We don't actually know when he arrived.

Well, "people" is one poster here on this forum, isn't it?

Saying he's cancelled a bunch of big sold out gigs because he just didn't feel like doing them is pretty far from a simple truth. Seems rather convoluted. If he suddenly had gotten a "mood" or whatever, that could explain cancelling one or two gigs, not all of them including the ones weeks in advance.
I think it's pretty obvious, and logical, that something happened. His camp has said this something is dengue. Why would they lie?
criss people on here want to see a picture of him in a hospital bed at deaths door,would that satisfy them that it was genuine,probably not.
Bueno ahora nada ,son solo teorias.Segun los que dijeron que Moz salio de Mexico el jueves ...podria podria es en potencial haber ocurrido lo siguiente.Moz tal vez estuvo fuera de la ciudad de Mexico alli pudo contraido el virus ,y luego el martes miercoles ? ,empezo con sintomas raros y se fue de la ciudad ,donde? Tal vez a Usa a consultar a su medico,alli podrian haber llegado a ese diagnostico,y como dengue es 1 enfermedad de denuncia obligatoria es alli donde el caso queda registrado,no en Mexico ,entendes? Como vos sos de Brasil y yo soy Argentina te escribo en Español porque se que ustedes entienden bien, y a mí el ingles me cuesta ,.Estas son solo elucubraciones ,tal vez algun dia sepamos la realidad.Tal vez Moz no tiene esto ,pero algo le sucedió y no es como dice Gasho...que es porque no quiere venir a America Latina....Le debe haber pasado algo relativamente serio por eso abandono todo,pueden ser muchas cosas no solo enfermedades.Ojala él esté bien.hay que esperar lo condenes esperá un poco más. Lo que si me parece es que alguien o él mismo tienen que informar a los fans ,por respeto y para que dejemos de imaginar teorias ..Seguro algo sucedio y si asi fue él no tiene la culpa .Veremos ,de enterarme de algo decepcionante sere la primera en quejarme .saludos Cristiano
Gasho? Love it!
What else do you think is needed, Malarkey? I suppose the Peter Katsises of this world are spread thin, with a roster of names to 'manage', unless they can assign someone to be dedicated to the needs of each artist? Not sure how it works. In any case, re-adjusting to that arrangement would surely take a little time. Let's give it a chance. Have you managed any acts or events in that line? Would you like to get involved? What would you do different? (leaving dk out of it for now, who's really been keeping the show on the road) : )
I think we know the answer to that question, goinghome: re-write Bonfire to suggest that we should all forgive and forget; re-write Notre Dame to suggest that there really was nothing to see here and that a warm hand just touched him; release a statement to say that he completely repudiates his previous support for that woman and her failed political party that shall not be named, and that he will now be backing the Socialist Workers Party, coming back home to where he has always belonged. Oh, and his next album which he will be recording soon will be called Viva Diversity.
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I think we know the answer to that question, goinghome: re-write Bonfire to suggest that we should all forgive and forget; re-write Notre Dame to suggest that there really was nothing to see here and that a warm hand just touched him; release a statement to say that he completely repudiates his previous support for that woman and her failed political party that shall not be named, and that he will now be backing the Socialist Workers Party, coming back home to where he has always belonged. Oh, and his next album which he will be recording soon will be called Viva Diversity.
Oh the things people do when the shops run out of pineapples
Even Jesse was smiling at the airport, so I don't think anyone can be very seriously at death's door, which is a relief of sorts.
What else do you think is needed, Malarkey? I suppose the Peter Katsises of this world are spread thin, with a roster of names to 'manage', unless they can assign someone to be dedicated to the needs of each artist? Not sure how it works. In any case, re-adjusting to that arrangement would surely take a little time. Let's give it a chance. Have you managed any acts or events in that line? Would you like to get involved? What would you do different? (leaving dk out of it for now, who's really been keeping the show on the road) : )

He needs someone who understands the music industry, social media & politics.

And he really needs to get rid of the people who have hijacked his name. He should talk to some good lawyers.
Mmm ... this article gave me an interesting idea.

As Seymour Glass said, we have no actual lives ... so here we go.

There is one tracking of dengue cases by the Secretariat of Health in Mexico ( They publish it on a weekly basis. The most recent one was from Sep. 6, with data until Sep. 4. Here:

As someone said before, there was really a spike in cases these past months. But, interestingly, there were NO confirmed cases in Mexico City until last week (slides 6 and 8).

I'll say it again: zero cases of dengue in Mexico City in 2023 by Sep. 4 (coincidently, the day Garbage played there).

And for the first world dwellers here: dengue is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes, which means a mosquito has to bite a contaminated person and carry the disease to the next person. If no-one is contaminated, the mosquito does not carry any disease.

But hey, maybe Morrissey kickstarted a trend there! I am looking forward for the updated report. I'm assuming he tested positive to say he caught dengue, right?
Don't post official information, Gordy boy knows better than the medical authorities in Mexico and if he says Morrissey has Dengue then it must be true.
criss people on here want to see a picture of him in a hospital bed at deaths door,would that satisfy them that it was genuine,probably not.

I wouldn't go as far as a picture in a hospital bed, but the truth would be nice.

I think that after 40 years of following the man, most of us somehow deserve that, no?
Don't post official information, Gordy boy knows better than the medical authorities in Mexico and if he says Morrissey has Dengue then it must be true.


I guess everyone's entitled to her/his own opinion, but not to her/his own facts.

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