"Low In High School" album cover posted by Linder on Instagram

Linder just posted what seems to be the cover of the new album! Nothing you wouldn't have expected from Morrissey, to be quite honest...

Image has been removed from Linder's Instagram.


Also posted in the comments by Bluebirds:

According to a FB post by James Maker which shows said cover (Follow-up posted by Famous when dead: "James Maker has since clarified the issue - HMV is the problem"):

I publish this in support of a friend, and in the cause of democracy. Trade and Retail* have informed BMG that they will refuse to handle Morrissey's new album, 'Low in High School' on the grounds that the sleeve art is "offensive". Thus, the entire campaign is in jeopardy unless Morrissey and his record company rethink the album cover. x

(* The HMV chain refuse to stock it.)

Link posted by Famous when dead:

Posted by unloveable:

Btw that is Mando Lopez son...

And by Famous when dead:

...Indeed, Max Lopez who lives in East L.A.
He was also present in Italy during recording of the album.

Posted by an anonymous person:

The photograph is by Tony Molina. The musician?

Media coverage:
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Of course im planning to buy this album still however this cover is a little too much?, i mean it looks more like a rant. Whats the main point? Releasing new music or protesting against the english monarchy? Poor BMG lol....i love Mozz, have all his music but i consider him to be a diva too....
He is a pathetic charlatan. His bluff was well and truly called over confronting the British Monarchy. He was offered a platform and bottled it. Just as he was offered a platform to confront the David Cameron and bottled it. He is a troll who scarpers when challenged. The fact he's still droning on about 'the Royal family' whilst ensconced in Switzerland to avoid UK taxation just adds to the nonsense.

After the debacle of his claims of police harassment in Rome, this pathetic album art means his forthcoming release is now already a comedy classic. Let's just hope the song lyrics are as funny.

He really still thinks there's publicity kudos to be garnered by re-hashing the Sex Pistols coup 4 decades after the event? What a tosser.

Morrissey says he turned down alternative Christmas message to rival Queen

No, Uncle Skinny always needs evidence so it's only fair to ask. I'm not sure how my post is racist but I'd like to understand better the thought process that led to his outburst.

You won't get any, evidence that is. That's how his type rolls; your typical neck-talker. Something triggers his "feels" and out comes the profanity-laden infantile outburst. It's truly pathetic, and sooo boring.

Re. the cover: It's okay. I don't hate it, but not my favorite. I do like how it's triggering some of the more obnoxious people here, and elsewhere. It takes a special kind of two-legged anus to rag on a little boy. Maybe the context of the cover will become clearer when the album is released, or not.

I can't imagine why anyone would care if a retailer won't sell it. f*** them. I imagine most people buy their albums online, be it a download or a cd/vinyl.
I love the artwork, I hate it when he appears on the album covers, he or any other artist. I hope if this has to be changed it will be with something similar, without him on it.
I hope the sleeve is a mirror for what is the album... somewhat different from whatever he has done before, but somehow something very close to everhthis he has done before.
the only person who couldn't give a shit about this is the monarchy,keep those tens of millions of pounds going into their accounts in the form of the sovereign grant,ssshhhh nobody ever mentions the sovereign grant.
Well he can't. But, in any case, this is the game. Create a media storm, get it in the news, create awareness, change cover, shift more units. It's all a game, a money-making game, and we've seen it so, so many times before.
Do you mean like this website?
why is there a full stop between the H and Y.
Morrissey is the troll and hes working the media and social media like a toy.good on him if he is.

BOYCOTT HMV !!!! :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:

couldn't stop his success with the 'one purchase per person sticker' so now they're pulling this shit.


could be any kid, my opinion, the kid's just a way of saying that... even a kid could see that the monarchy or any authority that abuses it's power is crap and should be AXED !!!

Also, judging by this cover... wonder if there will be any political songs on this album ? :rolleyes:

Like it better than 'Southpaw' and the 'Maladjusted' cover. Maybe they'll move it inside and choose another cover.

why is there a full stop between the H and Y.
Morrissey is the troll and hes working the media and social media like a toy.good on him if he is.

Good spot!
Meaning monarch and monarchy? Possibly?
It is his handwriting. :brows:
I think. :paranoid:
The one person I know who works in HMV is adamant that covers are not scrutinised 2 months prior by HMV staff nor is there a process by which artists submit their albums to judge suitability.
The one person I know who works in HMV is adamant that covers are not scrutinised 2 months prior by HMV staff nor is there a process by which artists submit their albums to judge suitability.
Oddly i was thinking to myself i wouldn't be suprised if this is just some publicity bollocks. also wouldn't be suprised if tomorrow there will be some statement by HMV saying we haven't said such a thing.
There is no difference between Morrissey and a suicide-bomb vested terrorist or a boot-ya-in-the -head Antifa coward.

His final solution is to slaughter his enemies. Is that 'democracy'?

BOYCOTT HMV !!!! :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:

couldn't stop his success with the 'one purchase per person sticker' so now they're pulling this shit.


could be any kid, my opinion, the kid's just a way of saying that... even a kid could see that the monarchy or any authority that abuses it's power is crap and should be AXED !!!

Also, judging by this cover... wonder if there will be any political songs on this album ? :rolleyes:

Like it better than 'Southpaw' and the 'Maladjusted' cover. Maybe they'll move it inside and choose another cover.

what have the monarchy done that was an abuse of their power?

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